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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » INFERNO [open]

Johnny Taipan (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Tai quickly ran up to John, the armour slung over his shoulder. "We done yet?" He asks, assuming he's set up a charge for them both.
John Goodman (played by BossMcFloss)

"Yeah we should be done." John ran to the outside of the building, moving quickly to the shadows, he began on towards the exit. There were a few guards so John threw a rock to get them to go away. He motioned for Tai "Hurry up lets go." Saying this he sprinted out and went to a hill 200 meters away from the base. He sat down and pulled out some bread and water. "Lets take a short break." He detonated the charges. "Breaks over." He put away the food and started off east of the base, to get to a safe point where he could rest.
Johnny Taipan (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Tai followed after him, keeping a moderate pace as the weight of the armour begins to take its effect on his shoulder. Through rough panting and great physical duress, he sprints after him. He felt relieved as soon as they stopped at the hill. He sighs in relief and drops the armour, letting himself slump to the ground for that quick break. He guzzles up a large portion of water and sets it aside. He flinches slightly as he heard the detonation, obviously enjoying that moment of tranquility. He picks up his armour, and follows after him, the pain on his shoulder still getting to him.
John Goodman (played by BossMcFloss)

"We need to head to a ravine to the east about 5 klicks. Stay close." John moved swiftly out and after about a distance of about 600 meters, turned, hearing Tai's loud panting and groans and what not. "Hey you alright?" (Klick=kilometor)
Johnny Taipan (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Having had enough of carrying the armour, he fits it on his chest. The armour of course, doesn't fit him, and is a little tight, but he'd much prefer wearing it than having it slung on his shoulder. "Yeah, I'm fine... I'm just getting a little too old for this." He giggled. "Don't worry about me, I can handle it."
John Goodman (played by BossMcFloss)

"I'll leave it on you to stop next time." John spun around and continued moving forward. The sound of owls and the wind was all that could be heard, that and the constant clanging and crunching of the gear and their feet. The distance seemed endless until they finnaly reached a ravine, covered by oaks and an undergrowth. They entered the ravine, one by one. John set his gear aside and unrolled his bed roll. The cold dark night would soon give way into day, so this he asked "Risk a fire? Or just wanna sleep?"
Johnny Taipan (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Noticing the cold, Tai couldn't fathom a night without proper warmth. He's been through worse in some circumstances, but a night without proper warmth in this climate would mean certain death. Luckily, he has a plan in mind. "Stay here... I'll get us some supplies." Before John could react, Tai shoots off into the wilderness.
John Goodman (played by BossMcFloss)

"Well shit." John began making a makeshift firepit. Gathering a good amount of rocks he cleared a small are and prepared it for a fire. He then withdrew his bread and some water awaiting tai's return.
Johnny Taipan (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

After at least half an hour, Tai returns. His hands are completely full with pine-needles, leaves, moss, and other debris. He drops them to his feet and takes off his body armour. "What are you doing?" He asks John. "Don't do that, you'll attract attention with the fire." He kneels and begins to bunch up the debris to make a makeshift bed. "C'mon mate, this is our best chance to keep each other warm. Start making something to lay on, here." He pushes a pile of debris in John's direction.
John Goodman (played by BossMcFloss)

John merely pointed at his bedroll. "You need a blanket bud?" He reached into his pack and tossed Tai a blanket. Along with the blanket he drew out a small drive reader and inserted one he collected. "Patrol routes." He took it out and inserted another. It would take an hour or so to decrypt so he figured hed take a watch. "I'll take watch man, get some sleep."
Johnny Taipan (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Tai had formed the debris into a makeshift mattress and pulls the blanket over him. He uses his hat as a pillow, and rests his hand on his revolver. "Cheers mate." He mutters before closing his eyes, and slowly drifting to sleep.
John Goodman (played by BossMcFloss)

John went off to the opening of the ravine and watched over the flat in they had crossed, he drifted off staring at his rifle. He examined the magazine, the barrel, and rubbed his hand over scratches. That rifle had been with him all throughout his life since his father gave it to him, after being shot in the chest twice by the APF. He joined the militiamen when he was 17, 10 years after his fathers death. Despite it being somewhat outdated, he held onto it, it had saved his ass more than he could count. He jerked up quickly when he heard a sharp 3 beeps, indicating that he could now read the drives contents.
Johnny Taipan (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Tai quickly shot from his bed and drew his revolver, obviously shocked by the sudden beeping noise. After having realized the source of the beeping, he relaxes and lowers his revolver. "Bloody hell..." He mutters under his breath.
John Goodman (played by BossMcFloss)

"Sorry about that." John began reading through deployment orders and shipping logs. "This, tells me barrly shit. Theyve gotta be looking for something specific." He put up the drive and its reader, and climbed out to continue his watch.
Johnny Taipan (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Tai twirls his revolver one last time before putting it back in his holster. "So how far is the base from here?" He asks, forgetting where they were going.
John Goodman (played by BossMcFloss)

"Ours?" John thought for a moment. "Its about 45 kilcks Northeast so get some sleep we are moving on foot for 20 klicks until we get to the evac zone." John setup a sentry drone that would stun anyone entering their ravine. He lay on the roll and passed out.
Johnny Taipan (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Tai nodded and lay back. He wasn't from here, so it should come as no surprise he's more than confused about the landscape. Perhaps, he'll get used to it, but for now, he's more a fish of water alone in this country. "Yeah, alright mate. Sweet dreams." He mutters under his breath before drifting off to sleep.
John Goodman (played by BossMcFloss)

John shook Tai around until he woke. "Up. Its 9 in the morning." John went to his own gear and grabbed a canteen and rations, and began eating. "Sleep well?" The drone had been taken down and john already packed up his stuff, besides his food of course.
Johnny Taipan (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

"Not particularly, but I've slept in worse." He jests before springing up from his bed and grabbing his supplies. He brushes off the bits of debris from the make-shift bed and puts on the tight fitting armour. As soon as he was ready, he nods to John. "Let's go mate."
John Goodman (played by BossMcFloss)

"Right." John stood up and climbed out of the ravine. "Listen up, about 2 klicka the way we hit a forest, real dense stay close. It will go up to a mountain about 7 klicks after we enter the forest. Be careful on the rocks and stay close." He began walking down the hill they had been on, onto a plain which went to a forest far off. He slung his rifle on his shoulder and began walking.

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