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Forums » Looking for RP » Eyes of Osyris: Side story (Full) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

TwentySide Topic Starter

Here, halty halty halty. We've got posts for you to read.
Lol sorry, I passed out. At least I got up early. :D
TwentySide Topic Starter

Ooooh poor Shiori. He forgot to lock the window.
TwentySide Topic Starter

Sooo I don't believe enfys needs to post again since she's already in her room. So whoever's next should be posting. Not sure if that was clear or not.
RIP Shiori
Who's turn is it even? I'm more confused since now we have an order.
I just went, so I think it's your turn?
TwentySide Topic Starter

Yeah then it's Nino. After that I'll post and we can reset the order if you guys want. Honestly, I'm fine with you breaking move order as long as you get the okay from the others. The move order is just sort of meant to keep everyone at the same pace, so no one gets way left behind while they're offline or something.
TwentySide Topic Starter

Also Lucilus will be joining us since he's back from his thing so we have another party member to be forced into the ranks.
Got it. Yay, more members!
TwentySide Topic Starter

Shen it's your turn to post. You there?
TwentySide Topic Starter

So if we can figure out some days when we're all free then we wouldn't necessarily need to use the turn order. We'd just need to make sure everyone's there to read along. Then we could use the turn order in the meantime on days when we aren't all able to check in all day. Suggestions? Thoughts?
That's a good idea. I'm free most times, though I do work a couple of days out of the week.
TwentySide Topic Starter

I hope none of you are growing attached to Varkuul. If you think he's surviving with his level of intellect, you have another thing coming.
TwentySide wrote:
I hope none of you are growing attached to Varkuul. If you think he's surviving with his level of intellect, you have another thing coming.

Oh god... TwentySide Senpai has something up their sleeve... What will happen next?!?!
TwentySide Topic Starter

I think I might make a lesser lit version of this that I'll lazily manage. Partially just 'cause I like managing RPs. Plus it's a great place to test out new stuf without screwing up the RP I actually want to keep going. lol
TwentySide wrote:
I think I might make a lesser lit version of this that I'll lazily manage. Partially just 'cause I like managing RPs. Plus it's a great place to test out new stuf without screwing up the RP I actually want to keep going. lol

XD I would try to help but honestly I don't know if I would do much ;-; I am honestly on the internet too much, and I always think I'm busy even though I'm not, I just hardcore procrastinate here and there. :P
TwentySide Topic Starter

I could have you be a mod and you could sorta lead the group for me while I work on the content. I don't really intend to play a character on this one, I was just sorta give them direction and whatnot.
TwentySide wrote:
I could have you be a mod and you could sorta lead the group for me while I work on the content. I don't really intend to play a character on this one, I was just sorta give them direction and whatnot.

Okie dokie, sounds good. Thanks.
TwentySide Topic Starter

Whim where ya at?

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Eyes of Osyris: Side story (Full) (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus