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Forums » General Roleplay » Monsters and Angels RP

Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"No....they already know that stuff.....they're trying to figure out what the rest of me is.... it's actually a good question.... So, what'd you do?"
Person (played by dave_pod)

"I." *a bit of a gasping noise from the back of his throat* "I was at the grocer, and I dropped a watermelon by mistake. the last thing I remember before awaking here was seeing the mess I had made, my mind frantically rushing about all the sorrys and the like I would need to give. I guess I ended up going Burnt... And I had been doing so well to with keeping my stress down to..." *he doesn't know if he ended up hurting anyone or not* "wait, you said the rest of you needed figured out?"
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Yes..... all I really know is that his name is Gabriel....." sighs and looks at you. "Are there other forms that can happen?"
Person (played by dave_pod)

"uh... Just Burnt or not Burnt." *gasp...* "I! I forgot to ask you your own name. Sorry..." "sorry." *sounds like he's almost ready to go Burnt again*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Calm down man... it's ok.... my name's Nathaniel. Nice to meet you."
Person (played by dave_pod)

*he starts calming again* "sorry. Nice to meet you Nathaniel and Gabriel. I, wish it was under more pleasant circumstance that we could have made our first greetings." *he's still trying to not think about being 'under arrest'*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Yeah. However....I've gotten out of here before....just couldn't get all the way out....not by myself...." looks at you "They should be coming to either change the gauze or tranquilize one of us soon...."
Person (played by dave_pod)

"oh that sounds good." *at the mention of tranquilizers, Wilson becomes totally relaxed. 'helping' other Elsens, and being helped by other Elsens to be, 'Tranquil', is relatively common for him* "its nice to know they are doing their best to keep up with first aid and rest."
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"You're funny.... They do it so they can cut us open.....if your lucky the ones walking down the hall now are coming for me....." sighs and looks at the door in a nonchalant way.
Person (played by dave_pod)

*gauuugh...* *this doesn't do well for him at all* "theywantto. doesmyinsur- whatdidI- how'd-" ~!~ "GEUUUUUH!" *there he goes. the thick tar-like substance of him being 'Burnt' erupts from around his neck, enveloping his head, and surrounding it with a more monstrous toothed shape. his face can be barely seen down the 'throat' of this 'new head'*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Grins at his success."You can't get him boys! You can't cut through that!" A woman steps inside the room and speaks with a silky smooth voice."Then we'll just have to cut you.... take him...." and she walked away as a few burly men came into the room and dragged his chair away. "Bye Wilson!"
Person (played by dave_pod)

"Generuuughuuur..." *the Burnt, even without proper memories, still relates to the formation of a mostly positive first meeting, and seems sad to see you go* *it doesn't understand why its restrained though*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"It's all good buddy...." The woman watches them drag Nathaniel out of the room. "There will be no anesthesia for you....." "I don't care lady! Cut me all you want!"
Person (played by dave_pod)

*not happy with what seems to be going on, the extended face/teeth of the Burnt look downward to try an nibble at their restraints*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Laughs all the way to the dissection table. "Do it! Cut me if you want! Hahahahaha, Gabriel says hi! He says he'll be here soon!" The woman's voice loses its softness. "Damn. Put him under! Now!" A man steps forward and injects him with something.
Person (played by dave_pod)

"GNERRRRUUUUGH-gRRRRRRR!" *is biting at his restraints now, trying to get free. the Burnt is spreading further along his body under this stress, creating claws on his hands*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Falls unconscious as the alarms start to go off and your room is put under lockdown. The woman pulls out a scalpel. "Go see what's happening....I'll open him up...." Her face splits into a wide grin as the others leave the room and she steps closer.
Person (played by dave_pod)

*anyone coming over to see whats happening would be greeted with the sight of the Burnt elsen still trying to bite its restraints off its arms* *only a careless guard would let themselves get within grabbing range of the long, inhuman claws that can reach out from the restrained wrists/arms* "GNEHURRRRRR! GNERRRRRRRUUUH!"
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

They hit a button on the wall that encases the entire room in cement and steel. The woman cuts away the gauze to reveal a nor al looking person but doesn't see the monstrous shadow standing behind her.
Person (played by dave_pod)

*simple struggling going on for Wilson the Burnt Elsen, unaware of much else going on*

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