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Forums » General Roleplay » The Geek's Crush [1x1]

Acetin Weight (played by PeacockMan) Topic Starter

"Yeah, but it was a tie nonetheless! I never got to tell you, GG!" He said, slightly awed that he was so unobservant.
Diana le fae (played anonymously)

"I totally pulled a a Clark Kent on you...HA!" She laughs
Acetin Weight (played by PeacockMan) Topic Starter

"you got me and my team good!" He said. He called over chase, and told diana to explain to him what just happened.
Diana le fae (played anonymously) long story later....
"And then the game glitched and you know the rest"
Acetin Weight (played by PeacockMan) Topic Starter

Chase stared at her in disbelief, pointed at her, and said "no". He then proceeded to walk away and put his head on his desk as he realized he got destroyed by acetin's 'girlfriend'. "I'm impressed with your skills" said acetin. "Looks like there isn't just one thing your hiding from the people at school. What other amazing mysterious things do you have hidden inside?" He asked with a chuckle.
Diana le fae (played anonymously)

"And by that you mean?" She asks with a pointed glare and a raised eyebrow
Acetin Weight (played by PeacockMan) Topic Starter

"I'm just saying, your pretty good at keeping secrets!" He said chuckling. He was laughing way too much, but that was just him. He laughed at every little thing.
Diana le fae (played anonymously)

"And your not so good at hiding your horrible street fighter skills" she says with a ton of sass as well as a head bob and a finger snap for good measurement.
Acetin Weight (played by PeacockMan) Topic Starter

"ok, I will give you that. I am pretty trash at fighting games!" He said, laughing at his hilariously bad experiences. "Have you ever seen me play FIFA though? I was literally beaten by a 4year old!" He said with yet ANOTHER chuckle.
Diana le fae (played anonymously)

"Figures" she mutters with a chuckle "hey....have you two ever wanted to be part of the popular people's club ?" She asks with a mischievous smile
Acetin Weight (played by PeacockMan) Topic Starter

"no, I like my little group I have goin' on here" said acetin "YES!" Said chase enthusiastically. "Well, if chase is going, I guess I'll follow behind him..." said acetin apprehensively.
Diana le fae (played anonymously)

"Of course by that I mean all your friends included"
Acetin Weight (played by PeacockMan) Topic Starter

"oh, ok..." said acetin. He felt like it wasn't a good idea, but if everyone was gonna be there helping him out, and him helping them, then he assumed it was alright. "How do we do it? Is there like a secret?" Asked chase, very enthusiastically.
Diana le fae (played anonymously)

"Nope you just gotta get invited by a popular....aka one of our karioki don't even have to show up " ( I clearly spelled that wrong lol)
Acetin Weight (played by PeacockMan) Topic Starter

"that is really easy!" Said chase. Acetin butted in with, "so when/where are you gonna invite us? This needs to be public so people don't think we're just crashing the party, right?"
Diana le fae (played anonymously)

" eight...word will get out"
Acetin Weight (played by PeacockMan) Topic Starter

The bell suddenly rings. "Alrighty, well be there!" Acetin said as he walked away with Chase. He pulled out his phone and told Logan, Weston, and these to meet him outside the school after school ended. Once they were there, he said "so, diana..." before chase jumped in and explained everything. They all looked pretty excited, but acetin was still slightly nervous. He wasn't sure what kind of person the 'popular' kids were, and decided to do a little research of his own. As his friends walked away, acetin stopped one of Diana's friends and asked. "How did you become popular?" He tried to make it seem as though he was part of the school newscast and was interviewing for one of the lame videos they showed every month.
Diana le fae (played anonymously)

"Well first you talk to a popular...then you befriend the popular....then you party with the popular....then you...kiss a popular"
Acetin Weight (played by PeacockMan) Topic Starter

Acetin's heart began pounding a little when he heard the last one. He said "thank you." And walked away, dropping the façade completely. 'is diana planning to kiss me? And what are the rest of my team gonna do? Should I care?' he thought to himself. He was torn between being excited to go to the next step with Diana, and his friends possibly being left out. 'i have until Sunday to think about this' he said to himself calmly. 'what does she have to screw with my emotions?' he thought to himself as he walked home.
Diana le fae (played anonymously)

As you walked you heard a group of giggling girls and a firmiliar voice state "and that's what I plan to do tonight"

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