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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » SuperWar rp

[OOCHere's the set up and first post! Feel free to add yours whenever you want]

The government has been rounding up those with supernatural abilities for days. They've been using them in a major war, forcing them to fight like weapons. Your character happens to get caught and forced into this battle. Your main partner though... you're not really sure what to think of him. He seems way to into this war, and way too ready to kill to make you comfortable.

Damien Sangre
Violet Wells

The camp was set up with small tents. Right now, the weather was cool, making it a lot easier to wear the thicker clothes provided by the government. This sector was filled with newly hired or captured Supers. While it had seemed like a reasonable thing to some, voting that all those with superpowers HAD to fight in the army was a harsh census. Many joined willingly, not wanting to put up a fight against the inevitable. Others fought until they were finally forced into camps like this. Higher ups giving them bands around their wrists or nexts to make sure they.... well, to make sure they showed good teamwork. Either way, there was no option than to toss on the uniform and fight for their country.

But speaking of the uniform, Damien really didn't like it. The heavy pants were something Damien wasn't found of, they weren't anything like his usual pants. And the open sleeved shirts they made them wear around camp made him highly uncomfortable. Nope, not a fan of showing his lanky, scarred arms off to the entire world. That's why he wore a sweater over it. He'd gotten into a few verbal fights over it, but none the less, the commander here eventually gave up, allowing Damien to wear the damn hoodie around camp.

Also, on the point of how everyone got here, Damien chose to join without a fight. But they still latched a collar around his thin throat. Obviously they didn't trust him, but that was fair. Before coming to the army, Damien was a well known criminal. He was one of the guys who got this law passed, anyways. So when he surrendered, they collared and shipped him off as soon as possible. Now Damien was waiting because he heard he might get a new partner today. The thought was fairly, exciting.
Oop: Sorry it took so long to post man :'D

Soon, a truck of new recruits arrived. They all got off the truck, with Violet getting off last. She angrily tugged at the band around her wrist. She'd hoped the it would be merged into her body like most clothes the instant she first used her powers. She might be able to just bail then.

It wasn't long before everyone was called out to the court yard and assigned to their partners. "Violet Wells, you are assigned to Damien Sangre." Spoke the general. "I assume you're already familiar with Mr. Sangre. I hope you two will be able to get along with each other." The General said as he sent Violet over to Damien.
Damien Sangre (played by FriendZoneFever) Topic Starter

Damien looked around at all the new people and when he was paired off he looked around. When he finally saw Violet, he gave a short wave. "Hey hey! It's nice to meet ya Violet." He said with a slight nod. Damien's posture was not... very good. He was hunched over, making him look less tall then he really was. Almost 7 feet tall when he stood up straight. One of the resist collars was wrapped around Damien's thin neck, making it hard to hide, even with the giant sweater the man wore.

"You excited to get started? " Damien asked as he leaned in on his toes a bit. "I wonder what they'll make us do first?"
Damien Sangre (played by FriendZoneFever) Topic Starter

(That's okay! Don't worry about it!)
"No I'm not excited to get started." Violet grumbled. "I haven't done anything wrong and they're forcing me to fight in this stupid war just because I was born with powers." Violet growled. "Why not send out the normal people instead? So many of them you don't need us and this stupid war'd be over before anyone knew it." Violet said.
Damien Sangre (played by FriendZoneFever) Topic Starter

Damien laughed and rubbed the collar on his neck. He let out a chuckle before crossing his arms. "Well, we know why they're sending us into the war. Or at least, I do." He said as he patted his own chest. "Besides, with all of this fighting, I finally have a good way to get ride of any internalized anger." He chuckled as he stretched out his arms. Letting his joints crack with loud pops.
A man freshly caught was being prodded and poked with electrical barons from 10 different directions, 5 different guards. Pushing him through the crowd, seeing a rather tall dirty blonde headed man by the wayside, the new captive feint tripping in his direction. Grabbing at an open wrist, the man held on a disturbingly long time before being forced to release by simultaneous taser-esque shocks. Giving him a few heavy shoves to the back, they forced him to the rear of the camp for an all too casual "reindoctrination"..
"Oh, lucky you." Violet said. Violet heard the commotion and glanced over at where she heard it and glared. "Ugh. Great. We don't eve net treated as people here now do we?" She asked. She wanted to go over and smack the guards attacking the poor man around, though she wasn't sure whether the wrist band would absorb into her when she shapeshifted or not. And even then, if she were to take her far ore durable beast form, which more than likely could take what ever the wrist band could do assuming it didn't absorb into her beast mode like her clothes, letting that thing loose on a crowd would be a very poor idea.
Lights and the thunderous sound of high voltage zaps coming from within the building, the surge of electricity momentarily darkened the camp. The man hurriedly being brought out not even 10 good minutes had passed, but he was heavily beaten to a pulp... swollen and lacerated... with the camp's trademark collar securely wrapped around his neck. Tossed out in front of the crowd, he was meant to be a n example for any who thought off getting out of line. The man slowly tried to gather himself...
Seychelle Jenner (played anonymously)

Katlina watched, her eyes dark with anger as the man gathered himself. He was beaten and bloody, clearly an example of their captors brutality. As a few soldiers pressed in to take hold of the man before he could rise to his full height she stepped forward and glared at them, lifting her chin slightly. Her stormy grey eyes flashed and they quailed before her, despite the ring around her own arm. Her arm ring, unlike some, had intricate silver workings etched into the iron - indicating she was of some rank, though a slave nonetheless. Clearly the guards feared her, or at least, her power.

Once the soldiers backed away far enough she slipped lithely forward and bent down to help the man up. She didn't speak, but the concern in her eyes was question enough.
Grateful for the woman's help Roemello got to his feet hobbling off with her in any direction, just away from here. He would not forget the dishonor he felt this day...
Seychelle Jenner (played anonymously)

Katlina offered a shallow sad smile as she helped the batteredan to the shade of a tree and settled him down. She knew she wouldn't have long before she was called away, put to work. Amd when that happened she couldn't gelp this man anymore. She hoped he'd be able to gather his wits and energy quickly. One had to here, to survive. She crouched next to... whoever he was, and watched him, slight curiosity glinting in her eyes. Even though she hadseen countless people die since being here, even though it hardly mattered to get to know anyone, and maybe wasnt a good idea, she was always curious. They wouldn't take that away from her.
Sights barely visible through his bloodied vision. The man reached up for the mechanism surrounding his neck. "Remove the col...," His voice being drowned out by a loud whistle, he didn't even try to compete as he slumped back on against the giant oak. A small battalion walking the camp grounds, Roemello felt every step through the earth. His first actual time in this camp he assumed it time for another round of merciless exploitatio on the battlefield.
Seychelle Jenner (played anonymously)

Katlina gave a small sad shake of her head as she saw the man's hands at his collar. She looked as if she wanted to speak but then fear crept into her eyes and she swallowed whatever words would have come forth. Pain.. she didn't want it to come again yet. Instead she softly touched man's hand, her hues holding an apologetic look. As always, she wanted to free to everyone, including herself.

Glancing toward the battalion that marched nearby, making the noise that drowned most else, she rose to her feet. Looking down at the man again she used the toe of her black boots to wrote a word in the dirt, "Katlina". Then, she looked expectantly at him.
Dropping a hand from his tattered pants, scribbling in the sand a few droplets of blood split in his writing "". Exhausted he dropped his hand as the battalion stopped just feet from his and the woman's position. The man in front overlooking the crowd of slaves. His eye lowered steady and held a sadistic gaze at the man propped against the oak. Motioning a pair of underlings in his direction for retrieval.
Seychelle Jenner (played anonymously)

Katlina sighed inwardly, her gaze leaving the man who's name was something like.. Roeme? She'd think of his as Roem for now. A few soldiers were walking towards them, their eyes going hard when they saw Katlina standing beside the beaten Roem. She lifted her chin defiantly. Once they neared her, one of them pointed at Roem and spoke "He is none of your concern. Don't meddle, it will only get your in trouble with the captain." Katlina shivered at the mention of the captain, but kept her eyes unconcerned. She didn't move, though, as a soldier moved foward to take Roem's arm, most likely to lead him back to wherever they planned on using him.

That's what these people did. Use those with power to further their own war. This war wasn't hers. She hated war. She hated the pain her power brought. But.. it was HER power. This was HER life. She felt her anger grow, sparking something in her. If she couldn't protect one single person, what was the point of anything? Dang the consequences,

"No one will touch this man unless I say so." She spoke, her first words since meeting Roem soft and clear, spoken with purpose. While she hadn't yet figured out how notto use her power, she knew the feeling of when it worked. Aweful pain. Her stomach wrenched and she fell to her knees, eyes blurring with the tears of pain. It hadn't been a big use of her power, but her throat still felt scratchy. Meanwhile, the soldier's arm dropped back to his side as if jerked there. His own eyes widened when he found he could make no move to touch the man beside her now. She struggled to her feet, but was too weak for the moment. Glancing at Roem she offered a small smile, even the man overseeing the others joined the two soldiers and glared down at her.

"The captain will want to see you now.." The officer spoke, malice in his eyes. He had seen what she'd done. Katlina was too weak to resist, and she knew it was fruitless anyway. The captain could see her whenever he wished.. She let them pull her away, her eyes watching Roem as they moved off. No one could touch him while she lived and had her will. A part of her hoped she'd see him again soon.
The man pushing off the tree his near grievous wounds wouldn't allow his to formulate even a single step. Falling immediately he face planted with not even the strength to buffer the fall with his arms. Looking up from the dirt through swollen vision the reached out a single arm. Grabbing the commanding officers pressed hems, he couldn't even speak but he would not leave this kind hearted complete stranger to face odds alone. Struggling to look up past the mans knee area, before he could raise higher he heard the unmistakable sound of a "hawking" and then a wet sensation on his cheek, before a swift pain over took his ribs flipping over a 180 degree angle to his back. Unable to even clutch at his sides he heard an unworried "take him too", before a synchronized tugging on both arms. Through the pain, through it all. He got his wishes.
Seychelle Jenner (played anonymously)

Katlina looked over her shoulder as she was 'helped' along by the soldiers toward a big crimson tent. Roem was being brought along. She blinked. She knew her power had worked.. so why were they able to touch him? . .. had he 'wanted' to come? She couldn't understand why.. he should stay as far away from the captain as possible. Too late now.

As soon as she was pushed through the crimson tent flaps, she felt her powers dampen and leave her and with it the pain... She hardly noticed the pains absence, however as the now familiar crippling fear clawed through her, leaving her helpless before the ice cold blue eyes of the man who now stood over her. She had fallen to her knees, Roem forgotten, though he almost certainly had felt his own powers rendered useless as well... if he even had any.

A chilly laugh cut through the fearful fog that she struggled through, trying to think, to stand and face this man, the Captain. Normal fear, she was no stranger to, it did not immobilize her, she could conquer it. But this man, she had long ago figured out that he rendered power useless to everyone, because his aura of fear was so powerful. That is the only reason he was not yet dead. She would kill him herself one day, when she figured out how to battle this unnatural fear.

She quavered, her body shaking as the Captain lifted her chin, forcing her stormy grey eyes to meet his icy ones. She hated him. He smiled down, clearly happy with her helplessness. "You are, as always, stunningly beautiful my dear.." his oily voice made her skin crawl, and she flinched when he ran a finger along her arm.

Then he seemed to notice the other soldiers holding Roem, standing behind them. "The girl, she tried to defend him s..sir." Raising an eyebrow the Captain looked down again at Katlina. "Who is HE to you? You know it displeases me when you interfere with my army. You are mine, as are they. Your powers will be used as I see fit.. "
The Captain looked back at Roem, "what a waste of power.." he muttered, "you chose pain, for him?" Suddenly he turned and backhanded Katlina across the face, causing blood to run from her nose. She said nothing, unable to speak from the pressure of fear he was blanketing her with.

"You are to use your power ONLY for me. Is. That. Clear?" His voice was dangerously soft. He expected an answer, apparently, for he lifted just enough fear for her to be able to speak. She swallowed first, glaring defiantly. "So you have said." She replied, voice betraying her with a quaver. He slapped her again. She blinked back hot tears. Do. Not. Cry. She couldn't. Not here. He lifted her chin again and just waited, obviously wanting a different answer. She gave it. "Yes.." it was a mere whisper but seemed to satisfy him for he released her from his gaze, succumbing her to paralizing fear once again, leaving her on her knees where she had been pushed at the beginning.

Then, the captain turned to fix his icy eyes on Roem. [Sorry for the long post xD]
Seychelle Jenner (played anonymously)

(I hope I didn't scare you away XD)
Having made his way to a kneed position, Roeme looked up at the man bidding his time. "And what of this one...what are his abilities?" The piercing blue eye man casually asked his closest scribe.

"Well sir... we haven't really been able to determine that, nor has he shown any but when we captured him he was trying to sabotage our latest shipment of "recruits" and we think he has had his hand in at least a half of dozen others." The obviously researched scribe finished.

"Well Mr...err Uhh.." looking back to the scribe.

"We haven't actually found that out either. He's been giving everyone the silent treatment since we got here. But upon "decontamination", we happened across a tattoo covered by his dreaded mane on his upper back. The dialect is, we believe ancient Egyptian, a lost text. But from what we can make out it seems to be just dates."

The man growing tired of his scribes seemingly endless rambles he lowered his gaze on Roeme. Feeling his body immediately feel unnaturally heavy he wondered what this sensation was. Still in his feelings over the way Katlina was treated Roeme summoned his grit. Raising from the ground under the monstrous weight, he got off 3 steps before the Captain had to physically exert his power through his hand gestures. Slamming into the ground with a mighty thud, a crater formed in his wake. "This one is feisty, he will make good for entertainment in our games. Get him ready for the next rounds. He shall catch a pretty price in the black market..."


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