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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » New High School! (open)

Sacha (played anonymously)

Sacha had to admit he was a bit disappointed that there were no puppies. He looked at the hoodie, then at the girl and her wings, then back at the hoodie. He certainly hadn't expected wings, considering he was the only visibly non-human thing he'd seen so far at the school. Forgetting to drop the hoodie, he darted off down the hallway with it.
Phoenixheart Hiro (played by Gab)

"H-hey! My hoodie!" Phoenixheart shouted as she saw the boy dart down the hallway with it. Without thinking, she ran after the boy in order to get the hoodie back. As she ran, a few students who were still milling about stopped and stared at her and her wings. She paid no attention to them and continued running after the hoodie thief.
Sacha (played anonymously)

Sacha pivoted around a corner, nearly taking out a small group of students who shouted after him in annoyance. He knew it would be silly to try and outrun her; he'd run out of places to run far too quickly. He turned and jumped on top of the row of lockers on the side of the hallway, tossing his binder and the hoodie up and getting his arms on the ledge before clambering the rest of the way up. He held the hoodie up by the hood and took a pair of scissors out of his binder and held them up to the "neck" of the hoodie threateningly, blades open. It appeared that this was a hostage situation now.
Phoenixheart Hiro (played by Gab)

Phoenixheart continued to chase after the boy but stopped when she saw him jump up on the row of lockers, take out a pair of scissors and hold them up to the hoodie threateningly. "Ack! Please don't cut the hoodie!" she pleaded with the boy.
Sacha (played anonymously)

Sacha paused when he heard the bell for the start of class ring. The halls were empty now, except for the small group of students that had stayed to watch the spectacle and, of course, himself and the winged girl. He moved slowly, set the scissors down and reached up to the hoodie again, then pulled the pull string out of the hood. He set the string by the scissors and checked the pockets for anything.
Phoenixheart Hiro (played by Gab)

"Hey! What are you doing?! There's not anything in there!" Phoenixheart yelled with an annoyed tone at the boy. She didn't want the boy to cause any damage to the hoodie and end up putting any holes besides the two barely noticeable slots in the back for her to put her wings through if she wanted. All she wanted was to get her hoodie back and get to class. She was already late as it is, and this wasn't helping her case at all.
Sacha (played anonymously)

The yelling had caught the attention of a nearby teacher, who exited her room to echo the winged girl's question. The jig was up, and Sacha needed a way out. Tucking his binder under one arm, he threw the hoodie, string, and luckily closed scissors at the teacher, distracting her for long enough to leap off the lockers and disappear into the history room around the corner. Sacha slowed to a walk and entered the classroom as quietly as he could, finding an empty desk and sitting down. The teacher in the hall handed Phoenixheart the two parts to her hoodie before asking her if she was okay.
Phoenixheart Hiro (played by Gab)

Phoenixheart nodded silently in response to the teacher's question. She put the string back in the hoodie and put the hoodie back on. Knowing that there wasn't really a huge point in trying to hide her wings anymore, she slid her wings through the slots in the back of the hoodie and rushed off to her class before she was too late. She entered the classroom, hoping that nobody would notice her tardiness and sat down at an empty desk.
Chihiro Tenji (played by ChaiT)

Meanwhile, in history class, Chihiro was comically slumped over on his chair. He usually enjoyed this subject, but their current teacher apparently had a habit of just droning on and on regardless of whether anyone was actually listening (which they weren't, he decided, after taking one glance around the room). Chihiro snapped back into reality after Sacha snuck into the room followed by the girl he saw earlier. He saw the pair of wings that extended from the two slots in her sweater, and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. His own wings felt cramped against the back of his seat, maybe he'd take off his jacket and stretch a bit after this class.
Sacha (played anonymously)

Sacha managed to sit relatively still for a short while, although he really couldn't handle the madness of doing nothing when he could clearly be doing at least something, especially with that teacher droning on and on like his students actually cared about his weird personal stories. He managed to wait until the teacher began handing out his Unit 1: The Age of Sacha Didn't Care packets before digging a peanut butter M&M out of the bottom of his jacket pocket, winding back his arm, and chucking it at the winged girl.
Phoenixheart Hiro (played by Gab)

Phoenixheart struggled to pay attention without falling asleep. She honestly didn't get enough sleep last night, hence why she had missed the first class, and chasing after the boy didn't help her drowsiness. She was about to start drifting off when a peanut butter M&M hit her. Confused, she looked around for the person who threw it and saw none other than the boy who had stolen her hoodie. She rolled her red and green eyes, obviously annoyed, got a piece of paper out and scrawled on it So, we meet again hoodie thief. She then made sure the teacher wasn't looking before flicking the piece of paper at the boy.
Adriana Cade (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Adriana after not realizing how much time had passed quickly threw her newly bought can of coca cola into her backpack and ran down the hallway in a hurry to arrive to class before she was to, too late. She threw open the history room door and just stood their catching her breathe like a fish out of water. Embarrased after realizing her large enterance she lowered her head and closed the door cautiously she walked swiftly to an empty desk near the back with her head down. Looking up once seated uncomftorably, she realized that she hadn't seen ace since last class and grew very curious.
Sacha (played anonymously)

Sacha looked at the piece of paper that had landed on his desk, caught by the mess that was his binder full of music. He opened it to find a rather cagey greeting. Was this how he was fated to meet everyone in this school? He was interrupted in thinking how to respond when Adriana suddenly burst into the room. This must've been quite the day for everyone; at least teachers were more lenient about tardiness at the beginning of the school year.

He looked back down at the paper. He couldn't just respond like he did to Chihiro, he felt like that would be boring, and she hadn't offered him a drawing, either. 'That's not my name.' he wrote, got up, and handed it back to the winged girl just as the teacher finished handing out papers.
Phoenixheart Hiro (played by Gab)

Phoenixheart was starting to drift off yet again when the door slammed open, making her jump in surprise. She looked up to see a girl standing there catching her breath, then walk towards an empty desk and sit down. After the teacher was done handing out papers, Phoenixheart saw the boy from earlier approach her and hand the piece of paper that she had flicked at him back to her. She stifled a small giggle at what was written on the paper. She then wrote 'I know that, care to tell me what it is?' She then made sure the teacher wasn't watching before quickly flicking the paper back to the boy.
Chihiro Tenji (played by ChaiT)

Chihiro saw Adriana sit down in a seat two away from his. A bit worried, he wrote 'hey, are you feeling alright?' on a piece of paper and told the kid beside him to pass it to her. She probably wouldn't appreciate being pelted with paper balls like Sacha.
Sacha (played anonymously)

This time, Sacha laid his arm across the top of his desk to catch the incoming piece of paper. Why was she suddenly wanting to know all these friendly things about him? It smelled fishy, and Sacha suspected it was just a subversive ploy to get his personal information so she could report him to the office for threatening her hoodie earlier... Either that, or she just didn't want to make enemies. He couldn't really tell. Rather than write on the paper again, Sacha held up one of his hands and slowly signed out the letters to his name, raising his eyebrows as if that would make him more easily understood. He certainly didn't feel comfortable talking to her yet, let alone in a room full of people.
Phoenixheart Hiro (played by Gab)

Phoenixheart tilted a head a bit in confusion at first when she saw the boy hold up one of his hands. She then realized after a bit that he was signing his name to her. She had read a book on sign language the night before, so with some difficulty, she was able to understand what he had signed to her. She got another piece of paper and wrote 'So, your name's Sacha, huh? Interesting... I read a book on sign language the other night, so I could understand what you were signing, haha... anyways, you seem interesting and since I had to kinda guess your name, now you get to guess mine! she then quickly doodled a picture of a phoenix, a plus sign, and a cartoon heart. With that, she quickly glanced to make sure the teacher wasn't looking before flicking the new piece of paper at Sacha.
Sacha (played anonymously)

Sacha unfolded the paper to find not one, but two pictures. A rebus? Evidently, this was supposed to be the winged girl's name. There was a phoenix and a heart... Phoenixheart? That wasn't too hard, and it did explain her bright orange wings. He wrote it under the pictures and held the paper up for her to see, hoping for affirmation.
Phoenixheart Hiro (played by Gab)

After a few moments, Phoenixheart saw Sacha hold up the piece of paper that she had flicked at him. She read what he had written and nodded in confirmation that his guess was correct, a small, shy smile on her face. She wasn't really used to actually having a conversation with others and she was unsure of what Sacha thought about her, so she was a bit uneasy, but nevertheless excited at the chance that she may be able to make a friend. She had been pretty much alone her whole life with nothing but the animals in the forest where she lived as company, so the chance at having someone to talk to was a bit of a thrill to her.
Sacha (played anonymously)

Sacha set the paper back down, moving it to the side so he could open up his binder and tuck it in the pocket next to the drawings of the manatee and crazed surgeon he'd gotten from Chihiro. He drew a mustache on the surgeon before closing the binder and turning his attention back to Phoenixheart. She'd said she read a book, but from experience Sacha knew that usually just meant the alphabet, not that that was a bad thing; Sacha was just a finicky creature. He pointed at her and made a short set of small gestures, asking her in "whispered" sign if she really knew sign language.

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