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Forums » Forum Games » Grant a Wish, But...

The Atec fitness Gods have become real, but you will become extremely fat and they will use you as a sacrifice.

Granted, but... errrrr... hrm... th- this is awkward... Welp.

I wish wasn't so thicc.
Okayyyy, but now you lose 1 pound every day until you weigh nothing.

I wish my decisions didn't turn out so bad. (Can't wait to see how this gets twisted)
(ahhh sorry i forgot to make a wish XD)

Granted, but now all your good decisions only help you and everyone else affected by them gets hurt.

I wish for infinite wishes (lol so cliche)
Granted, but you can't use any of them.

I wish for a succesful business

Granted, but you can't spend any of the money you make

I wish to be immortal
Granted, but now you can only float through space.

I wish that the sun would just blow up already

Granted, but now it is always night

I wish pokemon really did exist
Granted, but you may not interact with any Pokémon.

I wish I didn't have to go to school tomorrow!

Granted but you have school first the rest of ur life

I wish I could be famous
Granted, but you're famous for being a heinous criminal and the most disliked person in human history.

I wish the world was perfect, with no pain, suffering,or misfortune found anywhere for all of humanity.

Granted but there is pain for every animal in the world

I wish that I wasn't bullied

Granted, but now your blood will be pumped with a chemical that will make you so angry you bully everyone else so they're too scared to touch you

I wish people wouldnt be so closed minded sometimes..
Wish granted instead of their minds being closed it's literally their brains are exposed they're suffering because of you.....

I want to meet my favorite Musician but he's dead :(
Granted, but in order to meet him, you have to die in a horrible explosion.

I wish that everyone on this website was real.
Granted but you have to shoot them all in the head one by one have fun killing peeps for the rest of your life!

I wish I could kill people when thinking of them
Granted. Whenever you think of someone, they will die. Oh? You wanted it to be selective? So sorry.

I wish the cartoons I enjoyed as a child where still good today.
Granted but now they look like horror movies

Since there's no wish above I can grant, I'll wish for something.

I wish I could play Breath Of the Wild.
Granted! But it's a stripped down iPhone port that crashes and loses your save every 45 minutes.

I wish the next player would twist this wish.

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