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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » One Bar, One Encounter ((CLOSED))

Yalin Haii (played by EmmaRoleplays) Topic Starter

"Oooooh, meat! Now that's what I call a breakfast," She smiled.

Sitting down she looked over her food. She wondered if she should tell Able of her dream. It was strange. The faces were blocked out, but she knew two of the many people around her. She just couldn't put her finger on who they were,

"Sooo, where did you learn to make this?" She asked taking a bite. Wow, this was good.
Able Martin (played by Inmento)

Able almost didn't hear her question, the dream still repeating in his head. "Before my mother became obsessed with her eternal life and wanting to become all powerful, she taught me how to cook. I did my best to learn," he responded before taking a few bites.

"I had an odd dream, may I tell you about it?" He asked, his eyes darting around the room and doing a quick perimeter check.
Yalin Haii (played by EmmaRoleplays) Topic Starter

She paused, her food at the opening of her mouth. This couldn't be...

"Speak. I'm interested."

Something was going on. The last time she had a strange dream was when everything fell apart in her childhood.
Able Martin (played by Inmento)

"We were being followed by a man from the bar. He tried to break in but was sent away. He finds us again, here, and he's about to kill you when someone stabs him in the back. Then the dream changed, we found the jewel you were looking for and another dragon appeared, she was someone you knew and before I or you could defend my reasoning I was killed by that person,"
Yalin Haii (played by EmmaRoleplays) Topic Starter

"What?"She asked, thoroughly confused.

So many thoughts went through her mind. A man from the bar? Did he mean that person in the back staring at them? He followed them?

"Wait, you said someone I know....kills you? What did she look like? The other Dragonshifter?"

Only one female Dragonshifter knew of her journey. It can't be her. Why would it be her? She never minded humans that much.
Able Martin (played by Inmento)

"Don't know. I couldn't hear anything. Besides, it's a dream. My dreams never come to life. I'm not an oracle," he tried to ease her.

"Did you have any odd dreams?" He asked curiously.

He knew this house well enough to know it could affect strangers oddly. Last time he brought someone here, it hid their clothes for a week. That was the most awkward time for Able.
Yalin Haii (played by EmmaRoleplays) Topic Starter

"Yes, I did actually. There were many people, some I knew. Their faces were blurred and I felt.....tired. Tired of something. I woke up and everything faded away."

She didn't want to tell him the worse part. The part where she heard their voices, all blending together. All telling her horrible things about herself, about them. It scared her. She didn't know why, but it did.

Taking the last bite of her food, she pointed at him, "Are you ready to go? I am!"
Able Martin (played by Inmento)

Able nodded softly, taking the plates and cutlery and chucking them into the fire place. Wooden everything made life so much easier sometimes.

"Yes, but I need you to know. No matter what happens, I will always consider you a friend," he then walked to a nearby table and grabbed his journal, opening to a page marked "friends" and then handed her the Quill and the ink bottle. "Would you be so kind as to write your name down? I don't want to forget you if I have to live another lifetime and forget everything," he responded in a cute but high pitched tone.
Jack needed to find the couple. He didn't know why, but he did. He formed the image of the outskirts of that town. He could've gotten into the town, but humans don't take to kindly to portals opening in the middle of town. He drew energy to himself, and a circular, glowing portal opened before him. He stepped through the gateway, and he was transported there. Now all he needed to do was find the couple, and not freak them out
Yalin Haii (played by EmmaRoleplays) Topic Starter

Smiling genuinely, she nodded. In her handwriting she curved her name in a bold ink. Yalin Haii.

"Here", she handed him the journal, "Hopefully you don't die when I am alive.

Standing up, she went to get her things in the bedroom. When she was fully equipped, she looked into a mirror, watching her body breathe slowly. Looking down at her hood, she decided to leave it. As long as she had Able with her, she would not be scared of hiding herself.
Able Martin (played by Inmento)

Able placed the journal back on the table. It was also enchanted, if it was to be lost or get destroyed, when he reset he'd be with it and all new information would be saved.

Able didn't have anything on him, no sword, no armor, not even a satchel. All he had was his ox water bottle.

"Let's go," He spoke before opening the door.

He would find a sword on the way, he preferred to find things from dead warriors and honour them by using their weapon, than using his own weapon. Also if he lost a weapon, he didn't lose his.

"Check the trap door, there's a bracelet made of gold. I want you to have it. It'll keep you safe,"
Yalin Haii (played by EmmaRoleplays) Topic Starter

Nodding, she grabbed the bracelet. The gold was pretty. Putting it on her left wrist she walked out the door with him.

"No weapons. Well, I guess I have to be the knight in shining armor," Yalin teased Able, shoulder-bumping him.

The sun was hot today. It made her fan herself as they started leaving the town. She couldn't wait until they were under the trees.
Able Martin (played by Inmento)

Able grinned and kept walking. "Never use your own weapon. If stollen you might do something stupid to retrieve it. Whereas if you scavenge a weapon you may be giving a deadwarrior some honour by using his or her sword," he responded honestly.

"Lead the way oh princess in shining armor," he teased.
Jack was wandering around aimlessly trying to find the couple. He was finally able to put a pinpoint on them. He could feel the magic on some possession by the couple. The energy of the draconic woman was easier to read now that he had this strange stone. Once he could determine where it was, he sprinted to them. He was waiting for them, which definitely looked creepy, but hopefully they wouldn't attack right away
Yalin Haii (played by EmmaRoleplays) Topic Starter

Yalin curtsied funnily before leading the way out of the town. Breathing in deeply, she felt the heat of the sun. She knew what it meant. Her sister was watching over her.

"Oh, Kaya. You really do worry about me," she whispered, smiling.

As they neared the edge of the forest, she felt some sort of strange feeling. It was like there was something dark up ahead. It reminded her of her dream.
Able Martin (played by Inmento)

Able had found a body with a sword still in hand when they stopped outside the egde of the forest. He knelt down and before grabbing the sword he would begin to speak.

"Oh noble warrior. May your ascension to the afterlife be filled with fun trails and everlasting happiness as you get to see what others cannot. I will honour your name by taking up your weapon and slaying all those who oppose my goal," he then grabbed the sword and stood up.

"I have a bad feeling about this, but I say we continue. If worse comes to worse, I can make us a shelter. Besides, the forest is a safe place. If we are being followed, none shall dare go through the forest. "
Yalin Haii (played by EmmaRoleplays) Topic Starter

"Yes, and I have a few tricks up my sleeves. Remember, I'm a dragon," She bared her teeth in a fake snarl, laughing afterwards.

She knew something was happening up ahead, and she just couldn't wait for it.
Able Martin (played by Inmento)

"Cute. " He teased her.

"I've been through the forest many times. Are you prepared for the trek? We can always go around, but it would take us longer,"

Able knew the forest well, he used to live in it as a man without a home until he saved a nobleman who set him up with his home and enough gold to buy food. After that he was on his own.
Jack sat there waiting for them to arrive. He could sense unease, and he really didn't want to start a fight. Jack was very good in combat, but the man had been unpredictable, and the woman was a dragon. Even if he would win, it'd be a shame to kill people with such potential.
Yalin Haii (played by EmmaRoleplays) Topic Starter

"I'll be fine. I had already walked through a forest for 8 hours before I came across this town. You don't have to be so concerned," she waved him off.

They were right at the forest line.

"Are you ready? Because I am!" She heaved stepping through in a confident stride.

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