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Forums » General Roleplay » Highschool rp

Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

((XD I'm still waiting for your reply to the ddlc))
Jason (played by AGirlWithManyNames) Topic Starter

Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

((Am I a good 4th wall breaker so far?))
Jason (played by AGirlWithManyNames) Topic Starter

Scarlet (played by A__Girl)

((Hey is the DDLC in pm? XD))
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

((Thank you!))
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

((Yes and do you wish to join?))
Scarlet (played by A__Girl)

((Yes please))
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

Which character?
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

((Which character?))
Scarlet (played by A__Girl)

((Dawn clareese))
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

"It is done I have destroyed the last thing that will remind me of my sister" she said leaning forward and despelling the. Flame
Leanne (played anonymously)

Leanne nodded.

“Yeah, that’s where I’m headed. Dunno if it’s supposed to be formal or not though.”

He shrugged and started towards the studio again.
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

I walk out of the studio, very bored. I go outside of the school and smoke a cigarette out in the front. I sigh and sit on the ground against a tree, not wanting to go anywhere.
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

He'd walk out of the school and would see Clarissa sitting by a tree. He'd smile lightly and would wave to her.
Jason (played by AGirlWithManyNames) Topic Starter

Jason stared at everyone, listening in on a few conversations.
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

I wave back, smashing the cigarette into the ground. "Uh, James right? I don't really talk to anyone hear so I get confused." I shrug.
Leanne (played anonymously)

Leanne hesitated at the door to the studio. Last time he'd been here, things had not ended well. He listened to the cacophony of voices reverberating through the small building and the sound of a DJ blasting the latest music for the world to hear.

Leanne took one last breath of fresh air and slipped into the party.
Sylvie (played by Varia)

Unsure of what to do, she tested get hand on Yasois' shoulder. "I'm sorry" tears started to pour down her face yet she remained silent. She saw Leanne enter. He certainly wasn't invited.
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

She instantly perked up as she smelled Leanne "he is here isn't he?" She said not looking up but she was blushing as she was hiding her face

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