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Forums » General Roleplay » Highschool rp

James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

``Yep that's my name uh what's yours? I never heard it``
Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

"Clarissa. Nobody knows my name. I think." I shrug and stand up, brushing myself off.
Scarlet (played by A__Girl)

She followed close behind Leanne as he slipped I to the party, "I don't know either..." The hydrangea still in her hand, she needed to find when and where she would give it to him.
Jason (played by AGirlWithManyNames) Topic Starter

((I honestly don't know how to implement myself, so I'll just sit on the sidelines and lurk...))
Scarlet (played by A__Girl)

Dani Vecaz (played anonymously)

(lmao i that a lot unless something annoys me ooP)
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

HE smiled as Sylvie manage to arrive at his party " Well its a good thing you are here and especially thats one beautiful dress your wearing Sylvie..." He examine her dress from the top of her head until her feet.
James Kennedy (played by TopKek23)

``Alright well... see ya.`` He'd realize he left his book in his locker . He'd notice... another cat person. ``'Ello I don't think I've seen you before.`` He'd say to Jason
Leanne (played anonymously)

Leanne noticed the looks Sylvie and fox girl were giving him but pretended not to notice.

It was stuffy in the studio but at least it didn’t smell like paint. Several other classmates were here, along with a few other guests that Leanne didn’t recognize. The sound of music was deafening as he made his way to the drink table.
Sylvie (played by Varia)

"Thanks" she smiled. "Your outfits pretty amazing too. " She blushed, and hoped the dim light would hide it.
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

"Maybe I should start over with him?" Yasoi whispered looking down and blushed more
Galia (played anonymously)

I had overheard that there was a party going on at Allec's art studio, so I walk there and slip inside.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"YOu know Sylvie the dress matches the necklace I gave you. Also your quite attractive to the guys here in this party. especially right now..." Few of the dude look at her and are attracted to her.
Yasuyoshi sheyaka (played by wolfydere)

Yasoi sighs and wishes she had someone to love "who would want a kitsune as a girlfriend anyways?" She said not realizing she said that aloud
Ritz headed toward the art studio since the grapevine seemed to scream party and she was the life of it. However, the boy she dragged behind her was less than thrilled. "I shouldn't have to come, Ritz..." Lex complained. Dressed up like his sister, he was wearing dark jeans and a graphic tee that she no doubt stole from one of her friends because it sure as hell wasn't his.

"Oh don't be a baby. Just because you don't go to public school normally doesn't mean you can't hang out with the kids. You said you wanted to do stuff like this!"

Which he had, but as Ritz shoved him into the studio and music assaulted his ears, Lex was wondering if he should take that statement back. Ritz herself headed straight for the drinks so she could grab them both something.
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

The party went smooth as the DJ turn out a good song that few of his guest were dancing to the sick beat. He looks at Yasuyoshi and heard what she said " Well time will come that someone will love you for who you are. Trust of destiny can be mysterious."
Sylvie (played by Varia)

"They love me for looks" she told Allec. "I want someone who loves me for who I am" sheet turned to Yasoi. "You'll find someone. Someone who will love you not because your a kitsune, but because of who you are"
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

"Oh yeah do you remember that I told you to become my model? Because I might need you to do something for me. Dont worry Im willing to pay your time on doing a modeling for me."
Sylvie (played by Varia)

"Yes, I remember" she said. "You don't have to pay me. I'm doing this to help you. I'm the one paying you. You already do so much for me....I couldnt ask you to do more"
Allec_Onstone (played by Theyakate)

" How about this...I let you and Yasuyoshi hang out at my Studio anytime you want. Besides its quite lonely here though."

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