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Forums » General Roleplay » Filthy pest (1x1)

Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Andrew watched with a raised eyebrow but said nothing as he watched her.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

She more or less shoveled the food into her mouth, as quickly as she could. He said she could trust that these people would not take her food, but honestly she was not so sure. It was best to eat it quickly, while she still had it.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Nobody so much as glanced at Mapache besides Andrew, who stood behind her the whole time.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

When Mapache had finished she got up and turned to look at Andrew. "all done, bye now?"
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Wait," he said and examined her clothes, "Would you like some new clothes? Clean clothes?" he offered, "They have some here."
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Mapache wrinkled her nose. She liked her clothes... well, like may not have been the right word. She tolerated them because they kept her warm, but the same could have been said of any clothes. She liked the odd ensemble because of it's bright colours. She wrapped her arms around herself trying to protect her clothes lest he try to take them. "No!"
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Okay," he said, "We could get you warmer ones though," he offered, "Just come and look. You don't need to get new ones. Just look?" he asked the looked down at her socked feet, "You should at least get new socks."
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Mapache guessed that was okay, so long as she didn't have to give anything up that she didn't want to. She nodded, and would follow him when he went to show her the clothes.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

He guided her towards a back room an inside of it were various buckets and racks full of clothing, from socks to jackets.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Mapache gladly scooped up a pair of new socks, but she put her old ones in the pockets of the apron, along with the now empty water bottle. She peeked around at the other things as well, curiously.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

There were a few colorful children's coats that wouldn't fit her if she tried, as well as some more solid but still brightly colored jackets and some clean jeans and the such.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Mapache grabbed an odd assortment of things, and quite inappropriately would try to change right there. Likely however, the workers milling about would not allow it. She would stow the clean clothes away, tucking them under her arm instead.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

As expected, the workers, and Andrew, prevented her from changing. The wild boy pointed her towards a bathroom, "You can change in there."
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

She took the stuff into the bathroom, and changed there. When she came out she was wearing a pair of purple sweat pants,and an orange sweater under her floral pattern apron. She had her old clothes under her arm.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

He grinned at how silly she looked but didn't comment, "Well... I'm gonna go. good bye...?" he tried recreating the sound she used to name herself but failed.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

SHe waved good bye to him, but after a second of thought, decided she didn't want him to leave after all... he fed her! She followed him.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

His dog kept on turning around, trying to go back up to Mapache but Andrew kept trying to ignore her, hoping she would leave. He had done all he could for her now. She knew where the shelter was, she now could get real food for herself.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Mapache just kept skittering on along behind him,though at a sort distance.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Andrew finally turned, "Please stop following me."
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Mapache frowned slightly upon being caught, and furthermore, being told to essentially go away. Hanging her head, she turned directed, and shuffled her feet off in a different direction from him.

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