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Forums » General Roleplay » Filthy pest (1x1)

Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Andrew watched with interest as she did this, "You're very odd, you know that?" he said as he watched her.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Indeed, there was not much normal about Mapache. But she was not capable of articulating the difference. She simply ate gratefully.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

He reached out and gently stroked her shoulder, "Come with me. You need to eat some real food," he said.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Mapache was wide eyed, and quite nearly buzzing with excitement. "More food?!"
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Calm down, please. Yes, I'll take you to get some food," he said as calmingly as he could.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

She scrambled up to her feet. She didn't really understand calming down, and thus, remained fairly excited.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

He rolled his eyes, "Come on," he said and started walking again, leading her towards a nearby homeless shelter.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Mapache followed him curiously, having no idea where they were headed.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

He opened the door and let Mapache in. Fortunately, there were very few people there.
Andrew walked up to the man behind the counter and spoke with him briefly before returning to Mapache and guiding her to a table.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

He would find it very difficult to lead her anywhere, because as soon as she realized where they were heading, was in fact a building crawling with people, she frowned and stopped in the doorway. She didn't like humans. Did not want to be in a building with several of them.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Come on, no one here is going to hurt you. This man is going to give you food," he gently took her hand in his furry one and pulled her towards a table.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

She didn't have much choice but to be pulled, as he was rather larger then her, however she struggled back towards the door the entire time. She did not like this at all!
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Hey, it's alright. You want food don't you? This man is going to give you good real food," he said, "No one here is going to hurt you. They're all friendly, like me," he tried explaining, a warm smile on his face.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

The way Mapache saw it, she could get perfectly good food from the dumpster without having to be near so many humans. She did not particularly understand the merits of a cooked meal. "No,no,no!" She whined as he pulled her to the table. She was getting really nervous. Eyes darting everywhere.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Hey," he gently grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him, a comforting smile on his face, "It's okay. You're safe. Nothing bad is gonna happen."
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

She really didn't want to be in there with him at all, but she hesitantly sat at the table, after he tried to sooth her. She did not look at all comfortable however.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Soon the man brought the tray and it had a warm bagel, a few slices of warm chicken and a small howl of fruit.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Mapache sniffed at the food warily, and then after a moments consideration, tried to gather up the food to take away with her. She was unfortunately very new at being human, and thus did not behave appropriately.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Hey, calm down," Andrew said softly and gently pushed down on her shoulders, "Just sit and eat. No one is going to take from you. It's yours."
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Mapache looked uneasily around at the other people, but perhaps he was right, perhaps none of them would try to take hers. She sat back down, and went to grab her water bottle again. Unscrewing the cap she dumped some of it on the food again. Before she set in eating enthusiastically... with her hands.

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