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Forums » General Roleplay » Filthy pest (1x1)

Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

She snapped her fingers in response, excited. "Mapache is raccoon." Since she obviously was not, likely some sort of accident had occurred, obviously the requisition of her new body had not been a conscious decision on her part.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"No, you're a human but you used to be a raccoon," Andrew said, "It makes sense... But I don't think it's possible for you to turn back."
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

SHe shook her head oh so stubbornly, her wet hair shaking water everywhere as she did. "No, Mapache is not human." She was clearly in denial.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Look at yourself. You're human in body, not in mind. And you can't turn back. I'll help you be human," he offered hopefully.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Another stubborn head shake, starting to look rather upset. "No, Mapache does not want to be human.." She was whining a little bit now.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"But you are," he said, "And if you can't change back then there's no choice."
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Her face screwed up with stress, and frustration. "Choice! Mapache chooses to be Mapache not human, even if Mapache has stupid filthy human body."
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

Andrew sighed, "Please? Just try? You can still be you... But you have to pretend to be human? How about that?"
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

She didn't like the sound of that at all. "Why?"
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

*Picking up from PM*

Mapache would say the letters as her pointed to them at random. She got three of the five right.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"You're a fast learner," he praised with a smile.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

She smiled and nodded as if she'd known this all along. She hadn't but it was nice to pretend. "Food?" She asked suddenly, as if they hadn't just eaten a couple of hours before.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Sure, you can have some more food, but not too much," he said strictly. He wasn't going to let her get away with whatever she wanted. It was like teaching almost. If this was doing anything, it was helping him prepare for fatherhood, at least a bit.

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