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Forums » General Roleplay » Filthy pest (1x1)

Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

He gave a soft sigh. Of course he felt bad for telling her to just go but he couldn't just bring her home. Maybe if she had taken a shower or something, but that was not the case. He turned back and continued walking home.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

(I'd have like to have continue this if you wanted to. In know how to continue it)
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Andrew wrote:
(I'd have like to have continue this if you wanted to. In know how to continue it)
(Absolutely we can. Sorry, sometimes I just need a poke ^^; )

Mapache just kept walking away. Clearly she was not welcome, and she'd learned well enough not to wear out her welcome with larger predators.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

The wolf boy finally turned back and called out to her, "If you o back to that shelter, they have beds and you can sleep there. I'll come by and check on you tomorrow!" he offered.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

Mapache turned and looked back when he spoke, telling her to go back to the shelter. She shook her head. She wasn't going back there! There were people there, lots of people she didn't know! She was scared to go back..
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"I promise I'll come see you, okay?" he asked again, "Nobody will hurt you."
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

She shook her head again. She could no more be reasoned with then a wild animal. "No. Mapache does not like Humans.." Odd since she looked at least a little human.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

He started towards her again, "But you are human..."
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

She shook her head, but then looked confused. "No... maybe...yes and no.."
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"You're strange... But you're definitely human," Andrew said again.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

She shook her head, clearly getting upset, though not at him, just, confused and sad. "No. Mapache is, but was not."
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

"Mapache.... That's a unique name... But what do you mean?"
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

SHe didn't know how to explain any further then she had, because she'd given him more information then he could tell for the moment. Though she did use it as her name, Mapache was actually just Spanish for Raccoon. It was the language the magic man had used, so it was the only name she knew.

SHe shuffled her feet, trying to figure out a different way to say it but nothing came. " Mapache is Mapache. Mapache is not same as human..." Surely there were a few clear signs of this being the case. Her eyes were coal black, and showed no white what so ever, the skin around them, darkened ever so slightly in a nearly mask like shape, that in her now human shape, looked more like an odd birthmark.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

He did notice all these things but now that she had said it, he was realizing that she wasn't really human...
"I... I guess you don't really seem or act human at all..." he said, "But... Even if you're not human in your mind, you look human. Nobody is going to take things from you because you look like a human, do you understand? Good humans don't take things from other humans. You'll be safe at the shelter and I'll come see you tomorrow okay?"
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

She shook her head stubbornly again. "No, no shelter with humans. I don't like." She was going to be difficult about this. That being said, she wasn't exactly opposed to sleeping outdoors, in fact, she was likely more comfortable outside, then in a bed anyway, even if her body was no longer right for braving the elements.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

He sighed, "At least stay near it so I can find you?" he asked.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

SHe thought about it for a moment, but then nodded. She would stay in the area.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

The wolf boy nodded and walked away with a sigh, leading his do along.
<Bye hooman!> the feral animal said.
Mapache (played by Strangedisease)

<Bye Doggy> SHe replied watching as they left, until finally she turned and continued off in search of somewhere safe to sleep.
Andrew and Teddy (played by EonRising) Topic Starter

The next day, Andrew returned as promised and smiled softly when he saw Mapache NRA the shelter and he wagged his tail, "Hello."

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