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Forums » Forum Games » The Wrong Answer Game


it doesn't

why did we make cars?
Train's were made to be used as transportation.

What planet is nearest to the sun?
Trappist 1-e. Don't judge, I like space.

Is Apple better than Android?

What has 4 legs the morning, 2 at noon, and 3 the evening?
A Pokémon.

What year was Pokémon created?

How did 2019 memes start!
With a pancake in a clown outfit.

How many elephants are in the world?
18 the rest are on it"

Why is it i can't hold on to money?"
You are out of glue

What is 1.1512*5123.125*0
Whatever it wants to be. It's 2019.

Why is running around like a maniac and yelling anarchy fun?
Because the Easter Bunny came.

Why can't I get a boyfriend?
Because boys are really tiny little marmosets.

Why do I procrastinate?
Cause you're actually making progress. Just in a totally different direction.

Why does the Easter Bunny lay chocolate eggs and plastic eggs? (posed by 3 year old at approximately 10:33 a.m EST today)
Because he's secretly a Lizard overlord named Hroshgrosh.

What's a Ringo Starr?
A lizard starfish hybrid

What race is my character

What is that cat doing in that tree over there?
Reciting prose to the local bird population!

Who goes there?
Depending on where "there" is....


What should be the title of GRRM's next book?
- 500 Pages of Describing Delectable Dishes
- All my Friends are Dead and other Unfortunate Ends
- The Stalled Season

How do you win friends and influence people?
By quoting some obscure German poet from the middle of the eighth century, who you only read about once.

How do you make a good RP post?

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