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Forums » Forum Games » What does your desk say about you?

Post a pic of your desk/ table/ workspace (whatever) and have others reply what it tells them about you.

It doesn't have the be the person above you, just quote whatever post interests you c:
frick Topic Starter

This is awesome. I love this idea.

I can't do it, because I can't have a phone on at AT ALL. AT. ALL. Because since I work in heath care there's H.I.P.A.A. laws and also my cubicle is RIGHT by the supervisor's slightly larger But I sincerely hope other people will do this because our workspaces or study spaces can be so revealing! Fun.

I'm going to analyze Frick's desk, here.

Frick, your desk says about you that:

- you care about your health, because you apparently eat a lot of fruits!

- you're tidy and organized (much, much more tidy and organized than me)

- the yellow "used" bookstore tag on the Russian book would tell me you're a college student (even if I didn't already happen to know that ;) )

- you are interested in or are studying Russian literature (I wouldn't know it was Russian without googling, though)

- you celebrate Christmas (the lights)

- looks like you drink coffee (the mug)

- you, or someone you live with, cares about interior decorating enough to have taken the trouble to buy a wood table that matches the wooden windowsills and the wood floor (nice).

- you seem to care enough about the wood table to use coasters for your drinks (supports the tidy and organized assessment lol)

- again with the caring about health, because you take vitamin B-12 tablets, which shows either a) you take it for general health purposes, b) you are low in B-12, c) have low energy and need a boost, or d) that someone else in the household takes them and you keep track of it.

- You use RpR!---ok, ok, we knew that already! :) .

- You use a pen AND a pencil? Hmmmm. I feel like this should mean something. What could it mean?...not many people use pencils after they get out of high school, unless it's for math or a scantron. So...maybe you're taking a math course....OR...maybe you use the pencil to underline things in your textbooks when you study, and then erase the marks before you resell it to the bookstore to make sure you get the best price? Yeah, I'll bet that's it!

Wow, I feel like a detective. This was fun. Thanks, Frick! Tell me what I got wrong! Lol

My Own Take on Frick’s Workplace (Aka, pretending to be sherlock holmes and failing miserably while making a fool of myself)

I am not sure, but the book ‘The Queen of Spades and other stories’ seems to be a fictional novel, and the ‘other stories’ suggest that it might or might not be a series of short stories. There are two possibilites; either you are studying literature and that is your assigned task (for some reason) or you simply enjoy reading it in between work/study sessions.

This can suggest that you are either confident enough in your discipline and concentration to not be affected by a distraction nearby, which is further supported by how organized your workplace is, along with the fruits and supplements as well as the notebooks which suggest a rather healthy, organized and relatively productive lifestyle.

But there is also the book next to your computer, which might be in English, as it is translated and annotated by some people named Richard Pevear and Varissa Volokhonsky. The title, ‘The Collected Tales of Nicolai Gogol’ could mean that it is perhaps a collection of russian folkore/just stories which originated from Russia, and one of those stories might be about this Nicolai Gogol.

So, does that mean that those short stories weren’t for breaks, but instead, it is an assignment for whatever class you are taking?

Your workplace is very obviously not in your room, that means that it is either the dining table or some other space in the living room. It could be a dining table. If you are living with family, you might be the only child? But if you are living by yourself, maybe you expect people to visit occasionally? Enough to require extra chairs. Perhaps you only pushed the table to the corner so that you can have more space in the room? So, perhaps you just prefer open spaces or that you have to do something with that space, exercise for example?

But if your workplace is not in your room, and thus not a personal space, the fruits and supplements might not necessarily be yours either- but with those two together there is possibility that you, or members of your family are vegetarian, as if I remember correctly, those on a vegetarian/vegan diet would have to take B12 supplements for something. But if you live by yourself, and there is a strong possibility that you are since you seem to be a university student, then you would be the one that is on a vegan diet.

Also, on a side note, the design and colouring of your notebooks suggest that you might be female, as generally, men tend not to use things of certain colours and flowery designs.
This seems fun! I'm no Sherlock so I'm going the route of inane observations for your desk, Birdy:
  • Your profile says you're Malaysian-Chinese which definitely corresponds with your computer screen, but because I'm a monolingual fool I have no clue what it says. Looks important, anyways.
  • I see chemistry schoolwork
  • You have lovely handwriting and seem to be organized, whether by nature or necessity. Lots of writing supplies, sort of a bullet journal thing going on, and multiple papers out. It looks like you're in the middle of studying.
  • A conveniently small laptop (tablet?) means you bring it to class a lot, probably to type notes and transcribe them later.
  • I'm guessing you're a hardworking, high-achieving student
  • One of the pencil cases is worn out, like you've had it for a while (why replace something that still works, right?)
  • Do you listen to music while you study?
  • I'm going to guess there's coffee in your travel mug but who knows
  • There's some sort of rooster-esque animal on your pen mug that I'm going to assume is from an animated franchise that you're a fan of
  • Based on some of the items (ie; the lamp) that would be inconvenient to carry, I'm guessing this workspace is your room or somewhere else you frequent, like an office.


(Apologies for the picture quality. My room is in perpetual twilight.)

(i’m not going to respond to yersinia’s because i know them and i feel like that’s cheating lmao also everyone else has already been responded to so i hope it’s okay if i just? don’t respond to anyone right now?)


i don’t have a desk so i guess my nightstand is the closest thing lmao. yes my entire room is like this. no it will never be clean. “oliver how do you live like this.” great question. drag me.
frick Topic Starter

Abigail_Austin wrote:
- you care about your health
- you're tidy and organized
- you're a college student
- you are interested in or are studying Russian literature
- you celebrate Christmas
- looks like you drink coffee
All good so far. Except I drink tea xD
Abigail_Austin wrote:
- you, or someone you live with, cares about interior decorating enough to have taken the trouble to buy a wood table that matches the wooden windowsills and the wood floor (nice).
That one made me laugh :3 We salvaged our table and chairs from next to a dumpster in our last apartment complex ahaha. I'm stoked that it looks fancy!!
Abigail_Austin wrote:
- you seem to care enough about the wood table to use coasters for your drinks
- again with the caring about health, because you take vitamin B-12 tablets, which shows either a) you take it for general health purposes, b) you are low in B-12, c) have low energy and need a boost, or d) that someone else in the household takes them and you keep track of it.
Someone else guessed the B12 thing -- it's good for vegetarians.
Abigail_Austin wrote:
- You use RpR!---ok, ok, we knew that already! :) .
- You use a pen AND a pencil? Hmmmm. I feel like this should mean something. What could it mean?...not many people use pencils after they get out of high school, unless it's for math or a scantron. So...maybe you're taking a math course....OR...maybe you use the pencil to underline things in your textbooks when you study, and then erase the marks before you resell it to the bookstore to make sure you get the best price? Yeah, I'll bet that's it!
I bought the book used but I still mark it with pencil. Pen marks in books suck :( Good detective skillz, miss a&a.
frick Topic Starter

Birdy99 wrote:
Yaa, I'm studying literature. Specifically I have a huge written exam for my masters in March. Ideally I'd read for fun too, but there's never time for fun reading!

I also have a desk in another room xD I guess I'm spoiled. I like to work at the kitchen table when my partner's not home. And sometimes when he is home~

You were right about my gender & about the B12!

Here's my take on Yersinia, oh boy;

- Has a theme going on, a good one. Quite obvious but just wanted to point it out
- Are those textbooks under the table? Probably studying something or used to take notes
- I don't see a headphone/headset, so probably has no problems with loud music and doesn't play group games on steam either
- Doesn't have migraine problem, anybody with migraine wouldn't survive in a twilight like that
- Probably gave a name to the red skull
- Is generally a tidy person and keep things clean, that's a black desk WITH a exposed collection and I don't see accumulated dust, you are my hero
- I guess you don't do any sort of digital arts
frick Topic Starter

Birdy99 wrote:

Now time for my take on your desk! It's definitely a work space for you. The walls and especially the lighting suggest to me that this isn't your home. Or if it is home, then you have a very futuristic sense in design. I see your lazy egg cup c; I think that's what it's called anyway! If you like the lazy egg thing then you're probably not older than 40 (idk, that just sounds right to me haha) and probably enjoy other cartoony things: Adventure Time, memes... And also Japanese cultural exports. Maybe you played that cat game that I never see anyone playing anymore. You look like you have a pretty hip taste in tech and I'm guessing you do a lot of desk work since you have a lot of pens and sticky notes and your desk looks very functional, especially because it's not cluttered. Maybe you're a student? Probably not in a dorm given the wood thingy on the wall. You're probably very busy if your desk has a project in progress on it. And, yaknow, all those sticky notes ready to go!! :) I would guess that you tend to use new or at least newish smartphones and listen to electronic music. And you might be a vegetarian or vegan since you knew what my B12 was for! :P

I will go again, hope that's alright;;

Now on psoliver;

- probably lives in the same house for quite a while, that makes you prone to clutter. I also see you are very creative, putting things in all the available spaces, so definitvaly lives in the same place for long or is really messy
- Carries stuff around on the pockets, don't use a bag/purse, or at least not too often
- has an old tv, judging by the remote
-likes to draw/write/paint laying on bed....or sitting in the couch? perhaps
- has some breathing problems
- one of those many pens is probably not working, just keeps them for sentimentality or never stopped to check which ones are still alive
- You probably use all the displayed objects often, as they don't seem to have caught dust
- thinks shades/sunglasses are cool! even the ones with lens not dark enough to shelter from light. aesthetics~
- has a notebook/tablet and not a desktop
- carries part of their activities somewhere else in the house, like a living room perhaps?
Frick's response to my desk analysis

frick wrote:
Abigail_Austin wrote:
- you care about your health
- you're tidy and organized
- you're a college student
- you are interested in or are studying Russian literature
- you celebrate Christmas
- looks like you drink coffee
All good so far. Except I drink tea xD
Abigail_Austin wrote:
- you, or someone you live with, cares about interior decorating enough to have taken the trouble to buy a wood table that matches the wooden windowsills and the wood floor (nice).
That one made me laugh :3 We salvaged our table and chairs from next to a dumpster in our last apartment complex ahaha. I'm stoked that it looks fancy!!
Abigail_Austin wrote:
- you seem to care enough about the wood table to use coasters for your drinks
- again with the caring about health, because you take vitamin B-12 tablets, which shows either a) you take it for general health purposes, b) you are low in B-12, c) have low energy and need a boost, or d) that someone else in the household takes them and you keep track of it.
Someone else guessed the B12 thing -- it's good for vegetarians.
Abigail_Austin wrote:
- You use RpR!---ok, ok, we knew that already! :) .
- You use a pen AND a pencil? Hmmmm. I feel like this should mean something. What could it mean?...not many people use pencils after they get out of high school, unless it's for math or a scantron. So...maybe you're taking a math course....OR...maybe you use the pencil to underline things in your textbooks when you study, and then erase the marks before you resell it to the bookstore to make sure you get the best price? Yeah, I'll bet that's it!
I bought the book used but I still mark it with pencil. Pen marks in books suck :( Good detective skillz, miss a&a.

LOL. Yay! *Sticks up my Private Eye sign*

And how did I not know you were a vegetarian? Me too. I don't take B12, but hmmmmmm...maybe I should.

Ok, here's mine. I took this discreetly right before leaving work and it probably doesn't say much about me, but have fun!


- Birdy99's desk

- You're studying chemistry, which means you're either in high school, or the early years of college. (I know which, but I'm not gonna say :) )

-your monitor shows that you read in one of the Eastern languages that uses characters instead of Latin letters, like Chinese, Vietnamese, etc. The page you're on says Blog Stats, so it's a recreational website (you either read or write blogs in that Asian language and so you're probably Asian, not just studying the language or something)

- You have really need handwriting. That and those sticky notes that separate the chemistry notes into catagories say you're super organized and detail-oriented ...that's much more organized than my notes would EVER be.

- You care about your grades in school to take notes like that.

- You like pens! Lol :) Or you tend to lose them like me so you start out with a million.

-you're a girl (the pink stickers on the bottom of your monitor)

- you're probably from a middle class family
Seth wrote:
Here's my take on Yersinia, oh boy;

- Has a theme going on, a good one. Quite obvious but just wanted to point it out
- Are those textbooks under the table? Probably studying something or used to take notes
- I don't see a headphone/headset, so probably has no problems with loud music and doesn't play group games on steam either
- Doesn't have migraine problem, anybody with migraine wouldn't survive in a twilight like that
- Probably gave a name to the red skull
- Is generally a tidy person and keep things clean, that's a black desk WITH a exposed collection and I don't see accumulated dust, you are my hero
- I guess you don't do any sort of digital arts

- Thank you!
- Those are packs of lined paper, so you were close
- I usually have earbuds plugged in, I'm just in the middle of unpacking atm. But I do blast Tainted Love at max volume to get my housemates' attention.
- I get frequent headaches so the perpetual twilight isn't really working for me lmao
- The red skull is named Lord Byron and I use him to hold hats
- I think obsessive dusting is a carryover from my museum job
- You're absolutely right, I can't draw to save my life
frick Topic Starter

Seth wrote:

Would you mind elaborating on the migraine thing, even if only to give me some key words to Google myself? I get headaches and migraines somewhat often but I don't know what 'twilight' thing you're talking about.

Hey frick,
migraine tends to have different factors and triggers for every person but usually looking into a monitor (a bright object) inside a dark room can trigger it for some people (me included)

Here's a quick article which sums up the whole thing, I found it on google searching for 'migraine and poor lit environments'. Hope it helps!
frick Topic Starter

Seth wrote:
Hey frick,
migraine tends to have different factors and triggers for every person but usually looking into a monitor (a bright object) inside a dark room can trigger it for some people (me included)

Here's a quick article which sums up the whole thing, I found it on google searching for 'migraine and poor lit environments'. Hope it helps!

Nice. Thanks for following up!


Thought this looked fun! :D
Ohhh fun!

Mine is probably... A little unorthodox.

Skrifa wrote:
Thought this looked fun! :D


You're a reader, a multiple books at a time reader.

You're fairly minimalist.

You like blue.

You like small and easily portable electronics.

You're neat.

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