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Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

He fell silent, his expression darkening. As she looked back at him, he did the opposite and turned away. The words 'Quiet is found in a home' had made him flinch, but he attempted to cover it by undoing his messy ponytail and repositioning it higher on his head.

As she searched for a drink, he lowered his head and spoke beneath his breath. "If only you were right.." He sighed, lifting his gaze from the ground as he watched the woman. He was wondering why she was in search of yet another drink. For herself, s'pposedly, he would say in his mind through the mess of his own thoughts.
Ember AKA Audenzia (played anonymously)

Ember eventually found one and, though she wasn't happy that it had foul drink in it before, filled it with the clear drink that was also in the man's drink. After a sip and a the wince from the foul smell and tainted taste she walked back to him with the cup in both her scarred hands. Stopping abruptly, the woman sneezed, the smell from the foul drink filling her sense. It spilled onto the floor a little. Sighing silently, Ember turned back around to fill it again- then went back to the white-haired man.

"There is a reason for travelling.", Ember stated once in earshot. Cue another small sip.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

"Bless you-" He blinked awkwardly before chuckling to himself. As she approached him after refilling the cup, he lifted an eyebrow. "..I believe there is.. But why is there a reason for traveling from your view?"

Lief was trying to avoid questions about himself, so he directed them towards her. He had to build a throne of stretched truths to sit upon if he wanted to keep his head, and he didn't mind that. The only true reason he 'traveled' is due to him risking being turned in or someone recognizing him after he had change his name, which put him in the same amount of challenge. Though, he wasn't going to tell her all of this. He would simply avoid questions to avoid lying.

Or.. he would try to.
Ember AKA Audenzia (played anonymously)

Ember took his question into consideration as she licked her lips, bringing the cup down to the table nearest to them. She thought of her own reason for coming to the Hall, of all the people who relied on her but who she left. Of the duties she had but have currently abandoned. Of the land she was birthed into, but no bond. Of all she had accomplished to get where she was, but felt no happiness. Of the sacrifices and losses she witnessed, but refused to move on. Flashes of memories crossed her vision for a time.

"...To get away.", she replied simply to Liefthous. She had been staring at said man's neck as she thought, but now realized it and instead brought her eyes up to meet his own. "I return the question to you Liefthous. To get away or to not get away.", she looked at him in expectation.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

He exhaled, locking eyes with her. Tucking his hands into his pockets, he smiled. "To get away." He would fall silent after that, seeming to daze off as he peered into Ember's eyes. He hadn't seem to notice her gaze drifting to his neck before, but, even if he had, he would've told himself to not overthink it.

The cheekily grin would still be creasing his lips as he snapped back to attention. He ducked his head with an awkward snicker, apologizing. Lief would raise a hand and rub the back of his neck with an fiddly, embarrassing smirk. He didn't seem to notice his odd habit of smiling too much, nor the fidgeting.
Ember AKA Audenzia (played anonymously)

Ember let the information sink in with a content but neutral look on her face. To get away, in her case, was to escape the bad in her life at the time. Perhaps the man's reason to get away was one in the same. It was both comforting as well as sad; but she didn't want to think about it too long. At the sound of his apology she grew nervous. He hadn't said anything to harm her...nor had he physically harmed her.

"The apology is not in need...", Ember reassured him...right...?

"Liefthous should sit. You are still injured.", the woman declared after a stern look settled across her facial features. If he strained himself too much then his smiles will leave from pain.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

Lief inhaled, quickly apologizing for apologizing too much, blaming it as an old reflex. He quickly moved on with the conversation, clearing his throat. "I'll be fine, eventually." He nodded, glancing at his leg. He looked up with a smirk. "Thank you for caring. Though, I'd rather stay on my feet."

Though the pain was still ringing throughout the wound, he acted as if he were fine. He refused to put pressure on it, his opposite side aching from remaining in one position for so long and holding most of his weight.
Ember AKA Audenzia (played anonymously)

Ember squinted at him. If her loose memory served her right, she remembered him stating that she was being stubborn during the first time of them meeting, when Hans was still within the Hall. She scoffed lightly at the caring part.

"I do not care. It is not good to stand when a wound is from your leg, regardless.", she pointedly glanced at his leg for emphasis before going for a sip of her drink in cup.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

Lief cracked a smile. "Pfft- You can deny it all you want," He laughed, rolling his eyes as he limped to a nearby stool. "but you care. Just a bit. Why else would ya be tryin' to help me as I was unconscious? And why are you concerned about my well-being, hm?"

Taking a seat, he smirked, resting his chin in his hand as he set his elbow upon the table. He took a moment to study the stranger, wondering why she put up a wall around herself. Not a literal wall, of course- But she seemed so.. Lief struggled to find a word. Strict? Uptight, perhaps..?

He shrugged it off, but kept a note on it. Maybe this was a way of defending herself. He couldn't deny he didn't do the same at times.
Ember AKA Audenzia (played anonymously)

Ember opened her mouth to let out a snappy reply but closed it almost immediately, casting her gaze sideways. It was a bit hard to deny it...but she'll try it anyways. "I am...used...", she started, looking back to him with a small glare. "...used to looking after many- even those I care not for.", she thought over what she said and nodded in approval at it. It wasn't entirely a lie, but she had no real answer for his question.

Though she was put at ease once she realized that he had gone to a seat.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

He blinked a few times, taking the words in. He huffed, his large, elf-like ears lowering as he rolled his eyes. "Mhm- I'm one of those fellows you do care for?" He grinned weakly, flinching slightly as the pain was slowly washing over him again. Still, he tried to ignore it.

He looked back at her. "You could've let me lie there on the ground." He was just jokingly bickering with her at this point. "You could've just let me fade. Wasn't I just a mere stranger to you? Hm? Why did you decide to help me?" Lief beamed. "You care. Even if it's a small amount of caring."
Ember AKA Audenzia (played anonymously)

Annnnnd ease faded away. She had never been questioned so much in her life since she was barely six years old. No one dared questioned her judgement and those who did never lived long enough to regret it. Minus one...well, two now.

"A person is better alive than a person who is not. If I was to care, that I do not- if I was to care it would be care for your life.", Ember tried to explain though her words made no sense to her. The woman was used to looking after many because she cared for many. She'd be caught holding a weapon long before those words reach her tongue though.

Ember watched Liefthous from where she stood and contemplated on sitting down as well, but decided against it.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

Lief snickered underneath his breath, watching her respond to the pushy questions. He fully understood what had just been said, but he did understand he was pushing her buttons, as well.

With a rough grin, Lief stood with a sharp inhale as the movement sent pain along his leg. Though the pain felt like sharp daggers repeatedly making contact with his skin, he still remained on his feet. "Listen-" He held a straight face, tucking his hands into his pockets. "My apologies. I didn't mean to offended you or anything of the sorts." It must've been the thousandth time he had apologized, yet he didn't come to realize it.
Ember AKA Audenzia (played anonymously)

Though it still startled her, she didn't jump this time when he stood up abruptly. It made her a bit annoyed that almost every decision he made since receiving his recent wounds have been pain-inducing though. She stared at him for a while, a hint of amusement behind her eyes. "...You seem to find pleasure in apologizing in many.", she commented lightly. Then her face turned semi-serious again and the woman furrowed her eyebrows towards him.

"Do not apologize for it.", she hastily added afterwards, went to go try to put him back into his seat.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

His eye widened slightly, and he shuffled to the side with a crooked grin. He was refusing to sit back down, just to get on her nerves. Of course, he stumbled, due to the fact he was extremely clumsy in the first place.

"Oh- I’m sorry," He joked. "Do I apologize to much? It’s a.. bad habit of mine." He chuckled.
Ember AKA Audenzia (played anonymously)

"You...", Ember started with a step towards him and a mini glare directed his way. "Sit.", the woman made another move to grab him. Hand facing downward as to not arise any questions directed about her scars.

She also realized that she wasn't wearing her coat as a chill swept over her arms; said clothing was in a burnt and tattered mess on the ground not far away. The memory of ripping it came to mind and she almost winced- she would never be able to repair it.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

Lief glided past her once again, despite nearly tripping over his own feet. He ruffled her hair with his hand, snickering. He noticed her jacket was missing from her shoulders, and he raised an eyebrow. Sending a glimpse towards the cloth around his wound, it clicked that she had used the jacket.

He paused, looking at the woman for a moment. He was slightly surprised. With a smirk, he nodded. "Thank you.. How much was the coat?" He lifted an eyebrow.
Ember AKA Audenzia (played anonymously)

Ember growled lightly at his avoidance once more and almost tripped in the process, but her snarl was cut off mid-way when he ruffled her hair. A single step back and a confused look later, her hands raised to her head to pat down on her now slightly disheveled locks. She didn't think it was an attack but it was an odd feeling to her, not entirely unwelcomed but unsure of it.

At Liefthous' inquire of her trench coat she blinked and slowly put her hands back down. " not familiar to me. If much is that which has been made, then yes, it has much.", Ember replied and thought at the same time.
Lief Thous (played by AmberShades)

Lief raised his brows. "Do you remember the currency exactly..?" He blinked, shuffling through his pocket. He pulled out a sack of coins he had swiped from Aleron, holding the sack of coins towards her. "Here. Obviously, I ruined your coat, no?"

If she wouldn’t take it, he would pay for one himself. Guilt rang through him, and he told himself he would find another coat. "Think if it as a thank-you. For earlier."
Ember AKA Audenzia (played anonymously)

" also not familiar to me.", Ember continued with an unsure tone to her low voice and at looked at the small bag with no expression for a while. She glanced at the man then back at the small bag.

"The thank you is accepted, though was not in need.", she said as her hand went to open the bag, peering inside cautiously. At the sight of the shiny round items she blinked. They looked strange but special and she hesitated in taking the bag. "It is your carrency Liefthous.", Ember bluntly stated with a confused face thrown his way.

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