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MadRatBird Topic Starter

I highly recommend SAI for cleaner, smoother, less painty lookin' stuff. It's really easy for lineart. I love it a lot and it's very easy to use. So yes! Try to find it! It's tons cheaper than photoshop so if you can afford to buy it, I'd suggest it. :D.


tumblr_mpc9pt6s3o1rpegt2o1_1280.jpg My jaw hurts because every time I look at her, it drops down to the floor.
You are most welcome! I am enjoying seeing all your work posted!
OwO I totally want one. Are you open? I can wait if you aren't.
MadRatBird Topic Starter


And so many thanks to everyone forever ;u;
I am so amazed by this piece, I just HAD to share it!

You are simply phenomenal <3
MadRatBird Topic Starter

Awh, thanks you guys ;o; You're so sweet c:
Aearion looks AWESOME! Phenomenal job with the details, those scales had to of been a pain o_O
MadRatBird Topic Starter

THANK YOU 8D And actually, they were the easiest part.

...Cause I cheated and used a brush lmao. I did have to mess with them a bit but I was eventually able to make them look less fishnet-y. o.o.
The Rat (played anonymously)

I got a piece done the other day, but it contains nudity, so I can't link directly. It's on the page titled "The Rat" if you're curious.
MadRatBird Topic Starter


I censored the booty (I figured a bare back is alright, no side-boob or anything!)

It's not a commission but I really like it...

And I was wondering... should I keep my prices? Or should I make them higher? I want to eventually make enough where I have to worry less about bills but I don't want to make it impossible for people to commission me.
LMAO at the censor!
These are incredible {I checked out Rat's, had to do a double-take}, they're phenomenally realistic. I think you could EASILY get away with charging more, but I can understand you being leery about losing business. Hm... I think $20-$30? I know I'd still buy, so that's my vote!
That sensor could not have been more perfect. I'm still giggling like a little girl! It reminds me of this

Judging from the quality of your drawings, I'd say a 20 to 30 dollar pricetag is more than fair! The trick is finding the middle ground that allows you to have a decent income without scaring off too many potential buyers.
MadRatBird Topic Starter

Thanks you guys. :). I'll try doubling it to 20 and 10 right now and see how that goes. And yeah I loooove the Yaranaika face. It's so weird. XD.

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