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Forums » Forum Games » ♥ Friend, Date, or Pass! ♥

"You could be an excellent sparring partner, at the very least. And a dragon, no less, something I have never fought before. Moody as you may be, I may one day consider you a friend."
Double post on accident*
"Hi kind Sir, since you like traveling, how about a visit to my town? We could be friends. But! Only if you can hold your breath underwater for...I don't know how long a human can handle!"
Areina Dusdil (played by POPPET)

Areina looked up from her laptop and her hands came to abrupt stop. She didn’t want to play this game, but like always, she was shoved into something when her publisher pushed hard enough for it. Something about “finding inspiration”. She’d argue she had enough inspiration already, but he’d beg to differ. A long sigh tore through her lips and she ignored the itch for another cigarette.

“Pass,” she deadpanned. “I’m not interested in dating someone who lives under water—if that’s even true—and I don’t have enough time to be super friendly with someone either. Maybe if you were less… bubbly. Yeah, bubbly. That word fits you well enough.”

Someone as opinionated and stressed as Areina never had enough time to entertain others, especially if they had higher energy than she did. Maybe the young woman would have had a better chance if she was more soft, mellow, and interesting (at least to her standards). Plus Areina didn’t believe in all that “mermaid” crap! Who would? No one would! Just sounded like a ton of made up mischief to get attention.

[ PASS ]
Creed Reign (played anonymously)

"I do not think our personalities would match well together. So, I will politely PASS, dear."
Lizbeth Redwood (played by Fantax)


Never dated a dragon before
Fitzpatrick Allhallows (played anonymously)

It's its dragons that interests you, little deer, might I offer myself as well.
"Ah, no thanks. Not quite my taste. But, maybe a Friends or acquaintances, that seems more likely."
Gear Master (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"You already know what I'm gonna say. Friend without question!"
Sadie Reign (played by PAYTON)

"I would prefer to PASS graciously. But, cute top."
Adam Lansen (played anonymously)

"I'm quite sure you are beyond lovely, but I don't see us romantically compatible, but friends are always a nice thing to have..."
Sadie Reign (played by PAYTON)

"Since you are a spam, I think I give a harsh PASS. Take your links somewhere else."
Anna (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"Okay, that was clever. Not gonna lie. Anyway, I'll befriend ya!"
Elsu (played by _Apollo_)

"I will kindly Pass."
“I feel like the two of us could become friends my dude”
Adam Lansen (played anonymously)

"In the event we became friends, would you get upset if I nicknamed you 'Too Tall'? If so, I think we'd get along...."
Dana Wyne (played by Dawnia)

"Oh Lucas, you look like someone I could be friends with!"
“I can always use another friend.”
I can't pass up a succubus.

Lizbeth Redwood (played by Fantax)

Oh for sure datewhen in werewolf form

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