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Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

He rolled onto his back again, slightly relieved. "Okay, good. I don't like fighting much, I try to avoid it whenever possible, although I seem to be a target to multiple species since I'm just a loner and can't seem to find a pack. Not that it matters, I'm perfectly happy being alone."
That was a lie. Bernard was an innately social person, just like a wolf, and he wanted to be a part of a pack, but he wasn't born into one so it would be extremely difficult to be accepted into one.
He sighed slightly, realizing he was rambling again. Such an idiot.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

“I've known maybe people to lie about 'not being bothered by being alone',saying it didnt matter to them” he said,suprisingly, he had once told himself that before,not just other people saying it.Sebastian looked away from Bernards eyes as a car went by, the driver looked at them as he drove by,well,after all,a wolf/human laying on his back on the ground ,and a very pale guy out at this time of the night was not a thing you usually see as you drive by.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

His gaze flicked to the road. "Maybe we should leave."
'We'... What a funny thing to say, especially when he had just met this guy now.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

“How come?” He asked looking back down at you
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Cars. People. This isn't the most normal sight in the world."
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

“Tell that to the guy laying on the ground” He said,as another car made its way by, this person didnt look at us like the last driver did,
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Instinct," he muttered defensively, slowly getting to his feet. He kept his head ducked slightly, though, his body language submissive and regarding Sebastian as the alpha out of the two of them.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

“Now,how is that instinct?” he asked slightly wondering ,.Sebastian was unaware that he was considered the 'alpha' of this 2 people group.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Wolf instinct. Submit to the dominant one or die," he told him simply, cocking his head slightly.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

“And you consider a vampire dominant?” he asked wondering,curious. True,he could kill this wolfboy if he wanted to..but still.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Physically, probably. I wouldn't be surprised."
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastian honestly didnt know how to respond to that,he didnt know a wolfs strength compared to his own.But from the looks of it,he was stuck playing the king of the kingdom,..or the dominant.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

A grey wolf could probably take on Sebastian and it would be a fairly even fight, but Bernard was a red wolf variant. That meant he was smaller and lighter and probably had less of a chance of winning. The fact that he hated fighting didn't help much either.
So instead he studied Sebastian, his shoulders still hunched slightly as he looked at the vampire.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastian saw that Bernard was studying him, he looked down at the pavement,there wasnt much to look at in his opinion, just a pale, black haired vampire, ,wearing a dark blue tshirt with a small skull on it,black jacket , a pair of blue jeans,and converses.Not much to see,or study.If one didnt know they'd think he was just a weird human..not a dominant over a red wolf.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

If you compared the two, it was kind of obvious that Bernard would hold Sebastian in higher regard than himself. He was, after all, in a green argyle sweater with a white undershirt, jeans, and simple sneakers, the sweater complimenting his eyes nicely. His glasses were thick and wire-rimmed; if he was younger he totally would've been labeled a geek.
He averted his gaze when Sebastian looked away, not wanting to be creepy or aggressive or anything like that.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastian sighs and kicks a big pebble with the tip of his converses and it went a distance.He looked back at Bernard,he examined his facial looks. He couldnt tell how old this guy was,but he knew it was a longshot away from his age of 17.He always figured the older was the dominant,not the youngest. But hey,he'd take it.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

His eyes darted to the road again as another car went by. "Seriously, I think we should go now."
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

“Fine,but..any suggestions of where to?”
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"I don't know about you, but I want to go home." He liked his home, small as it may be.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastian shrugged,if Bernard left what would he do? ...heck,his own home was many miles away.

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