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Forums » General Roleplay » 1x1 with Rhythm

Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

(He just read the guide I will write some day. This is my version of vamps: genetic defect causes them to only be able to live off blood and also causes them to be allergic to the properties in sunlight and garlic, although holy water and things will not harm them because they are not necessarily evil. Their genes give them an above average strength and speed, along with longer than normal fangs to pierce the skin and suck the blood.)
(I'm trying to make my vamps and weres as logical as possible o3o it's fun)

Bernard grinned at him wolfishly. "Like it?"
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

( :/ good description,impressive)
(i try to combine vampire stuff i've heard along with some vladimir tod stuff for ,Sebastian,a bit of mix and matching,give or take.)
Sebastian looked at him and nodded a yes.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

(Thanks. I look at all the myths and see if they would work out in the real world- if they don't, I dump them, and if they do, I keep them and maybe twist them around a bit to fit my liking. I've thought about it a lot)
(Don't even get me started on dragons or I'll never shut up xD)

Bernard grinned, happy to have made Sebastian happy. "So now what?"
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

(dragons are cool)
Sebastian shrugged “I have no idea”
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

(Dragons are awesome)

Bernard sighed and looked outside. "Well, I have nothing better to do, really."
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

(Yes they are)
Sebastian was thinking for something to do.“What do wolves like to do for fun?” he asked
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Well, if they're in a pack, they either go hunting or play fight with each other. But I'm a lone wolf, so I mostly just read," Bernard told him with a sigh. "Sometimes I go out on a run. My life isn't that interesting, believe it or not."
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm) got one boring life...

“Thats it..nothing else?” he asked,sounding as if he expected a tad more ..

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