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Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

Bernard was out like a light; kinda funny, actually. He was twitching slightly every now and then like a dreaming dog.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastians stomach growled aloud..shut up...for now.. He looked over at him,seeing him twitch,he had his guesses what the wolf would be dreaming about.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

(Just gonna skip to morning)

Bernard woke up and stretched luxuriously, giving a great gaping yawn and exposing his longer and sharper than normal canines.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastian had stayed up all night,when Bernard had woke up Sebastian was poking around in his books.He looked out of the corner of his eye,seeing you were finally awake.He noticed your canines,honestly,he would bet they were sharper than his fangs right now.maybe not always,but now..
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"You a reader too?" he asked blearily, rubbing his eyes and straightening his glasses.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

“In a way” he says looking over some books “not the best thing in the world,but i kinda like reading...”
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Not the best thing...?" he repeated incredulously. "I betcha you'd be a jock or something close to it in school. They said the exact same thing, or something along those lines."
He pulled a book off the shelf and caressed the worn cover lovingly. "It's hard to believe that these actually come from people's minds, you know. They had to think of this and write it down coherently to get their message out to the world... I find it pretty spectacular."
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastian shakes is head “not a jock or anything”
He didnt mind reading a book,but he wouldnt make it a everyday thing,
“It comes from the authors imagination,or thoughts,depending on the book.Better imagination,the better ideas,the better the book,unless it based on fact of course.. ” He said thoughtfully as he looked at the shelf of books ,looking over them.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Yeah. Like Tolkien, or Verne- they had such broad imaginations... Spanned across universes, really. All of it crammed in one head." He put the book back carefully in it's place.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastian had never heard of either of those 2.However he kept looking for a specific book. Believe it or not he was seeing if this guy had a book about vampires,just to see how much myth people actually believe is true ..He doubted he did,but it didnt hurt to look
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

He murmured the names of several authors as he looked at the book titles, names like Orwell and Bradbury and Wells and Shelley. Fine writers, all of them, at least in his mind.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastian seemed to read way different books than Bernard, since none of the authors he named Sebastian hadn't heard of. Sebastian found a book about vampires,suprisingly and flipped through a few pages .facts about vampires... he reads a bit fake,fake,fake,true,fake,true,fake...
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"You want a good book on the supernatural?" he asked, noticing Sebastian reading the book. "Here, this one girl here did a really good field guide to all these different things- she went out and studied everything firsthand, got to know some of the people she wrote about. She wrote a good thing on vampires in here- let me find it..."
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

This person should really check their 'facts' on vampires he thought since not even half of it was true,he closed the book and returned it to the shelf,waiting for you to find that book on the supernatural.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"Here." He pulled the field guide out, flipping to the page that held the vampires. Sure enough, this girl had done her research. Everything was correct, which made Bernard happy because oftentimes people thought silver always killed weres. She had pointed out that this wasn't the case- there were just different levels of allergic reactions, that was all.
It was good to read something that didn't regard the supernatural as monsters, for once.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

He took the book and read,he was slightly suprised that everything he read so far was true,so true,more factual than that last book.As he continued he stumbled apon something not even he knew,and he was the vampire here.He got interested in that unknown thing,you could see fascination in his eyes as he read.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"She's good, right? She's done some good books. She did that one and a field guide to dragons as well," Bernard told him, happy to see him so fascinated with a book.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastian nodded and continued reading,everything she had wrote seemed to be true, From the looks of it ,he wouldnt be putting the book down anytime soon.
Bernard Bane (played by LuciferBrimstone) Topic Starter

"She's a good person... I like Carmen." He went back to the fridge and dug around in it, looking for some more meat for breakfast.
Sebastian Rokitskaia (played by Rhythm)

Sebastian stood there and continued reading,like the book was the greatest thing ever written,but still only his eyes showed how much he liked it.Yet he was still suprised,not a single thing was false.
Eventually,he closed the book and put it on the shelf
vampires cant stand crosses..? thats new..

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