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Forums » RP Discussion » Do you like big women?

This is true. Sorry. My brains tired. I need to get to sleep anyways for work in the morning. Gotta wake about 3am.
I am intrigued by this awesome group, although I don't have much in the way of chubbier women characters (I've had... one, I think, and most of the rest are supposed to be healthy but average for their weight/height; one other is of the "drop dead gorgeous" category, but I don't play her much anymore).

Still, I think I may poke around it! Because that's what I do when things catch my eye. <3
I suddenly don't feel so bad about my weight >.>' They look pretty! I'm about their size, and I'm a little self conscious, even though I know I shouldn't be. It's kind of comforting knowing that people like people like me. xD
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

There are MANY people who like full women, kuroi! Please don't feel conscious about how you look, as long as you know you live healthy and love others, you should not love yourself any less. :)
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Copper_Dragon wrote:
I am intrigued by this awesome group, although I don't have much in the way of chubbier women characters (I've had... one, I think, and most of the rest are supposed to be healthy but average for their weight/height; one other is of the "drop dead gorgeous" category, but I don't play her much anymore).

Still, I think I may poke around it! Because that's what I do when things catch my eye. <3

You definitely don't need to have a chubby or female character in order to join. :) Feel free to join if you would like to!!
Roser wrote:
Fun historical fact: In the past, pre-18thc. more or less, the concept was not that skinny was attractive. Due to the concepts of wealth and abundance that went along with the nobolity, having a better diet and more fatty-laden foods was a sign of status. So the larger in figure you were, generally speaking, the wealthier you were. There were exceptions of course, but that was the main idea :P Skinnier = peasants who could not afford a rich diet beyond the very bare minimum. Larger = richer.

^ This. Yes.

Also, squeeee. Yesss. I will join this group!
Sorry. I'm hyper. I just ate Lucky Charms.
As a girl who's suffered from a crippling eating disorder in REAL life, it took me a lot to gain appreciation for where my natural weight was supposed to be. Despite the fact that I thought other women of higher weights were absolutely gorgeous, I couldn't accept the same ideals for me up until this past year. To fully recover I had to accept where my weight may actually, healthfully lie, and it was (surprise surprise) above society's standard. I don't think any of these women are un-healthfully representing their weight; their are some girls that are just built to be heavier framed. Needless to say, I've grown to appreciate my figure, as well as fully support women in wherever their figure may healthfully, naturally lie.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

unlikelynominee, it's WONDERFUL to hear you're on the right path now. <3 I posted a big something in the ChubFans forum that addresses the health part. (And really, don't believe society when it comes to weight advice; you're supposed to be look thin and sexy in some music video to be pretty, so they sell you diet pills, expensive shakes, send you to expensive people who tell you what you can and can't eat, they ask your money just to decide for what you can or can't DO, but at the same time they are almost forcing the hamburgers, cheese covered deep fried foods and the like down your throat to get your money as well. It's a cat and mouse game, your health doesn't matter, all they are interested in is your hard earned cash.)

Here's the picture I promised.


6'1" / 1.86m
285lbs / 130kg

I don't really look it from the front. My height and width help balance out my weight. I actually have a bit of a blubby belly and a lot of fat is in my breasts and my bottom and thighs. From the side and also from the back, it's clear that I am overweight and I probably could do with losing a couple of pounds for health reasons. But based on the numbers, I'm apparently morbidly obese. I don't believe I am though.

(I also like myself enough that when I refer to myself as fat, I don't consider it an insult. Just like how black people have dark skin, I am fat. That's how I think.)
From the front you ain't too bad and going by how you describe from the sides and such I would indeed classify you as fun sized. Which is my way of saying you ain't fat but then again your not skinny. Kind of a happy medium.
Sanne wrote:
unlikelynominee, it's WONDERFUL to hear you're on the right path now. <3 I posted a big something in the ChubFans forum that addresses the health part. (And really, don't believe society when it comes to weight advice; you're supposed to be look thin and sexy in some music video to be pretty, so they sell you diet pills, expensive shakes, send you to expensive people who tell you what you can and can't eat, they ask your money just to decide for what you can or can't DO, but at the same time they are almost forcing the hamburgers, cheese covered deep fried foods and the like down your throat to get your money as well. It's a cat and mouse game, your health doesn't matter, all they are interested in is your hard earned cash.)

Here's the picture I promised.


6'1" / 1.86m
285lbs / 130kg

I don't really look it from the front. My height and width help balance out my weight. I actually have a bit of a blubby belly and a lot of fat is in my breasts and my bottom and thighs. From the side and also from the back, it's clear that I am overweight and I probably could do with losing a couple of pounds for health reasons. But based on the numbers, I'm apparently morbidly obese. I don't believe I am though.

(I also like myself enough that when I refer to myself as fat, I don't consider it an insult. Just like how black people have dark skin, I am fat. That's how I think.)

That's not morbidly obese! I think it's a nice size!
Meedleboot wrote:
Sanne wrote:
unlikelynominee, it's WONDERFUL to hear you're on the right path now. <3 I posted a big something in the ChubFans forum that addresses the health part. (And really, don't believe society when it comes to weight advice; you're supposed to be look thin and sexy in some music video to be pretty, so they sell you diet pills, expensive shakes, send you to expensive people who tell you what you can and can't eat, they ask your money just to decide for what you can or can't DO, but at the same time they are almost forcing the hamburgers, cheese covered deep fried foods and the like down your throat to get your money as well. It's a cat and mouse game, your health doesn't matter, all they are interested in is your hard earned cash.)

Here's the picture I promised.


6'1" / 1.86m
285lbs / 130kg

I don't really look it from the front. My height and width help balance out my weight. I actually have a bit of a blubby belly and a lot of fat is in my breasts and my bottom and thighs. From the side and also from the back, it's clear that I am overweight and I probably could do with losing a couple of pounds for health reasons. But based on the numbers, I'm apparently morbidly obese. I don't believe I am though.

(I also like myself enough that when I refer to myself as fat, I don't consider it an insult. Just like how black people have dark skin, I am fat. That's how I think.)

That's not morbidly obese! I think it's a nice size!

Morbidly obese? That's not the mental image I get when I see the words "morbidly obese".
Granted the whole body mass index measurements have always seemed really fickle to me. <:c
Dragonfire Moderator

BMI is a pretty poor system, overall, for figuring out one's fitness or body shape. It only takes height and weight into account - and while height is height, weight can be distributed in a lot of ways, and muscle is heavier than fat. A lot of super-fit athletes fall into the 'morbidly obese' range. :p BMI basically tells you nothing, in other words.

I'm on the stocky side, m'self, too. 5'4", don't know exactly what my weight is - was in the 190 lbs range last time I looked, but that was a month or two ago, so who knows where it is now. I typically don't care much, anyways; my own standard is "do I feel good and am I happy with my appearance?". Right now I'm a bit out of shape, but once I start dancing again that'll remedy itself a bunch.
Yeah, so I've figured. :I I kind of follow your "do I feel good and am I happy with my appearance" thing too, actually, Dragonfire.

I'm 5'1.5" (yes, one-point-five. 1.5. I want to be 02" like a Haunter dangit ;~; ) and roughly 127 lbs-- that was what I weighed last I checked, and I tend to fall in the 125-130 pound range. Lowest I've gotten in 3 years is 117. I've got curves and some flab to me, but apparently I'm pretty healthy. Amazing, considering my consumption of fast food and lack of exercise; maybe I have my dad's crazy-fast metabolism. Not sure. Sometimes I get all weird and "bleh" over my shape, since I'm not very toned, but most of the time I seem to be pretty okay with my body.
You sound like me copper. 5'7" around the 125 to 130 range. And I eat enough to feed a 4 man squad litterally and don't gain a pound due to my crazy high metabolism.
Roser wrote:
Fun historical fact: In the past, pre-18thc. more or less, the concept was not that skinny was attractive. Due to the concepts of wealth and abundance that went along with the nobolity, having a better diet and more fatty-laden foods was a sign of status. So the larger in figure you were, generally speaking, the wealthier you were. There were exceptions of course, but that was the main idea :P Skinnier = peasants who could not afford a rich diet beyond the very bare minimum. Larger = richer.

I love this kind of stuff. xD I've heard this before
Thanks, Sanne, for your support. I'm alot better off than I used to be. And in reference to the BMI thing (I hope no one gets triggered by this, if you do, I'll take it down).
I am 5'9 1/2"...quite possibly 5'10-5'11" now (it's amazing what proper nutrition and eating enough does for the body) , but at the time of this picture I was still 5'9" and in the 130s which was techinically healthy.

This is me about where I am right now, 180ish region (I don't weigh myself anymore); It may not be the standard, but I'm so much more healthy than I was before.


@unlikelynominee: Your figure's lovely in the second one :D Pretty flower arrangement!
This is clearly a discussion primarily for women. Someone remind me again why I bothered putting my thoughts on the table?

Who said it was primarily for women? o,O Where on earth did you get that impression from?
Primarily the fact that I appear to be the only male active on this thread. Heh. That and the group page itself.

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