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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » To Find the Forbidden Secrets(2B Cntinued & mved )

Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

His expression sent ice through Pavol's veins.The boy stumbled backwards and fell on his rear. " I can't touch anything of yours! It's just a bird"

Nasr grit his teeth while reaching back. " It's called respect kid. Something you Luminaries should learn more of" He pulled out one of his tin whistles and pointed at the kid. "Touch my flutes and I will not be happy either."

Before he could complain more, Yuuma took the kid by the hand and helped him to his feet. " Let's teach you how to gather food while they talk" He guided the boy with a suprisingly cheery look.
" But...but..." He looked at the bird for a bit longer before giving in.

With them gone, Nasr refocused on the situation. " A stubborn spirit? Well I would be happy if it was something small. Two days of rest would be nice"
He turned the flute as he looked at the distorted reflection of the walls. " What that dragon said is bothering me....the sacrifice has already been made? I hope not them"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

His eyes gleamed and he began to look at the bird, “do we need to go back. If the sacrifice is made then it’s something close to us0, he said looking for a note, “ also, are we being too hard in the kid”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

On the left leg of the bird, attached with a black ribbon was a small scroll.

Nasr listened to the bird only to smile. " He will have fun too. Kid is a brat at times."
Shinigami (played by Great7)

He took the note and opened it to read it, “ok then, I feel like we are adding to his fear instead of dealing with it”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

The note held ill tidings. The Varethar Clan was becoming a safe haven for those of the dark. Zurma, the city of Wind, had been destroyed. The only known survivor was a single Valra who fled in search for help.

He waited as his friend read the note. The silver flute created a transparent disk as he tossed it into the air.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

“Bad, think of bad and make it times two. We need to move now”, he said standing up and removed the barrier, “get the boy and yuuma, we can’t wait anymore. We need to weaken them. We need to kill them all”, he said then gave the note to nasr, “they’re on the attack now.”, he said calming down, “details, I need more details”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

His sudden change in tone and stance took a bit for Nasr to catch up. The flute hit him in the head before hitting the floor. He grabbed the it and put it away " Ok but if you want details then let me see that note" He said as he got to his feet.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

He gave nasr the notes and sat down, “well, I gues we need a new plan”, he said then brought out his notebook, “tell me, what does that note mean, wind city. I feel like I know it”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Taking the note, he read it with all haste. " Zurma? That city is a 5 day ride from here...sounds like bait" He folded the note up and set it down. " You might know the city? Strange place built in tiers. The lower tier sits on the ground. Powerless Nyctorans live there. Basic markets are there but the place I hear is a wreck from the strong winds"

He walked to the doorway and leaned on the frame. " The second tier floats above it. That one houses the standard clans and the shops we will want. Then you have the third tier shrouded in clouds. All Elite clans live there and it holds the Sunstone Tower."

Something was missing to him. His expression was cold as he recalled the tales he heard of Zurma as kid. " Ah! That's right legend has it that it's the only city that has a double existence. By night a castle appears. It is guarded by violent storm clouds. If one can reach it then the secrets of the dragons are theirs or something like that" He waved his hand as though it was nonsense. " Guess it's haunted too"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

“Ha, sounds like something i want to hear”, he said writing diwn, “we are going there then. Isn’t the wind city the town we planed to go to”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

He chuckled at his friend's enthusiasm. " You have thrill issues to want to brave a storm. Anyway, no, Imora the city of Stone sits between us and Zurma"

He stared out into the forest trying to see the others. " Hey Yuuma!! Bring the kid back here!!"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

“Then we deal with import first then”, he said writing then stood up, “let’s do this”, he said a little tired, “when I wake up”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" Food should help...where are they anyway?" The sound of giggling made him poke his head out. Not seeing anything he stepped outside.
Pavol came barreling around the corner and ran into Nasr. Fish fell to the ground leaving only a few left in the boy's arms.
" Where did you get that?"

" The lake!" Pavol said with an ecstatic smile.

His mouth twisted at the thought. " Wait you were....YUUMA!!"

Yuuma eventually appeared with a nervous smile and crystal fruit in his arms. " He ran off when I wasn't looking."
Shinigami (played by Great7)

“Huh, the boy went fishing”, he said laid down and fell asleep. A warm swam of dark and light covered him as he slept
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Pavol shook his head. " No, the girls helped" He tipped to see Shinigami sleeping. " What happened?"

" The girls helped....what have we done" Nasr looked between his fingers to see his friend sleeping. " We were supposed to leave. Let's get this cooked up so he has food when he wakes. And Yuuma" He said glaring at him. " You owe us a serious vacation for this"

" It wasn't....I apologize. You two do need a break" He worked to help prepare the food.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

Mana began to move towards him and heal him up. All kinds of mana gently joined the barrier around him and the barrier got bigger. The mana began to take shapes. From dragons to butterflies to birds and to weapons to skulls and things he met
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Nasr kneeled by his side and watched the magic take it's shape. The familiar faces that showed made him most curious about Shinigami. " You know...I should ask about you when you wake. I do not know that much about you... Is this how your kind dreams?"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

The mana began to make a whirlwind around him. It pushed everything away from him and surrounded him. The mana made two figures. Two people, one at his front and back. They hand their hands out as in to surround him. They lasted for a minute then dispersed into his body
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

The commotion drew the attention of everyone now. Nasr rubbed his head as he sat up. The wall did not feel so great. " What was that? Who were those two?"

Yuuma shrugged, equally stunned at what happened. " Only he knows. Maybe it's connected to this mess?"

Pavol threw a fruit at Yuuma. " Who cares! The fire is dying. Do something!"
Yuuma quickly turned to help out. " Please would be nice"

Nasr leaned forward, hiding his mouth and nose behind his arm. " I care...he said he needed immortality....if he's dying..." He looked to the floor with a pained expression. Death was one thing he knew too well
Shinigami (played by Great7)

He gently opened his eyes and sat up, “i only slept for a few minutes then. Most of my mana is restored so that should be good”, he said scratching his head, “hungry”

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