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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » To Find the Forbidden Secrets(2B Cntinued & mved )

Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" Old man!?" Pavol cried as he glided down to greet them. " I'm not old yet!"

Nasr held his beak shut while he snickered. " Since you are a 7 year old in the other world...yes you are old"

Pavel's feathers ruffled as he shook off the insult. He looked away, raising his beak to the air. " You want me to start? Fine! Just don't call me old again" His tail fell into the pit when he sat. " What I told Nasr was they were looking for Rage. You knew that but truth is they don't know where that demon is hiding yet. It could already be out their somewhere. There are three demons that they need Rage, Greed and..." He nodded towards Nasr. " Fear"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

“But is that the guy that follows you around”, he asked writing, “so, then if I see why nasr is connected, as for greed, that could surely be someone close to us and rage, well I don’t know. Keep on going then”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Pavol laughed now. " Fear doesn't follow me. I split Nasr's spirit so I could use both him and the demon. They were my puppets until you interfered..." He scowled at them now. The sour memory eating at his temper.

Yuuma spoke up now from his perch. " In order for you to understand how Nasr fits you must first understand the birth of Nyctorans" He stretched a hand forward and the air shimmered before the crystal until it formed a scene. The ancient world, wild and beautiful with magic that went beyond imagination.
" This world was more like the dream realm then. The magic was so powerful that a single thought would become reality. The race that walked this world we might describe as spirits. Beings of light and darkness that weaved together the fabric of reality. They knew that they needed one another to live and they served dragons that were of both elements"
The scenes that were shown were incredible. Trees, mountains, and more raised from nothing more than light and dark being woven like a tapestry.

He stared at Shinigami now. A thought crossed his mind that he didn't think about before. " The names of the Dragons were Lumerin and Solarius. Though both supported light and dark, Solarius became convinced that darkness was no longer needed. It was passive and cold after all, destruction appeared to be it's core nature instead of creation. To protect life she deemed that all belonged to her.
She fought against the dark until her own heart became the darkness that she hated so much. Life suffered and the original race lost both their power and immortal nature. The world burned in her unrelenting light.
Lumerin, loving the world and the people, fought against Solarius to give them rest. Their power was equal though and no end was in sight."
The images had shown the brutal war and the dead that resulted. Solarius looked so beautiful with her aurora wings but was truly cruel.

" Wanting the war to end, the original race gave Lumerin the last of their power. He used this to tear out Solarius' heart which became the scorching sun. Three demons rose from her blood and lashed out at Lumerin. These Demons were her Rage towards Lumerin, her Fear of the darkness, and Her Greed towards all things" He looked up now as a tear ran down his face. Being of the night element, his tie to Lumerin was the tightest of all.

" What they didn't expect was what Lumerin's love for the people had done. His heart became the diamond moon that watches over us now. The light from Solarius he split and gave back to the powerless people.
To each a different element and power was bestowed, including darkness. They say he gifted a rare few with the power of light and dark but those of the night are far from rare." He shifted to lean on his hand now. Thoughts filled his mind as he looked at the three below.

"The demons were drawn to this light and tried to recollect Solarius' fragments by filling the peoples hearts with their darkness. Now the war belonged to us instead of the dragons.
Though weakened, the people banded together to seal the demons away, the last of the Great Dragon's power. The price was great, shortening our newly mortal lives and removing the miasma of magic that was the air. Our world has never been the same since"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

He began t to write down on the notebook very fast like the ideas couldn’t stop coming, “the sun is bigger than the moon and the moon needs the sunlight. It all makes sense now. Why ur mom control light and everything else. Rage, fear and greed. I’ve seen that in more luminaries than people, meaning that they are a target. Are you sure that greed is still sealed. Anyway we need a plan”, he said writing down then turned to his last page which was blacker than before, “im going to become immortal and destroy the demons. But to do that, I need the power of everything, even the ones my race refuse to accept. The sun itself and the moon. Well maybe just the moon, if we weaken them and force them to serve us then i say we can even control them”, he said mumbling out loud, “magic spells, new weapons and curses yes, the curses, what’s their history?”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Pavol shrugged in the way birds could. " I don't know. She never spoke of Greed except for brief notes"

Nasr had leaned against the wall now. Hearing more details in the story got him thinking. " I bet the High Luminary has Greed. But something is bugging me..." He looked up again. Eyes darting across the crystal as if looking for answers.
" I have Fear. I am pure darkness. If a Luminary of pure light truly has Greed then where does that leave Rage?" He looked at Shinigami now. " Would they not try put Rage in one like you?"

Yuuma nodded slowly as he thought about the curses and the demons. " The history of the curses is mostly unknown. What is known is that the curses never appeared until the first city was built"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

“No, drago would not succum to darkness.”, he said writing then turned from the last page to another page, “guy, I think we should wait a little, two days is good enough. We need to get more info and theres one woman who should have it. Im going to call that spirit of mine to bring her over here or somewhere. But if I had to say, I would prefer it if I was the one with rage and not someone else, why , cause I know I can be stoped if I lost control.”, he said then closed his book, “we are bring the moon to life”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" Then we will hang out for two days in these ruins." Yuuma stood and spread his wings. " Let's pray that the one you bring has the answers we seek"

Nasr smiled at the thought of the moon being brought to life. Something ate at him though. Perhaps it was simply Fear responding. " Find the demons and revive Lumerin. Sounds dangerous and fun!"

Pavol shook his head. " Do you even know what you are planning? Just to seal Rage would take a grand sacrifice. What would the price be to bring a god back to life?"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

“Oh, we just slap him up with a lot of mana, push him towards his wife or something,. It high time they solved their couple’s quarry and leave us out of it”, he said dumbly, “now that that’s settled, let’s sleep, I will call the spirit when we wake. The lake, the lake”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Nasr and Pavol stared at him blankly. Whether the dragons were married or not, no one truly knew.

Yuuma chuckled as he sat upright. " Perhaps they are siblings but I agree. Let's spend the rest of the dream at the lake" with a roar, he filled the massive room with the night mist.
Everything swirled and shifted like sand in the wind. Next the scents changed from dusty stone to sweet water. When all was finished moving, the dream lake came into view.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

He clapped his hands and made a small wish, “please let then be a girl that yuuma will like so we can tease him till he dies”, he said then stood up to look at the lake, “ok, where’s she. The black dragon girl, she knows something. She kept giving me the look”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Yuuma's legs got weak the moment he heard the wish. " Um...I'll just stay back here you guys" His teeth showed in the largest nervous grin ever.

Nasr flew up before his face. " Spoil sport! If you will not move on your own we may be forced to drag you to the lake" He crossed his arms with a look of satisfaction.

" You guys wouldn't really do that....would you?" He said lowering his head.

Nasr shrugged. " Maybe but I am going to look for that black dragon" He turned and flew towards the lake.

Since he was just kid in reality, Pavol happily perched on Yuuma's horn.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

“Hey pavol, im taking you on a adventure”, he said flying to pavol’s side, “I. Promised to show you the world, let’s me help you take one step”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

He turned his head to look at Shinigami. " In a dream?" He looked back out to the lake. There Nasr seemed to be having fun picking on the dragon girls.
" Ok, so what adventure are we going to have?" He spread his own wings now
Shinigami (played by Great7)

“Follow me”, he said then took a dive into the lake, “anyone free?”, he shouted out then looked up to pavol, “go for your age gap boy”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

Many recognized his voice and turned to him with smiles. " Look who's back!" The dragons who weren't as thrilled with Nasr's antics quickly redirected their attention, surrounding him. A different water dragon shimmered beneath the surface. Her iridescent fins breached the water as she got close to Shinigami.

An air elemented dragon circled over head without a sound. " And he's brought friends this time" She circled around Pavol who was still trying to figure it all out.
" Friends...yes I suppose-"

Nasr busted up laughing as he landed on a crystal. " Listen, don't think to hard. You have something we don't. Be your prissy self and let them see that tail of yours!" He looked ridiculous as he gave his own example. A raven's tail was in no way fancy. Despite it he atleast had the strut down.
A dragon made him caw as she nabbed him by the tail.

Pavol glided over to a crystal shelf and watched the two for a bit longer. Thinking he understood, he fanned out his tail and let his birdsong be heard. The natural pride of the Luminary showed and his light began to burn the colors out of his feathers.This truly caught the attention of the light dragons.
The sky seemed to move for a moment, like water in the air. Nasr looked up now wondering why it did that.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

“The kid is good, well im only interested iupn one dragon for now but let’s see, my friend over there is single and needs your help”, he said pointing to yuuma ,” please do me this favor”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

They looked where he pointed to see Yuuma. Seeing another dragon seemed to make some very giddy.
The water dragon smiled. " Aww, He seems so lonely." She then tipped her head. " So which dragon are you looking for?"
Not wanting to miss their chance, the dragons stayed to hear his answer.
Shinigami (played by Great7)

“I’m looking for a dragon with dark scales. She’s the one who didn’t want you all to have your fun the last time, if she’s not here then I guess I’m all yours”, he said smiling to himself, “dragons sure are beautiful”
Nasr Varethar (played by LunarValravn) Topic Starter

" Oh she's here" The water dragon said with a smile. " You just need to know where to look" Her fins brushed against him as she rose from the water. She was a sleek dragon that seemed fitting of leviathans. " Well let's cheer that one up girls!"

Nasr clamped his beak shut as he watched them surround Yuuma. He was so nervous that he kept tripping over his own limbs, making it easier for them to trap him. " W-What did I do t-to deserve this!?"
He could no longer contain himself. Feathers flew off him as he rolled back. " BWAHAHA! That is too great! Hey do you think he will actually- ai!" There it was again, the moving sky. " I am not a chicken but Shinigami the sky is actually falling towards you!"
Shinigami (played by Great7)

“Huh, we, everything here must love me then”, he said looking up and saw what he was saying, “too much loving, yuuma, is the sky supposed to be this way”

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