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Forums » Smalltalk » Let's try a generally touchy subject - Marijuana

Hmmm I don't do drugs or anything like alcohol and that stuff. I just don't like it, but that doesn't mean I won't be friends of people that do these things, because it's not like they'll inmediately go all crazy and bad. =S. As long as they don't insist on offering me to try it, it's cool. Though, I do avoid being around when I know I won't be confortable with the situation.

As for it being legal... My opinion is that it shouldn't be, unless it's for medical purposes, like many people have said. It's dangerous and I've seen what it does to a person. It's just one of those things that are not normal, but are common.

And... this is interesting... to talk about this, so let's keep the peace. =)
Tailbone wrote:
Sure I'm also mildly insulted by your misplaced pity, but I respect Kim enough to not make a deal out of it. Its your opinion even if it's a harmful one to people doing you no wrong. That you'd consider harming the lives of other people in a real way despite them having done you no wrong alarms me greatly.

I'm sorry I insulted you! I'm not sure what I have said that could make something come off as harming the lives of others or having as you called it 'misplaced pity', so I can assure that nothing I said was intentional in putting any kind of that message across.
tailbone wrote:
You also do understand that laws are human constructions - much like most things - and has been ever changing throughout the ages?
I also don't want to sound like an anarchist, but I cannot comprehend why 'it's illegal' should ever be a good justification for making any decision on how to view something.

Well, see I didn't get in-depth with this because I didn't feel it was needed, but I guess I do need to explain myself a bit. As I very briefly mentioned, it would give me a heavy conscious if someone I personally knew was illegally smoking pot. This is because I have an over-developed sense of guilt. My guilt can literally make me sick to my stomach, to the point where I might even throw up. It can go haywire for the big stuff, or for the little stuff, like taking some sugar packets from the school cafeteria to use in the drinks I might make in my own dorm room with my own coffee maker.

It's because of this that I say that I keep to the 'if it's illegal, don't do it' standpoint. I know, as you pointed out, that there are a lot of laws that aren't right. Christianity is practiced where it is outlawed, but I would not tell them to stop practicing because I would do the same if it was outlawed in the US. I think I was too general with my statement and that I tried to sum my opinion up too much, and for that I seemed to have offended you, so I am indeed sorry for that!
I hope my explanation has eased some of the insult I had caused.
Raymond Topic Starter

I also don't believe in the 'if it's illegal, you shouldn't do it' mantra. Humans are flawed, and I prefer instinct over our own laws, for the most part.
For instance. Some guy physically assaults a female friend of mine. I don't really care that it's illegal to assault him. An extreme example, but it gets my point across.

I'm also a morally questionable individual.

Pot is harmless. It's been proven it doesn't even kill braincells; it puts up a temporary wall around them. It's also been proven to improve some thought processes, while deminishing others; vocabulary is one it increases.

I do not personally take it or have any interest in taking it, but as I am aware that for people suffering chronic pain conditions and severe anxiety benefit from it it is beneficial, I am not against it in those circumstances. My view is that if it's legalised, it can be better taxed and regulated; less chance of someone getting sold contaminated material.
Just like Rynh I'm pretty neutral about it. There are a lot of substances that are just as harmful (or even more harmful) for your health as marijuana and are also completely legal in most places. I personally put a lot of value in the freedom to choose as long as you keep in mind the consequences your choices will have.

That said however, personally i am not fond of such substances and will never use them myself. Even alcohol I avoid drinking to the point where I'm drunk. I just don’t see the joy in losing your mind for a moment, but different tastes for different people.
Morgana (played anonymously)

Raymond wrote:
Pot is harmless. It's been proven it doesn't even kill braincells; it puts up a temporary wall around them. It's also been proven to improve some thought processes, while deminishing others; vocabulary is one it increases.

I'm always hesitant about any 'scientifically proven' statements. The researches done on issues like these are so varied in results and contradicting each other time and time again, they don't hold any value in an argument for me. Today they tell us it doesn't kill brain cells, tomorrow a new research project reveals it does. Ultimately, proven scientific statements carry no weight for this reason.
CelestianGrey wrote:
Well, see I didn't get in-depth with this because I didn't feel it was needed, but I guess I do need to explain myself a bit. As I very briefly mentioned, it would give me a heavy conscious if someone I personally knew was illegally smoking pot.

I believe people are upset with your statement because carrying and smoking pot even only once in your lifetime can get you a disproportional and outrageous punishment. If you were to report people for using it, you would be destroying their life, even if they never harmed a single fly while smoking. You could be sending someone to jail for a decade, for smoking only one joint in their own bedroom once.
Morgana wrote:
CelestianGrey wrote:
Well, see I didn't get in-depth with this because I didn't feel it was needed, but I guess I do need to explain myself a bit. As I very briefly mentioned, it would give me a heavy conscious if someone I personally knew was illegally smoking pot.

I believe people are upset with your statement because carrying and smoking pot even only once in your lifetime can get you a disproportional and outrageous punishment. If you were to report people for using it, you would be destroying their life, even if they never harmed a single fly while smoking. You could be sending someone to jail for a decade, for smoking only one joint in their own bedroom once.

Ohhh, okay, that makes sense. Thank you for helping me to understand. See, I'm not particularly well-versed in where it's legal, what the punishment is, etc. I can't say for sure, because I've never been in such a situation, but it's true that if someone I personally knew was smoking pot, I would have a heavy conscious. No matter the punishment for it, it's still against the law, just as if they were drinking underage or stealing from a store. So, just as if they were doing those things, I would have a heavy conscious from it. But (trying to put myself in this situation), I would be more inclined to talk to them about it first; not just go off and report them without saying anything.

I hope that makes more sense. I won't take back what I said, because that is my opinion and how I feel, and this thread is asking for opinion. But I hope my added clarification helps out. It's difficult to me to be able to get what I'm saying across because I've never been in such a situation before, so it's nearly impossible to think of 'all the sides' that would need to be addressed in a situation like that. But I hope my clarification has added a little more comfort. I wouldn't simply report them, I would certainly talk to them about it first and perhaps try to find a different solution; if they are taking it for medicine, why not try to get it prescribed? If they are taking it for recreational, maybe something else can be found that can be done. That sort of thing.
I'm in support for legalization. It has been proven that - in sensible doses, of course - the effects of smoking pot is less detrimental to your health than it is getting drunk. Whilst I have both seen the goods and the bad effects in people (and have experienced it myself), I think that in regulated amounts it could do wonders for people's health, especially those with aggressive or terminal illnesses and diseases.

I actively play a drug dealing character on several outlets, and I have put a lot of research into narcotics toward both the long term and short term affects it has on the human psyche, and I think that it's really disappointing how much effort and money is wasted on cutting down marijuana, when it could be regulated and taxed just as any other drug. There is no such thing as a perfect drug, and even the prescribed stuff you get from the doctor's is going to give you a bad side effect which varies from person to person. But that's just my two cents.
I think it's better to regulate something then ban it because then you lose control of it, and people are endangered by an illegal market either directly or indirectly.

Better to educate people, properly, lay all the facts bare instead of having an agenda. So they can decide for themselves.

Because access doesn't mean everyone's going to suddenly start doing it. Bit of a decline in the normal smoking culture once all the facts of cigarettes were laid bare wasn't there? Many people only started habits before that to be cool or for medicinal purposes. I know a lot of people dead now for the latter reason.

Sure, some people still take it up even so but that's their future their screwin' with, I don't care as long as their off in their smoking areas and not making me breath it. Like I don't care if someone drinks in excess, or smokes weed or any other kinda drug as long as their not driving on the road with me.

I'd rather police focus on people being irresponsible and endangering others, and people with addictions not be forced in to inescapable corners they can't seek help for without risking a serious legal reprimand.

Marijuana, like most things, can be harmless in small doses. Take in too much of anything and it can harm you, not just pot. Vitamin C can be detrimental to someone's health if they overdose on it.

Unlike alcohol or tobacco, marijuana can be used for medical purposes. It can help ease pain in cancer patients, or help someone with anxiety issues or other mental problems. I find it absurd that people are allowed to drink legally when all you are doing is poisoning yourself, but when it comes to marijuana, which has proven to help people, suddenly it's illegal and that's what makes it bad.

I've seen the effects of what too much marijuana can do to a person as well. I know it's not a cure-all drug that has no side effects, but in retrospect to other drugs marijuana is like child's play to hardcore drugs like heroine or cocaine, yet it gets treated with the same stigma. I don't think it should be free to everyone to use, but regulated to people who would benefit from it. There's nothing wrong with people needing to alleviate pain or psychological troubles.
Sanne Moderator

Beinnj wrote:
Unlike alcohol or tobacco, marijuana can be used for medical purposes. It can help ease pain in cancer patients, or help someone with anxiety issues or other mental problems. I find it absurd that people are allowed to drink legally when all you are doing is poisoning yourself, but when it comes to marijuana, which has proven to help people, suddenly it's illegal and that's what makes it bad.

Certain alcoholic beverages, like wine, can have a positive influences on your body when consumed in moderation. A lot of things in moderation have positive side-effects. Alcohol does, marijuana does, coffee does, soda does - but in excess, all of it becomes bad.

Some random dude I was talking with on facebook told me that long term marijuana use like, physically turns your skull GREEN. Straight faced, totally convinced this was true.

If only, man. If only.
Raymond Topic Starter

Lolctopus wrote:
Some random dude I was talking with on facebook told me that long term marijuana use like, physically turns your skull GREEN. Straight faced, totally convinced this was true.

If only, man. If only.

If that were the case, I'd be looking like Jim Carrey from 'The Mask.' And probably be just as goofy.
Sanne Moderator


Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else now.
Raymond Topic Starter

Sanne wrote:

Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else now.

No need to think of anything else. That was great. Especially since I constantly watch that show, and have always thought that any many with that hairdo had to smoke copious amounts of something.
I don't use, I don't care if anyone uses. Honestly, I would prefer to be around someone who is pot-stoned rather than someone who is drunk.

That being said, and since it has been brought up, I am a firm believer in letting people tend to their own business. Until your actions endanger me or my family, I won't stop you from making your own conscious decisions. I do not condone making decisions for people simply because it weighs on my conscience. I see that as a very poor excuse to get involved where I do not belong. Legal or not.

That does not mean I would not talk to someone if I thought they were physically hurting themselves. Especially if that someone is dear to me, but there is a very fine line between assisting, directing, and forcing someone's hand. In the case of pot (strictly pot, not cut with other substances) people should be able to smoke it without fear of being punished or given a talking to. As far as I have seen, it hurts nothing other than unsuspecting bags of Cheetos. As long as it stays that way, I will stay out of people's business.
Raymond Topic Starter

Ah, yes, those poor cheeto's. In my weakest moments, I've killed several bags myself. ):
Raymond wrote:
Ah, yes, those poor cheeto's. In my weakest moments, I've killed several bags myself. ):

I have a friend who murdered a bag of double stuffed oreos and a jar of jiffy peanut butter while stoned. I helped. Tastiest homicide ever.
Raymond Topic Starter

Highjinx wrote:
Raymond wrote:
Ah, yes, those poor cheeto's. In my weakest moments, I've killed several bags myself. ):

I have a friend who murdered a bag of double stuffed oreos and a jar of jiffy peanut butter while stoned. I helped. Tastiest homicide ever.

Chocolate chip cookie dough, all the way.

... I wonder if I'd be allowed to make a group for all the pot-smoking/pro-pot people on here? I mean, hell. It's a common ground.
Eeeeer... You would really have to ask a mod. It might be ok, since groups seem to be a tish more relaxed. I would definitely still ask.

Oh man, chocolate covered cookie dough... You are making me so hungry and it's only 6:30 in the morning D:

You are on: Forums » Smalltalk » Let's try a generally touchy subject - Marijuana

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