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"Yeah well, maybe not always elephants, but definitely a whole bunch of "somethings"? It's good for art blocks, but at what cost, you know? Especially when you wake up to one in your face!" He grimaces slightly, but in good humour." He pauses, and then makes a fairly shameful realization. "I never got your name...alias thing—I should probably get you guys' too?" He adds, looking to his fellow visitors. "If you're okay with that? Or is this like a whole fairy rumplestiltskin deal where names are bad—"

"Oh shoot—" He turns to the small.. thing? Offering it a hand to help steady it. "Hey, you okay there?"
Belle (played anonymously)

The situation felt suddenly awkward. She was pleased Lukas hadn't hurt himself, but suddenly Belle found herself surrounded by people, after having been near no one for.....well she wasn't even sure. The conversation proceeded without her, and she simply stood there looking back and forth at the participants, unable to offer any insight. It was still the leaf that intrigued her, but like Lukas' concern about alien etiquette, she wasn't sure the proper way to bring up the subject of abilities of that nature.

She decided to make herself scarce a moment, allow them to finish their conversation while indulging her original interest. Slipping off silently, she approached the garden and pond once again with a smile, staring wide eyed at it all as she slowly sat beside the water. It was beautiful, so much more than Belle had recalled. She maneuvered closer to the plant life, reaching out slowly and gently taking a flower in her hand. She didn't pluck it, merely leaving it where it stood and leaning down towards it, still smiling, and attempting to smell the fragrance of the beautiful plant.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura winces a bit, seeing Sylyntz fall, but makes no mention of it. Especially since between Jeremy and Sylyntz, the situation seems well in hand. Or... in one hand and a robot hand.

To Jeremy/Keyframe, she says, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I don't know how I overlooked that. Busy day yesterday, I guess. I go by Datura. It's a flower native to my home." She adds, realizing that not many people recognize the name. "I think in English it's called white thorn-apple, or sometimes devil's trumpet. I even heard it called moonflower, once. But I'm just Datura, proud founder of this brand new Super Center. I'll be even prouder when we start to expand the member list!"

Noting Belle's interacting with the garden out of the corner of her eye, she flicks a finger, and the giant leaf gently slides out toward her, creating a hammock-like seat for her to recline on while she appreciates the flowers and the fish.
Lukas Warmley (played anonymously)

Lukas was about to reply, when something the woman had said gave him pause. He looked thoughtful, brow furrowing and eyes trailing off in speculation. Was the company planning on branching out into the field of ’identity-sensitive accounting’? If so, why hadn’t Mr. Gustavson told him as much? Perhaps his attendance here was not intended to broker a deal, but merely introduce the greater super-community to… What, a small, mid-range Swedish accounting firm? No, that was silly.

“I suppose I’m not entirely sure why they wanted me to attend.” He admitted after a moment. And while that was not necessarily true-

His train of thought was again interrupted as something irrelevant occurred to him. Holding up one finger as inoffensively as possible, he said “Ah, excuse me, I’ll be back in a moment-” then extricated himself from the situation, searching for a semiprivate place to make a phone call.

(Gotta run, might be back later-)
Belle (played anonymously)

Belle retracts her hand, leaning back as the giant leaf approaches her. She recalls the moment before, where the leaf had scooped up Lukas and haphazardly delivered him before her and Datura, and half expecting to be returned to the same location herself. After a moment, she turned back to look at the founder, certain she had had something to do with it whether or not she was returning the look.

Glancing back, Belle smiled and worked her way to her feet, immediately leaping into the air and twisting around to land on her back upon the leaf with a few giggles to least so long as the leaf held. Should she simply fall through to the ground there would be nothing to giggle about.
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Sylyntz had no real way to interact with the offered hand - at least in a way that was particularly useful. Except perhaps lean on it for support as they steadied themselves - not that they hadn't already gotten control of their faculties, but it felt polite and socially advantageous to humour the helpful man. When they were sufficiently sure everything was already, they let loose their hovering hand drone and clumsily flopped it palm-down into the man's hand as if to shake it - or perhaps more accurately, pretend to take hold of it. After all, was that not the purpose of an outstretched hand? Sylyntz had never put much stock into the social meanings of such gestures given their lack of ability to reciprocate in an ordinary manner, but it was a good idea to at least try to follow human convention, wasn't it?
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura smiles, but makes no other indication as Belle looks at her that she's behind the offered leaf. Perhaps she has picked up on Belle being shy, and doesn't want to overwhelm her? Meanwhile, the vines curl beneath the leaf to create a more supportive surface for Belle to bounce on, and even flex themselves a bit to continue bouncing her up and down after she lands. Like the plant is playing with her.
He mentally kicks himself, having somehow missed the hand wasn't exactly attached to help it up properly, but it didn't seem like it took too much offense? There's an amused look at the attempt at a maybe-handshake, which is reciprocated with a beam. "Hi! Nice meeting you!"

"Datura." He says it thoughtfully, trying to make sure he's pronounced it correctly, then nods. "Got it! Don't really know much about flowers but I know moonflowers at least? It a seriously great name though." He looks around at the surroundings, the lobby, the displays, the high tech gear. "I mean you definitely should be proud, this is already huge? I'm.. still trying to get over the fact that I'm not dreaming, so."
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"Oh yes. I had some help from backers, including the UN, and I raised money in some... other ways..." She pauses, looking embarrassed, and then realizes that in order to not leave this to people's imagination she's going to have to clarify. "I sold landscaping services to the rich and famous. Royalty, even." She crosses her arms almost self consciously. "There's some absurd fantasy gardens out there right now to make this place happen. The water that's going to need to be wasted to maintain them in such impropable locations is going to be..." She shrugs it off. "But, the center is here, and I think it's going to make a big difference for the worldwide community. Think of all the problems we can help solve, for people with powers and people without!"
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Sylyntz kept the drone there for perhaps slightly too long, then finally let it fly off into the air, where it performed a series of stunt flips, before heading back over to Sylyntz and dropping toward the holster. Which it missed.

But the room was spared the sound of a sickening crunch of fragile internal components as the hand caught itself inches off the ground, wobbled a little in place and slowly slipped its way back to its holster safely. Sylyntz slumped in relief at their last-second save. maybe showing off with expensive equipment was not the best idea...
Vector (played by Kim) Topic Starter

The teleporter activates, and there she is again! The teen crime fighter! The star of Bisney's "Vector explains it all!" She appears already striking a pose, her high blond ponytail streaming behind her in an unfelt wind, her makeup subtle and perfect, her silverwhite and pink costume ever so shiny! "Hey everyone! I'm back! Did you miss me?" she burbles, blurring down from the teleporter pad and over to the group at the center of the lobby. She moves so fast, it's almost like she's teleported across the room, from one struck pose to another.
There's a small glance given to the leaf nearby as he recalls yesterday's events with a nod. "Yeah, that'll definitely do it." His face falls somewhat, both sympathetic and maybe a little awkward. Oh no upset person—"You never know, maybe someone might have water powers? Or—no wait, that sounded bad. But well, this is already helping so far. At least, for me?"

He blinks down at the drone hand, wondering if maybe he should shake it a bit more, until it seems to take a life of his own. To Sylyntz credit, he was definitely and initially impressed! At least, until he goes wide eyed at the miss, reaching out to catch it small "aAH—!"

Between the relief of the drone catching itself in time, and the sudden appearance of what as apparently a highschooler in proper superhero gear, zooming around, all Jeremy could do was stare with a helpless expression. "I—geezus I still need to get used to this. Welcome I guess!" Teacher instincts have him worried about the teen potentially breaking something in her speed, but he does turn his attention back to Sylyntz. "That was a pretty neat trick!"
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

"Hello again, Vector. Welcome back. It doesn't look like we have a TV crew here for you today, but I know you said you and your sponsors supported the idea of this place. Maybe you'd like to consider joining the Super Center?"

Datura produces a small golden envelope from one of her utility belt pouches. The envelope is sealed with green wax, and a real flower has been pressed into the wax itself. She offers this with a flourish to Sylyntz, though realizes as she does so she's not entirely sure whether the creature is equipped to take things. Maybe that robot drone hand can help out in this situation? She sure hopes it can, otherwise this is a bit awkward. "This is for your master, Geneweaver. And do you have any more communications from them for us today?"
Vector (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Vector gives Jeremy a decidedly quizzical look, not quite understanding where the "I guess" bit of his statement is coming from. "Thanks?" she responds in equally uncertain tones to him. To Datura, she re-asserts her charm. "Oh, I'll definitely consider that. Make sure you send all the contracts to my agent and we'll review." And with that, she blurs her way over to the pond, going to see who this new person is who's doing some... leaf trampolining? "Hi, I don't think I saw you here yesterday! I'm Vector, of course. Who are you?"
Sylyntz (played by Riik)

Between Vector's antics and Jeremy's compliment, Sylyntz attempted to strike a pose of their own. It was somewhat less impressive than pretty much anything the teen had on offer, but there was somehow still plenty of pride and effort put into the display. It was a pose that also somehow managed to portray a level of thanks toward the offered compliment. Perhaps it was the cheerfully perked-up antennae.

The envelope caught Sylyntz's attention and their attention turned to Datura, watching her lips as she spoke. Sylyntz slumped a little in apprehension after the previous mistake before releasing the drone again, and slowly and with all the concentration and fumbling as someone trying to thread a needle attempted to grab the offered item between the chubby fingers of the mechanical device. As they fumbled at the envelope, an audio message played from somewhere within their mask.
Stay still... no, I can't fix it if you move about so much... hmm? Oh... it's on... ah... greetings Datura! It's me, the Geneweaver, once again. If you are hearing this message, then doubtlessly it was because you asked about it... or otherwise Sylyntz has made a mistake, but that is not necessarily a negative thing. Anyway, as you may have probably guessed I have skimmed over some of Sylyntz's recordings and considered it worthwhile to send my sidekick on another fact-finding jaunt. I fully predict some future correspondence in person at some point in the future, but alas time is not always an ally. For now, rest assured that your project has my attention and I would be more than happy to discuss any potential future collaboration when I am available to do so. Kind regards. Kind regards...? Is that even something one says when ending an audio message? Blast... Sylyntz! No! You are not suppose to record this bit! End-"

At last, Sylyntz managed to get a grip on the envelope, and the drone floated around their head for a moment as though trying to find a place to deposit it. In the end, it opted for slotting the letter into Sylyntz's belt, hoping that it would not come dislodged. Or that any bends in it would not be detrimental to the contents.
Sentinel watched around him before advancing forward. The invitation, though strange, beckoned him here. "Might as well see what's going on here." His mask was tight on his face. It was a special request that he didn't understand, but he still respected it.
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

A flicker of something like uncertainty or disappointment goes across Datura's face at Vector's "talk to my agent" blow-off, but the message from Geneweaver restores her good spirits fully. "Most excellent! Please tell Geneweaver that I look forward to an in-person discussion at his earliest convenience. I suspect that our two talents could find some synergy, to start with. My letter to him expands on my ideas."

She takes a deep breath, and turns to Keyframe. "I'm not very good at the direct ask part of this job, but I guess I'll stop dancing around it and spit it out -- Keyframe, maybe you'd consider joining as a trainee member as well? It's no financial cost, you'd just be committing to some do-goodery once you're graduated. Nothing outside of whatever your eventual full skillset turns out to be, of course!" She looks surprised. "OH! I had good news for you, I can't believe I forgot! I did some asking around for you, and it turned out an associate of mine has a distant relation who has a talent for illusions. His aren't visual, I'm afraid, but auditory. He can re-create voices he's heard, or make them say new things. He does a lot of what he calls 'foley' work for the movie industry, in fact, though I'm pretty sure his boss thinks he's actually... I don't know, shaking metal sheets next to microphones instead of just making faces and concentrating. But I know he absolutely had an issue with creating noises he didn't intend to make for several years after his powers manifested. He said he would consider meeting you here at the center for weekly practice sessions together, if you're interested. I suspect if you recorded a personal message for him, that might give him the final push he needs to sort out his schedule and properly give back to his community." She winks, as if she finds nothing quite so delightful as gang-pressing people into doing acts of volunteerism. "And if that doesn't do it, I'll go and get him. The super powered community is too small for us not to support one another."
Zyn (played by WolfieTheDragon13)

She'd forgotten. She'd totally forgotten.

Zyn was quickly striding through the crowd of people in the outside city, trying to remember where she'd exited the Super Center from the night before. She had stayed overnight in a nearby hotel, intending to get the information on superpowers from Datura and take the 3 o' clock train home, but other things had come up, and now...

It must've disguised itself somehow--or maybe she was just notoriously bad with directions. With a frustrated sigh, she re-adjusted her mask, (which was beginning to peel off--Stickyman's gluestick had been working perfectly fine for her yesterday, but of course decided it was going to be temperamental now.) slipped into a narrow alleyway, and pressed the button on the watch again, bracing herself for the sensation of instant-travel.

Next thing she knew, she was stepping out of a teleporter into the gleaming lobby of the super center again, trying for a moment or two longer to try and get a corner of her mask to lay flat before giving up.

There were several familiar faces from the day before, and also a few new ones--it was a little strange to see how many she recognized. It made her feel a little subconscious that she was wearing the same clothes she had on yesterday, but hopefully no one had paid enough attention to her to notice that.

She walked a few feet away from the teleporters before coming up short, trying to figure out the best--and least awkward--way to integrate herself into the conversation.
He nods approvingly at their pose with a large grin. "Yeah, you go little buddy!" When they turn to "address" Datura however, he looks the other way in an attempt to be polite, taking in the rest of the view—as well as giving a wave and a "Hey," to the fairly serious looking newcomer. That said, one might catch his shoulders shaking at the final part of the message, and a poor attempt at hiding a chortle.

It was no surprise then that he jumps, lips tightnened in an all too guilty look as he turned to face Datura. Zyn gets a grateful wave, both for her part as a distraction and maybe for yesterday's volunteering, but before he could say anything, Datura's proposition has him reeling.

"Are you kidding?! Working with a sound designer AND voice actor super, DUDE, that's incredible—s-sorry!" He has to steady himself, his hair almost bouncing along with him in excitement. "It's just—okay well, I don't work in the industry yet, but I animate and I can totally get behind that? Damn, what an advantage too, he could start a whole podcast if he wanted to, hah! If I can, like—I mean, I should have the weekends off for sure, but the kids are having their exams so I might have more time then and, geezus, wait, what do even I tell him?" He looks up, completely unaware that he'd been rambling. "I mean, if he doesn't want to, I don't want to force him but like... w-wow, I don't know? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE that, but are you sure?"
The Duchess (played by Kim) Topic Starter

Datura was, of course, wearing the very same costume that she'd been wearing yesterday. If it was actually the same clothing or she just had a closet-full of the brightly colored spandex numbers, who knew? Probably she had several, of course, being that it was a work uniform. So Zyn's wearing of the same clothes didn't look particularly unusual to her, in this setting. To Jeremy, she nods. "Yes, of COURSE I'm sure! That's what we're here for!"

A deep rumbling noise slowly grows, gradually beginning to shake the walls and floor of the Super Center. Abruptly, an alarm screams out a warning, the lights of the lobby going red. Datura curses, leaping toward a nearby wall panel and frantically punches buttons. "No!" She cries through gritted teeth. "Not today! I had the shields lowered so that the public could visit, and--"

KEEERASH!!! The eastern wall suddenly craters inward as a massive armored vehicle, its hull slick with some kind of ooze and its nose tipped with a comically large drill, punches through the metal walls and drops open a hatchway. Black-clad goons, all wearing gas masks and carrying guns that look like they were designed for a sci-fi movie start leaping out, followed by a menacing laugh. "NYAHAHAHAHA! DID YOU THINK THAT MAJOR POLLUTION WOULDN'T FIND OUT ABOUT THIS GATHERING OF DO-GOODERS, DATURA?"

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