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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Puzzle 1 Symbol (SOLVED)

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Dragonfire Moderator

Hahah, sure, but in the case that we need to mark down two or three prominences to solve this thing?
Ilmarinen Moderator

Dragonfire wrote:
Hahah, sure, but in the case that we need to mark down two or three prominences to solve this thing?

Now that's true--maybe try "12843 feet, 986 feet, 1607 feet" ? Or 12337 instead of 12843
I'll try calculating the lat/long of it later, (12843 feet, 986 feet, 1607 feet) if no one else takes a crack at it first... *Tears of mathematics* 😂
Dragonfire Moderator

Oh MAN, there we go, thank you whomever popped that in.

I guess the prominence in this case was... the height difference between the bottom point of Self-Care Valley and Mount Ovation! Yay???
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congratulations on solving this puzzle! The answer was "8243 feet"

The height difference between self care valley and the top of the mountain is the prominence, but the measured points on the chart aren't the same. Self care valley is above sea (ocean) level, while the mountain on the chart uses the self care valley as its zero point.

You can find the actual height of the mountain from sea level in several other places in the documents. Use the same starting point for mountain and valley, and then subtract the valley from the mountain, and you've got it. :)

Woohooooo, great job!! I learned about numbers yay. Heimdall and Dragonfire you guys are both amazing o.o

And it was a very puzzling puzzle for me mostly because my strength lies in linguistics (I think). I think it was great though ➗➖🧮

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Puzzle 1 Symbol (SOLVED)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus