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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Puzzle 1 Symbol (SOLVED)

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Kim Site Admin

This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the Puzzle 1 Symbol in Epic Week 2021. Please stay on topic. Remember, these puzzles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people brainstorming together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. In puzzles, all information you will need to solve it is contained within Epic Week materials.

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Ilmarinen Moderator

The petrified blacksmith is discovered in dig site #3 in the year 582 Basilisk, so whatever this clue is referencing will probably take place before that year!
is this before or after 1585?

also does that number cypher before the jornal entry have anything to do with it?
Heimdall wrote:
The petrified blacksmith is discovered in dig site #3 in the year 582 Basilisk, so whatever this clue is referencing will probably take place before that year!
I wonder if it's referencing the entry from 580 Basilisk? It talks about they found the preserved ruins before finding a body in there...
Claine Moderator

Second clue unlocked :D
Dragonfire Moderator

Looking at the clues now, I'm thinking we're concerned with something about Mt Ovation. The survey of the Sea of Prose was done before the expedition that uncovered the petrified remains, and the "prominence around prose" in the third clue also points to that. But the datum mentioned in the second clue, hrrm....

The height of Mt Ovation is mentioned in two documents, and it's different. That's curious.
Dragonfire Moderator

Dragonfire wrote:
Looking at the clues now, I'm thinking we're concerned with something about Mt Ovation. The survey of the Sea of Prose was done before the expedition that uncovered the petrified remains, and the "prominence around prose" in the third clue also points to that. But the datum mentioned in the second clue, hrrm....

The height of Mt Ovation is mentioned in two documents, and it's different. That's curious.

Here we go.

After drumming on my noggin for a little while, though, I've come to the conclusion that I am too tired to attempt to calculate what we're looking for at this time of night. XD But I'm fairly sure that between that, and the topological survey in the library, that the answer lies close!
I just noticed the year the map was drawn was in the year 560 of the basilisk. That doesn't have any significance at all, does it?
Ilmarinen Moderator

Halrighty! Putting this here for quick reference. Ricochett, it actually is significant, good eye! We are definitely looking for something above 582 Basilisk, so this does apply.

Ilmarinen Moderator

Self-Care Valley is 5106 feet above sea level. MT Ovation is 12337, Mt. Recognition is 6207, and Mt. Care is 5586. This means, I believe, that the prominence of Ovation is 7231, Recognition is 1101, and Care's is 480, I think.
Dragonfire Moderator

Heimdall wrote:
Self-Care Valley is 5106 feet above sea level. MT Ovation is 12337, Mt. Recognition is 6207, and Mt. Care is 5586. This means, I believe, that the prominence of Ovation is 7231, Recognition is 1101, and Care's is 480, I think.

Nice! All things to try, or combinations thereof.

The only other thing - Self-Care Valley is marked as 'above sea level' - I think meaning the ocean - while the mountains seem to be reckoned based on height above the Sea of Prose specifically. I wonder if that throws things off?
Ilmarinen Moderator

Hrm, could be--in that case it may want the prominence between the different peaks. Reading about the prominence is surprisingly confusing. XD

Another interesting tidbit. Mt. Ovation seems to be HIGHER in 583 Basilisk. It's in one of the journals, says it's 12843 feet high.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Actually, the botanist journals don't have an era marked on them... maybe the botanist was writing in an earlier era, before one of the eruptions.
Dragonfire Moderator

Heimdall wrote:
Another interesting tidbit. Mt. Ovation seems to be HIGHER in 583 Basilisk. It's in one of the journals, says it's 12843 feet high.

Yeah, I noticed that last night! I think one of the journals mentions that the height of the mountain does change, based on eruptions.
Does anyone know anything about the string of numbers? I thought it might be dates, since the journal with the latest date is in November and the last number is 10-10, so I wondered about the order of the journals vs the numbers, but I don't think they all match. :O Latitude/longitude stuff maybe?
Ilmarinen Moderator

I'm not sure! I was also thinking they could be some kind of code. That may factor into one of the Puzzle symbols in the future!

My current conundrum is that, if the listed mountain heights are above Self-Care Valley (and it does very much look like they are), then... wouldn't the prominence just be the numbers listed? The prominence is the height difference between the peak and the "saddle," which as far as I can tell would just be Self-Care Valley itself?
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Ilmarinen Moderator

Ahahaha. Uh, I do not actually know that much about topographical statistics, but it's possible that it's changed over time and it's one of the two, or something in between? Maybe we have to calculate a third Prominence o.o
Ilmarinen Moderator

Maybe it's the prominence between the two peaks? I... don't know if that's what "prominence" actually means XD I'm learning a lot about topography! ;D

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