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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Lighthouse Symbol (SOLVED)

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This topic is for discussing clues and potential answers to the Lighthouse Symbol in Epic Week 2021. Please stay on topic. Remember, these riddles are designed to be challenging and require a group of people brainstorming together; don't feel intimidated if you don't know the answer right away. Every little idea can help. Research is not cheating; it is expected!

Click here to visit the location of the Lighthouse Symbol
Ilmarinen Moderator

So, I'm not sure what franchise this is from--it looks like a trivia riddle. BUUUUT I SEE ENCRYPTION. And there's a lot of text. So I'm gonna have a go at that in a bit. ;)
Ilmarinen Moderator

Argh, this one is REALLY stumping me. The first character, which you can see is by itself and repeated by itself through the text, must be either I or A (if this is in English/a standard cipher). But then the three- and two-letter words that follow are REALLY confusing, because the contents of the two-letter word are inside the three-letter word... so something like "ton to," or "and an," but trying both of those didn't get me anywhere, though I'll try again later. Some of the symbols that look like 3 are confusing--there may be three separate variants, but I can't tell. Similarly, there's a set of characters that looks like VII that might be one single character, since it appears as a group in several places, and that wouldn't be a common formulation if it was three separate letters. But it might be.
Ilmarinen Moderator

The 3-character set that looks like ": @ w" is also tricky. It appears twice, so I want it to be "the" or "and." However, we have a "@ : :" group in one of the words, and which would make that "htt" or "naa." Neither of which inspire much confidence at all. It might be "for," because "off" could be a lot of things, but I tried that too and it was tough bananas. Also, lots of words end in the :, which makes it less likely to be F.
I’ve been staring at this since it was here, absolutely baffled- the symbol seemed so familiar and finally got it! It’s from Bioshock, the Lighthouse! I’m not an expert here but I’ll be digging more to see what I can find >:)

Heimdall wrote:
The 3-character set that looks like ": @ w" is also tricky. It appears twice, so I want it to be "the" or "and." However, we have a "@ : :" group in one of the words, and which would make that "htt" or "naa." Neither of which inspire much confidence at all. It might be "for," because "off" could be a lot of things, but I tried that too and it was tough bananas. Also, lots of words end in the :, which makes it less likely to be F.

Hey! I found the cipher key! I however am horrible at things like this and still can’t piece it together, but you seem better so maybe you can break it!


Although if I’m right, I might have the answer. We just gotta break down the monster :’)
Alright so it’s not The Whistler, or Songbird. The Whistler being the item used to trigger the Songbird, Elizabeth’s “guardian”, a hybrid between man and machine.

Unless of course it’s “the Songbird” in which case I will leave town and never return. /j
Dragonfire Moderator

Oh, wow, excellent sleuthing! Guess we just gotta decode what that interesting little scrap of paper says, and then we'll be on our way.

*scribbles furiously*
Ilmarinen Moderator

Excellent work! I'll have to peek at the cipher, it isn't standard substitution!
Ilmarinen Moderator

Looks like a Vigenere cipher kinda, but I dunno the key...
Dragonfire Moderator

Try 'cage', Heim!
Hey guys! Turns out we have the answer to the code here

"I am a code; I should probably be changed over for something much more official in the future, but I'll do as a stand-in for now, I suppose."

The full card is from the game BioShock Infinite, and ironically does feature cages on it- the full image is also on that wiki, in the gallery.
Dragonfire Moderator

Ohhhh. Hrm! Well, that's interesting.

I wonder if 'cage' isn't outright the answer, then. Look at those birdcages on the card it's from.
Mannn only one way to find out, gotta try it XD
So is this pretty much a Bioshock puzzle, then?
Ilmarinen Moderator

Shinyrainbowlithogra wrote:
So is this pretty much a Bioshock puzzle, then?
Pretty sure, yep! :)

I agree that it's gotta be cage, most likely C-A-G-E or C,A,G,E since those were the notes of the song.!
So, I know nothing about BioShock at all, buttttt, I am a music major. I know that C-A-G-E is a nice and simple melody. Has anyone tried "melody" for the answer?

Also I think there was a cut storyline involving something called Mergers or the Merge or something, so maybe that has something to do with it? If it is more bioshock based. :V

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