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Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Moon Symbol (SOLVED)

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There's also a character in RWBY named Professor Peach, if anyone still wants to go after that line of thought. :)
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Bonus clue is up! :)
Brought the moon princess across the sea could have an indication in Sailor Moon's first English dub.

Further edit: Usagi is Japanese for Rabbit/Bunny.

However, I've already tried every version I can think of for "Terri Hawkes" and "Stephanie Sheh".
Ilmarinen Moderator

Brought the moon princess across the sea could have an indication in Sailor Moon's first English dub.
EXCELLENT thought!
Ilmarinen Moderator

Is there a character who introduces her within the show, or maybe a narrator? Or was there a single person responsible for getting it brought over--and maybe they had something to do with Oz?
> The voice that introduced us to the Bunny

...just brings me back around to Judy Garland and Easter Parade again, hah.
Ilmarinen Moderator

DiC did the first English dub, I think, and they also did a Wizard of Oz show.

Heimdall wrote:
Brought the moon princess across the sea could have an indication in Sailor Moon's first English dub.
EXCELLENT thought!

I feel dumb 'cause it's obvious that's what that means now. XD Okay, so back to Sailor Moon.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Excuse me while I just move into this topic to lurk like mad.
What that indicates to me is that we're looking for a voice actress that did Dorothy, Princess Peach and Sailor Moon. But I know nothing about voice actresses.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Congrats on solving this symbol! The answer was "Tracey Moore".

For those of you wondering how this answer could be arrived at, here's a quick explanation. :)
Auberon wrote:
She toured in a production of wizard of oz. She was also Princess Peach for a few mario games. She was the voice actress for Sailor Moon.

Oh, the first person to dub the voice of Usagi (aka Bunny) was Tracey Moore - she played Dorothy in a production of the Wizard of Oz, I think a theatrical performance on tour. So I think it's Tracey Moore!
Ilmarinen Moderator

THIS ONE WAS AWESOME. Great job guys!!!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

You guys NAILED IT! :D :D
Dragonfire Moderator

Well done! :D I was just racing back to slam her name in after trawling behindthevoiceactor and you all beat me to the punch!
Auberon Moderator

This was my riddle, and it was a DELIGHT to watch people unravel it.
She was on my list of possibilities but I couldn't find her connection to Dorothy sadly. Well done everyone.
Ah, it's great to see this one solved. Too bad I wasn't here for it, but good job! :)
I'm just imagining the creator of this riddle watching us trying to solve it and going "Wait, Ozma was a peach at some point?! Aaaaahhh!"

Ahahaha. I know, right?! XD

All the people struggling over Momotaro made me giggle a little. I ended up looking into Urashima Taro for like half an hour because I'd forgotten about that story... And Momotaro made me think of it again...

Ah, I think these riddles are great because, like with novels and other stories, there's no telling what people will get out of them. :D

You are on: Forums » Epic Week 2021 » Moon Symbol (SOLVED)

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