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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Theodore Noise (played anonymously)

Theodore Noise suddenly skateboards in, before slowing down and then leaning onto his skateboard, breathing heavily. "Whew, that took most of my stamina. G'day, everyone! Say, have you seen Fake Peppino around here? I just want to have a quick chat with him, is all. Besides, What's a conversation between 'friends', am I right everyone? Woag."

Sebastian Michaelis (played anonymously)

Sebastian straightened his posture, taking note of the dismiss of the apology. "It is very much so like torture. It doesn't help he named me after his old, dead pet dog." He rolled his eyes. "I much prefer cats over dogs." He added quietly.

"I must serve this child however, as he summoned me and formed a contract with me. Until the contract is fulfilled, I'm.. afraid I must continue to aid him, no matter how horrible it might be."
Joot (played by Jooters)

Sebastian Michaelis wrote:
Sebastian straightened his posture, taking note of the dismiss of the apology. "It is very much so like torture. It doesn't help he named me after his old, dead pet dog." He rolled his eyes. "I much prefer cats over dogs." He added quietly.

"I must serve this child however, as he summoned me and formed a contract with me. Until the contract is fulfilled, I'm.. afraid I must continue to aid him, no matter how horrible it might be."

Joot tilted his head at Sebastian. "What's so cool about cats?" He asked. "I think we're at least equal to dogs... That one Landorian leader guy Corhi is cool, and he's a doggy! We like to fight each other sometimes! Lasers flying everywhere... Cool magic... It's awesome!"
Theodore Noise (played anonymously)

Theodore Noise would then be dancing somewhere in the bar. It appears that he's doing the 'Bringing it around town' move from a show called Spongebob Squarepants... If I gotta be honest, The Noise learned that dance from Spongebob since he doesn't want to copy Peppino's breakdancing move.

Theodore Noise (played anonymously)

((before anyone yells at me, yes, that breakdance animation's actually in Pizza Tower when playing as The Noise-))
Sebastian Michaelis (played anonymously)

Sebastian glanced to Joot. "Cats are quite soft, elegant creatures.." He explained, "Dogs are much too.. slobbery and energetic." He shook his head.
Joot (played by Jooters)

"Corhi is a lot more elegant than me..." Admits Joot. "He's really important, and I see why... He's like the uh... What's it called in your world... Oh! The pope! So he is really really polite and elegant!"
Sebastian Michaelis (played anonymously)

Sebastian raised a brow. "Oh, how interesting."
"I figure he would not like me very much then, would he?" Sebastian smirked with a sharp tooth grin.
Astarion Ancunín (played by Mando)

Sebastian Michaelis wrote:
Sebastian straightened his posture, taking note of the dismiss of the apology. "It is very much so like torture. It doesn't help he named me after his old, dead pet dog." He rolled his eyes. "I much prefer cats over dogs." He added quietly.

"I must serve this child however, as he summoned me and formed a contract with me. Until the contract is fulfilled, I'm.. afraid I must continue to aid him, no matter how horrible it might be."

"No, no. I agree. Cats are far superior. I firmly believe I would make a fantastic feline." He already acts like one, in his not so humble opinion. "And, to be frank, I've only met one dog I like. That says a lot."

"As for your situation, as dreadful as it sounds, I do hope you have your ways of making it less awful. I do sympathize and understand, even. I'm not bound by any contract, per se, and certainly not to a child, but I fully get it. We all need our ways to cope. And wine. Lots of wine."

After a moment he holds out a hand, leather creaking softly. "I'm Astarion, by the way."
Indra (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Who cares if it's a bleedin' cat or dog, anyway?" Says the one who is basically a white tiger...
Silvera wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Yup. That's right, Fumizuki. Wish, come over here, son"
"You know, for a god you don't have many kiddos"

"I'm not a diety. I'm merely married to one."
Theodore Noise wrote:
Theodore Noise suddenly skateboards in, before slowing down and then leaning onto his skateboard, breathing heavily. "Whew, that took most of my stamina. G'day, everyone! Say, have you seen Fake Peppino around here? I just want to have a quick chat with him, is all. Besides, What's a conversation between 'friends', am I right everyone? Woag."


"I will kill you over my sous chef. He makes the best pizza in existence, and he's one of my best friends"
Silvera (played by Drake_Lie)

She would walk in with her axe on her back. She would realize at this point it might be best for the bouncer to keep their weapon on them to keep the crowd less rowdy
Sebastian Michaelis (played anonymously)

Astarion Ancunín wrote:
"No, no. I agree. Cats are far superior. I firmly believe I would make a fantastic feline." He already acts like one, in his not so humble opinion. "And, to be frank, I've only met one dog I like. That says a lot."

"As for your situation, as dreadful as it sounds, I do hope you have your ways of making it less awful. I do sympathize and understand, even. I'm not bound by any contract, per se, and certainly not to a child, but I fully get it. We all need our ways to cope. And wine. Lots of wine."

After a moment he holds out a hand, leather creaking softly. "I'm Astarion, by the way."

Sebastian narrowed his eyes and gave a small smile, seeming to agree with the wine thing.

He held his hand out to give Astarion a handshake. "I am Sebastian Michaelis, butler of Phantomhive Manor." Sebastian said with a slight nod of his head.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Id like to imagine my mother has some restraint Silvera, shes not like Greek gods..-"
Wish wrote:
"Id like to imagine my mother has some restraint Silvera, shes not like Greek gods..-"

"Those self proclaimed gods are like rabbits. With each other, mortals, inbreeding. It's ridiculous."
Skadi (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"The only gods I have known...I killed them because they were a threat to my people."
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

We're just uh, gonna do this for fill-in and without color coded text because i am on phone for right now. Ahem. Cue SECRET just aggressively yelling the entire lore of Ultrakill.

SECRET: "At an unknown point in the past (implied to be World War 1), the countries of the world became locked into a war of massive proportions, beginning with an era of trench warfare. The War soon resulted in the creation of the Gutterman, one of the first successful experiments in using blood as a fuel source as well as the first automaton to be deployed in wide-scale conflict. Guttermen were capable of very efficiently clearing out trenches, and their creation single-handedly ended the trench warfare phase of the Final War. This resulted in retaliation from opposing forces in the form of the Guttertank, spiraling the conflict into a global arms race between the world's industrial powers. Every machine created for use in the Final War was designed specifically to counter the last.
As machines began to quickly dominate the battlefield, human soldiers became obsolete, though they were frequently wrought with shortages as most resources were poured into further war machine development. The destruction they caused also meant nowhere was safe, with home being just another fight-

Lockelan: "someone. someone slap this guy, NOW. PLEASE. My ears are dying because I'm directly being yelled at. besides i haven't even played ultrakill yet-"

(OOC Note: have you played Ultrakill before?)
Zoe Kojima (played by SoulHeart57)

"who the hell are you? Female Kratos?"
Citizens of the Forest (played anonymously)

Not even 30 more seconds later, Lockelan is 'dead', but not like dead dead. He basically just died because (one) specific idiot yelled at him too much.

Lockelan: "egh-"

SECRET: "Oh. Well... Err. I'm... I'm just gonna leave to play ULTRAKILL, I guess."

SECRET then slowly walks away from Lockelan before warping away to go steal someone's computer to play some ULTRAKILL.

(go play ultrakill right freakin now-)

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