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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Bambi (played anonymously)

She rubbed her head under clara's neck before hearing the ball, she quickly jumped out of her lap and after the ball
The Protagonist wrote:
Clara looked at Andrew and smiled, "Hey, can I buy you something to eat?"

"You can if you want..." He was relaxing a bit
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He sat and watched Bambi
Bambi (played anonymously)

Bambi noticed thor out of the corner of her eye, she looked at him and dropped her ball, she had grown a little, she came over to thor and began licking his cheek
The Protagonist (played anonymously)

Andrew Rhodes wrote:
The Protagonist wrote:
Clara looked at Andrew and smiled, "Hey, can I buy you something to eat?"

"You can if you want..." He was relaxing a bit

Clara bought Andrew a fine meal to enjoy and herself as well.

Then she threw the ball again for Bambi!
Ms. Danvers wrote:
Linda approached Korby, "How can I help?"

She waved at Theo!

He came out with the cheeseburger and fries and set it in front of Andrew.
He started eating his food. The aura around Andrew seemed to lighten up.
Once again the silent gliding to the bar, this time hoping for service "hello everyone"
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Thyra Onyx wrote:
Once again the silent gliding to the bar, this time hoping for service "hello everyone"

Korby, who is no longer paralyzed waved over to Thyra. "Hi!"
Korby Pureheart wrote:
Thyra Onyx wrote:
Once again the silent gliding to the bar, this time hoping for service "hello everyone"

Korby, who is no longer paralyzed waved over to Thyra. "Hi!"
She looked korby up and down "hello little one" mistaking him for a pet, she patted his head
He stepped out of the kitchen
Hammond walks through the door in a normal and respectable manner
He smiled at Hammond "thank you. How may I serve everyone today?"
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Bambi wrote:
Bambi noticed thor out of the corner of her eye, she looked at him and dropped her ball, she had grown a little, she came over to thor and began licking his cheek

He wagged his tail
Bambi (played anonymously)

She jumped a little putting her paws on his side and picked his ear
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He laid there wagging his tail.
Bambi (played anonymously)

she wagged he4r tail as she licked grooming him
Theo is sprawled out on a sofa, as he normally is.
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Thyra Onyx wrote:
Korby Pureheart wrote:
Thyra Onyx wrote:
Once again the silent gliding to the bar, this time hoping for service "hello everyone"

Korby, who is no longer paralyzed waved over to Thyra. "Hi!"
She looked korby up and down "hello little one" mistaking him for a pet, she patted his head

Korby smiled gently at the gesture, doing a little spin of appriciation. "I appriciate the headpat, miss!" Korby said, no longer thinking about their paralysis a few mins ago.

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