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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Meem (played by Eve)
    Meem is one of those kindred spirits that are full of tomfoolery, theatrical-flare and one person whom you'd love to get involved with. - Lyssic

  • Nowla (played anonymously)
    She's a sweet character with a vicious bite and a player who's creativity is astounding. - oldmusic

  • Maniere (played anonymously)
    Maniere is an absolutely fantastic character through and through, a brilliant concept and strangely enough, a rock for my little Meem <3 - Eve

  • The Englishman (played by Hooke)
    A great rp, a refreshing and charismatic version to evil with the attitude of a gentleman - Clipped

  • Vandenita (played by -No)
    Uck. It makes no sense to be this incredible. Don't RP with this chick, seriously - I'm selfish >.> - Shawn

  • Crowe (played by DarknessVice)
    The companion, protector and soul mate of my main character Moridanu Darkflame, nothing gives me chills more than when Crowe and Mori play together. So glad he finally found his way here.. <3 - EbonySnow

  • Variel (played by Pineapple)
    Smart, funny, and quick as a fox! - JayBird

  • Siena (played anonymously)
    When I think of The Golden Tether, I think of Siena - and how any one character can accomplish so many great things, and come so far! Fantastic through and through ~ - Rikelle

  • Meem (played by Eve)
    I don't think I've ever seen such a successful combination of compelling and hilarious <3 - Rikelle

  • Maniere (played anonymously)
    Oh man this hoooound. He practically sets the bar for continuity and development - I always get excited when I see him in the main hall, and love how he continually grows and changes <3 - Rikelle

  • Vicereine (played by vicereine)
    The character and player both seem to be a pleasure to talk to. That coupled with an inventive imagination creates the aura off a friendly person, one that isn't to hard to get along with. - Sera

  • Ayra (played by Sera)
    Ayra is a fantastic character. The player is both sweet, and friendly, as well as always open to plot, fun, and new ideas! She doesn't turn down an opprotunity to explore a new genre of rp, and it's definitely difficult to create such a flexible character. I recommend her anywhere! :D - Mars

  • Temperance (played anonymously)
    Whoops.. Narsuun has gotten himself into quite a pinch with the lovely octolady! Shame on you Narsuun! :D (But thank you so much for hilarious roleplay!) - Sanne

  • Ikarus (played anonymously)
    It's the pansy-ass of Nasmara! XD I love this guy, his stutter is just too cute. Panne is terrified of the man, which seems to make him just more intent on making her like him. Always fun! - Sanne

  • Arinbjorn (played by JayBird)
    I love playing with this character, and with Jay. Arthur is interesting, well developed, and well played. I love getting replies from this guy!! - Pineapple

  • Magnus is just amazing character, one of the best Pokémon OC's I've ever seen. Everything about the character is refreshing and new. His way of speaking is also simply amazing, he deserves all the brohams! - XinonHyena

  • Skweek (played by Urrp)
    Adorable, fluffier than your favorite teddy bear and more talkative than a trained linguistic parakeet. <3 - Mikitfence

  • Azzaroth (played by isolationary)
    Attention, Internet: Azzaroth is under no circumstances to be rated E for Everyone.

    On a more serious note, however, this character is truly a delight. He is unrepentantly diabolical, and strangely charming for it. At once both surly and impossibly charismatic, he brings a certain spark to every scene he's in. One can never go wrong, inviting Azzaroth into their story. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Hooke

  • Vainamoinen (played anonymously)
    Gorgeously layered and deceptive, and an overall blast to engage with. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Hooke

  • Naeema (played anonymously)
    She's a unique character and though her history is short, she explains of the different houses nicely. - MaighdeanDubh