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Kudos: Community Acclaim and Recommendations

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  • Ulrin is one of those characters who earns his keep through the trials and tribulations of RP. I remember when he first started: a simple, humble young character at the gates of Northkeep. Then he became a librarian. And got married. And was bitten by a werewolf. And became ROPE MASTER. All these things define his character, and they were all EARNED. - Ilmarinen

  • Siuloir (played anonymously)
    Edward is probably one of the best roleplaying characters I've ever had the chance to play with. He is intensely complicated and interesting and REAL, with all kinds of goals and flaws. He is an archetypal wizard, yet manages to stand out with a wide array of non-cliche traits and skills. I hope Ed is around for a long time to come! - Ilmarinen

  • Astarill (played by Pyrroglaux)
    Astarill is the most truly alive character I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Cynical, pragmatic, loyal (and hot as hell! *fangirls*) Astarill is more alive in my mind than most people know, thanks to Ethelle's incredible work playing him.

    Oh, and Dust has something she wants to say, too. - Quillweave

  • Dust (played by Quillweave)
    Dust is incredibly kind and helpful, always looking out for others, even if those others are too stubborn to appreciate it. It's difficult to get on her bad side, but once you do, ohohoh! You'd better make sure you're resistant to elemental damage, poison and a good yelling. There are hidden layers and depths underneath Dust's kind exterior, which make her a great character. - Pyrroglaux

  • Sola (played anonymously)
    Sola is such a delightful character, I always find myself smiling even if it is during a roleplay where the Zykla is being punished for doing something bad, like eating all the muffins. - Dylan

  • Zilethipereskis (played by Nero)
    It's difficult to imagine a character that would make a better foil for my illithid Aethaerraent. Given their insane egos, they'll never be closer than a pair of toddlers, that age group famous for doing the same activity in the same room without acknowledging one another. And yet these two somehow manage to engage in continual hyjinx.

    Awesome to see such absurd power played responsibly, with an eye (HA HA BEHOLDER JOKE) to making sure everyone else is having fun rather than just flexing. - Kim

  • Bathilde (played by Petrichor)
    I desperately wish I got to play with this character more. It is so rare to see a servant character played with such a mixture of subtle panache and exact professionalism. Very fun to see in action, and a perfect compliment to Safiye. - Kim

  • One of the very few "good drow" out there that makes total sense, shows no tendency toward emo behavior or feeling victimized, and feels really good to play with. - Kim

  • I remember this character's very first week in play YEARS AND YEARS ago. He has evolved SO much since that time, and it's a total delight to see. - Kim

  • Narsuun (played anonymously)
    One of those characters that has been around FOREVER, Narsuun has been involved with so much RP and generates so many story lines for his friends to partake of, that he's literally had to be cloned to keep up with the demand! - Kim

  • Siena (played anonymously)
    <Insert typical Siena groupie comment here>. Seriously though, I dig the consistency with which you play Siena, she's great. All hail, Rob & Bob. - skaikrasha

  • Sawyer (played by Petrichor)
    Sawyer has long been one of the characters I most adore. When I think of all the good RP I've had over the years, some of the most vivid memories are of this little guy. - Kim

  • Biogene (played anonymously)
    It's awesome to watch your character grow, and I'm glad I got to play a part in it. You're tons of fun to play with! - skaikrasha

  • Sugary (played by Jaz)
    Sugar is an absolute delight - kind and thoughtful and comfortable in her own skin (you know, so long as it isn't -showing-); I cannot think of a better acquisition for Jam. I hope that they'll grow close beyond words, that I can aid you in developing your character further as you are me, and that you'll continue to be as wonderful for many months and months to come! <3 - Shawn

  • Siena (played anonymously)
    This character? She is boss. B-O-S-S, kids. Her long, lively history shows in the way she's played, and her interactions with other characters are dynamic and engaging.

    S'good stuff. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Hooke

  • Siena (played anonymously)
    Because I cannot think of a more perfectly opposite yin to Jam's yang, and a more ever-surprising beast of a woman. Often imitated, but never duplicated, right? Keep it up, hun. And don't sweat the haters >.> - Shawn

  • Madame Dun (played by Hooke)
    I had an excellent and wonderful time roleplaying with Madame Dun. She is well fleshed out and delightful to roleplay with. - Dylan

  • Bajonet (played by Erotisch)
    Bajonet is a beautiful, well-balanced character, and her player is amazingly patient and kind! She's very hard not to like! - skaikrasha