Posted by Kim on October 1, 2017, 9:40am

You now have a 15 minute window to edit sent private messages, so you can catch and correct typos!
I've always mentally modeled PMs after emails or letters, where once you send it, it belongs to the person who received it. They can then keep it, refer back to it later, treasure it or discard it as they see fit. It becomes something privately sent, rather than publicly performed. This is one of the ways I distinguish forums and private messages.That said, I also understand that if you're going to send something that might become a keepsake, it's disheartening when you realize moments after it's too late that there's a glaring mistake in the middle of that message! So I'm trying to balance the keepsake idea with people's thirst to have typo free messages, by allowing edits to private messages for 15 minutes after sending.
Other updates
- Support for OOC chatter now continues to work even if you have quoted someone else's post before your OOC reply.
- Added a link to mark a PM conversation as unread, directly from the conversation. Look in the sidebar on desktop, or beneath the conversation messages on mobile.
- Added the ability to move a PM conversation to a new folder directly from that conversation, no need to go through the inbox any longer.
- Added icons to PM sidebar management links, for easier at-a-glance usage.
- File structure related to PMs has been changed slightly on my end, for example from to This was really just to make my programming life a little easier. Hopefully you won't notice any differences in how things work on your end!
- "Did you know?"s have been updated.
I reallllyyyyy appricate it too^^ and yea i agree 15 mins is more than enough to correct mistakes^^
This is such a great thing that my words fail to capture it succinctly just how grateful I am for this window.
I love these new features so much! Thank you!

Oooh this is an awesome feature!
Thank you, Kim!

This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Thank you, Kim, this update was well worth the wait~!
SUPER thrilled with this update, thank you so much Kim!
YAY! Less double messages for me! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
praise be
Great thinking. Thank you.

Great news left and right~~
Yay! I needed this feature! Thanks Kim!
Fantastic update !
I love this! My best proofreading is often done after I hit the "send" button and I hate having to send a double message because I made a mistake.
Oh yay! Now I don't have to send corrections if I accidentally end up getting something wrong in my quote when people commission me. TT v TT Thank you so much for this update~
I love this so much. As someone who frequently phone posts, this is a godsend for my weird typos!
Rogue-ScribeMarch 14, 2021