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Forums » Art & Creativity » Third Annual Midsummer Art Trade!

artist_Elf.pngIt's back! Better late than never, it's time for the Midsummer Art Trade! In a trade like this, artists posts information about a character, or characters that they would like drawn. At the end of the sign up period, you will all receive a randomly selected character to draw! Each of you draw the character you got, and then on a certain day, you all exchange what you drew! Pretty cool right!? Everyone gets to have some fun, and get some cool new character art in the process. As before, there will be two sections of the art trade, dabbler and devotee. If you're new to the trades be sure to check out the descriptions so you know which category you fall under! :)

Please note that:


PLEASE BE CERTAIN YOU CAN COMPLETE YOUR ASSIGNED PIECE IN THE TIME ALLOWED. If you're not sure, just play it safe and don't enter. There's the Winter exchange if you can't make this one.

Also keep in mind that the art you are receiving is a gift. Whoever got your character put a lot of time and effort into the drawing, so if it's not exactly right, please don't be angry or upset! This contest is meant to be fun for everybody. Backgrounds are not a requirement, but you can include a suggestion with your entry, should the artist that gets your character feel up to drawing it.

On that note, all you need to do enter is fill out this form and reply to this topic! On August 1st, you will all be PM'd your character to draw. Please keep it a secret, and do not give your trade their art early! If you are going to be out of town on the due date, please PM me (Loki) with the artwork and I will make sure they get it on the right date. No matter how many characters you submit, the artist is only required to draw one character, and backgrounds are optional.


Dabbler Art Description:

This section is for anybody that would like to enter! That isn't to say that there is a lack of effort put into the artwork! These drawings are meant to be gifts and are given in the hopes of brightening someones day. The thought is what counts and a lot of love goes into these drawings no matter what the artist's skill level is.


Devotee Art Description:

This section is also open to anybody that would like to enter, but it is mostly focused on people who draw a lot and are confident in their art technique. The thought counts here as well, and a lot of time and effort are put into these drawings. They are gifts meant to brighten someones day!

[b]Dabbler or Devotee?[/b] [b]Character Name:[/b] [b]Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Brief physical description of the character:[/b] [b]Suggested environments:[/b] [b]Anything else we need to know:[/b] [b]If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)[/b]

That's it everyone! Have fun and happy arting!

Apollo Justice
See Profile
Sort of toned, average height
Does not apply
Claine Moderator

Dabbler or Devotee? Devotee c:
Character Name: Dale McCarthy
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: Cocky and not very bright. Dale is loud, obnoxious, talks a lot but says very little.
Brief physical description of the character: Freckled, bucktoothed, with scruffy auburn hair. Dale is skinny and built for speed.
Suggested environments: Playing Baseball, With a pistol
Anything else we need to know: Welp if you know TF2 that's what you're dealing with here.
Character Name: Tsane Karmodis
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human Werewolf in denial
Gender: Male
Personality: Cool headed and aims to do well. Tsane tries to be the stereotypical knight, but has made more than one bad decision in his life.
Brief physical description of the character: Long blonde hair and shining armour. Tsane has a wise appearance, and cold unwavering eyes. Plenty of art in his profile. Feel free to play around with the design of his armour.
Suggested environments: Exploring a dungeon, travelling over a wide open field, in sword combat.
Anything else we need to know:Please note not to forget his piecing in his brow. It is a silver piecing to suppress his transformation.
Character Name: West Losay
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: Vicious, distrusting and self-centred. West is a man on a mission and will backstab friend and foe alike to get what he wants.
Brief physical description of the character: West is from a race known as 'Ancient Zirans' - noted for their brown skin and silver hair. He is short, sneering and hardly ever seen without his sword or light armour. Plenty of art in his profile!
Suggested environments: In ancient ruins, in slums, in sword combat
Anything else we need to know:He's quite pale in a lot of his old reference art. Could you please match his skin tone in this and this.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants West and Tsane can cetainly be drawn together. They have a unstable friend/enemy relationship, so drawing them either as friend or foe is fine. Dale is from a different universe so please don't draw him with the others.
Dabbler or Devotee? Dabbler.
Character Name: Maliq.
RPR profile:
Species: Human Vampire.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Surly, quiet, wise, honest.
Brief physical description of the character: Arabian features, with high cheeks bones and startlingly pale skin. He has a pronounced widow's peak, with gorgeous raven black hair that reaches all the way down to the back of his thighs. He is slender in build, and has bright, blood red eyes.
Suggested environments: Graveyard, alchemist's hovel, church.
Anything else we need to know: Maliq is very deep into occult teachings and has the ability to contact Elder/Mad Gods.

Fun, Optomistic, Polite (ussually), Intellegent, Understanding, Independent, Tries to be truthful,
She has Apple Green eyes, brown messy hair, a beautiful smile, ussually wearing jean shorts and a baggy tshirt with converse, curvy,

You can add other little cute things if you like! I'm really fine with anything! :)
lynx (played by linktheriolu)





happy go lucky on the outside, but one can tell a shallow level of depression and sadness

black fury ears ontop of his medium length black hair. His black tail has a thin yet fluffy level of fur on it. His clothes would consist of a unbuttoned shirt showing small almost unnoticeable scars. He wears black thin pants and a dark collar around his neck. He is of medium build and is not to short, but not talll

dark black room

this is a character that I'm writing a book with. He is kidnapped in the book, so a darker theme would be nice, but nothing too bad.

Fufufu! *rubs paws together and skitters off to figure out which characters she wants to put up*
Dabbler or Devotee? Dabbler
Character Name: Vothyl Sylian
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Pale Person
Gender: Female
Personality: Reserved and orderly, well disciplined.
Brief physical description of the character: Tall people, with pale skin and black sclera (sclera is the 'whites' of the eyes.). They have sets of black ivory antlers protruding from their heads. They wear silver masks and armor, adorned with ebony streaks and trims. Most of their armor is not visible, as they also wear thick robes to protect themselves from harsh wins, with the only armor pieces not covered are their masks and their shoulder pads. Their robes are often colored blue, with a silver trim.
Suggested environments: None required, as they live in a snowy tundra.
Anything else we need to know: Facial structures are not my strong suit, chances are the quality of whoever I am assigned to draw will have a quality deference between their face and the rest of their body.
Dabbler or Devotee? Devotee

Character Name: Braeden
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: Goofy, fun loving, outgoing
Brief physical description of the character: Brae is average height with a thinner build. His hair is brown, medium length and generally parted to his right and his eyes are blue. He usually has a grin on his face and he loves striped clothing and hats (page boy hats, baseball caps which are usually worn backwards and beanies). In depth description such as piercings, scars and tattoos are on his page as well as plenty of reference.
Suggested environments: He works in his family's comic shop and lives upstairs in an apartment. So either down in the shop maybe by or behind the register or upstairs on the red cushy couch.
Anything else we need to know: Brae is very attached to his identical twin. If you're feeling wily you could draw them together.

Character Name: Krieja
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Alien; Humbite which is my own creation and squidlike
Gender: Male
Personality: Gruff, stand offish
Brief physical description of the character: Krie is tall and overly muscled. His skin is dark and patterned with bio luminescent spots and stripes which change color depending on his mood. His hair is bright purple and his eyes are gold with black sclera. Further detail is on his page (nsfw art warning)
Suggested environments: Krie needs to soak once a day to survive so possibly in a shallow pool or lounging on fancy furniture.
Anything else we need to know: Not really? Just have fun with dem spots!

Character Name: Dadj
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Humanish
Gender: Male
Personality: Rude, outspoken and unamused or entirely quiet.
Brief physical description of the character: Dadj is usually decked in leather armor of green or brown colors. His hair is a mess of brown curls and his eyes the color of warm honey. He's usually scowling. References on his page.
Suggested environments: He was a ranger and tends to stick to himself in the woods or unpopulated areas.
Anything else we need to know: Dadj hates people for the most part but he loves animals. He almost always has a horse with him and sometimes travels with a white direwolf.
Offering a human and a feral character here to give some choice!


Character Name: Theudric de Merle
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: Serious, Domineering, Snobbish, Arrogant.

Brief physical description of the character: A tall man of noble breeding. His hair black hair has a silver streak through it and is as long as his shoulderblades, almost always tied back into a ponytail. His eyes are silver and
Suggested environments: If you include an environment, a fireplace is appreciated, a regal setting of any kind, a manor in the background or even in battle with a beast. One i would appreciate is Theudric with a song sparrow on his hand looking pensive. Go wild! have fun.

Anything else we need to know: Theudric has a black pegasus (Clydesdale horse) I would love it if it could be included but it's not super important!


Character Name: Kingfisher
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Kingfisher Gryphon
Gender: Either
Personality: Goofy, Animalistic, Curious, Bird-Like, Generous, Silly.

Brief physical description of the character: It's a kingfisher gryphon. Bird top half and big-cat lower half. Tail is supposed to be shaped a little bit like a furry gator tail, thick at the base and tapers out to be thinner at the tip (for swimmings!).

Suggested environments: Transparent background or by a river, fishing, anywhere in nature that is green and lush.

Anything else we need to know: Kingfisher will offer fish as a peace offering, it is entirely fine for you to draw him vomiting fish. Think of things cats or dogs do that are silly, like rolling around in grass, you can have fun with this guy.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) You can draw them together if you want! However note that Theudric is the sort of man to capture beasts, so i expect poor Kingfisher would be in a heavy iron collar on a chain if they were to be drawn together.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Dabbler or Devotee? Devotee!

Character Name: Heimdall
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: dragon
Gender: N/A
Personality: Grumpy, feral, curious.
Brief physical description of the character: A bulky black dragon, covered in scars. It has the curled horns of a ram and a club on the end of its tail.
Suggested environments: Anything is fine.
Anything else we need to know: Nope!

Character Name: Ivian
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: human
Sex: cis male
Personality: Haunted by his past, but good-natured and desperate to please.
Brief physical description of the character: A stocky soldier in his late 20s. He has long, shaggy blonde hair and a couple of scars on his face. His green eyes are haunted and sunken and his nose is turned up a little. He has soft, somewhat boyish features and a blocky build.
Suggested environments: A castle, guarding a wall, an open field... lots of options.
Anything else we need to know: He can be drawn in a wide array of medieval outfits but he has refs on his page. If you want to depict him with weapons, he could be carrying a ten foot pike or a massive tower shield.

Character Name: Oberlan
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: human
Sex: cis male
Personality: Driven and commanding, willing to do anything he needs to get what he wants.
Brief physical description of the character: A sharp-featured nobleman in his early 30s. He has wavy/curly red-gold hair with prominent bangs. His eyes are amber. He's tall and lean, but strong, like silk.
Suggested environments: Anywhere in a castle.
Anything else we need to know: His clothing should appear fairly wealthy. Velvet doublets with tall boots and puffy shirts are always good options.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) Ivian and Oberlan can be drawn together, but Heimdall can't be with either of them. Different universes!
Dabbler or Devotee? Dabbler
Character Name: Iari
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Pegacorn
Gender: Female
Personality: Pompous, arrogant, haughty, pampered, entitled, sweet, cute, loving, cheerful
Brief physical description of the character: Long wintery blue hair, white pelt with pink speckles on face, shoulders back, rump and top 3/4 of wings, legs are pink from knees down, including uncloven hooves and long, wispy fetlocks
Suggested environments: Up to the artist
Anything else we need to know: Have fun!

Dabbler or Devotee? Dabbler
Character Name: Basilo
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Ramicorn
Gender: Male
Personality: Stoic, calm, aloof
Brief physical description of the character: Long, ultra wavy black hair with a thick silver streak down the middle, goatee and hair on tail match, fetlocks are ultra wavy as well, thickly muscled, mesomorph body type, legs are black pelt from knee down, hooves solid silver and cloven, horns are solid silver, twisted and curl like a ram's, one is broken, wings are white with silver sheen
Suggested environments: Up to the artist
Anything else we need to know: Have fun!

Dabbler or Devotee? Dabbler
Character Name: Flowahr
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Fleerooxki - Fleer x Flox x Flooki x Human
Gender: Female
Personality: Quiet, intense, focused, single-minded, painfully innocent, emotionless, strangely logical yet illogical and curious to a fault
Brief physical description of the character: Cream fur, very fluffy and soft Hair: Ombre that fades from Ivory to light blue to royal blue; very silky and soft Eyes: Heterochromatic; Right - silver; Normal, discernible iris, pupil and sclera; Left - Purple; Mute, no definition between pupil and iris, normal sclera Markings: Lilac markings similar to a typical doe across the sides of her face and down her nose, over her back, shoulders and outer thighs with magenta stripes down her spine and tail, alternating with the cream that claimed rest the of her fur, with deep orchid speckles dancing across the other colors, leaving predominant fur color unblemished, giant purple stargazer lily on her back, blue and pink moonflowers on hips, ankles and the backs of her ears, blue and white osiria roses on her antlers, referenced on the RPR page
Suggested environments: Up to the artist
Anything else we need to know: Have fun!

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) Basilo and Iari would be alright to draw together but Flowahr has no interaction with them
Dabbler or Devotee? Dabbler

Character Name: Bliss Joy
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:profile
Species: Vampire
Gender: Female
Personality:Friendly to mostly everyone, but can be a little insensitive and blunt. Loyal, wise ass, protective of those she cares for and young mortals. A bit of an odd ball.
Brief physical description of the character: Pale, blue eyed with colour hair. Usually dressed in either clubbing attire or ripped jeans and a tshirt with a band logo on it.
Suggested environments: night time or urban fantasy settings.
Anything else we need to know:Her hair changes freqently, at the moment its dyed in a rainbow effect but her default colour is dark bubble gum pink.

Character Name: Terra
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:profile
Species: Half-elf
Gender: Female
Personality:Intelligent and quick witted. Can be a little timid around people she doesn't know. Introverted but friendly. Can be a little naive.
Brief physical description of the character: fair skinned, long wavy dark coloured hair, wears a pair of wore rimmes round glasses, amber coloured eyes, dressed in modest robes, has slighly pointed ears.
Suggested environments: mage tower, libraries or labatories, any fantasy setting.

drawn together: no thanks
Dabbler or Devotee? Dabbler

Character 1:
Character Name: Reman Longtail
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: RPR Page
Species: Anthro Wolf
Gender: Male
Personality: Somewhat shy, but friendly. A generally happy individual.
Brief physical description of the character: Not too muscular, has soft brown fur, and dark red hair that's usually done up into a ponytail. Brown eyes. Usually wears a vest, gloves, pants boots and a red cape. Always carries his short sword in a scabbard hanging from his belt.
Suggested environments: Generic fantasy settings, castles, towns, etc.
Anything else we need to know: He's almost never seen without a short red cape on.

Character 2:
Character Name: Arvex Galerian
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: RPR Page
Species: Demon, anthro hellhound
Gender: Male
Personality: A warrior, through and through. Seems stern at first, but he can warm up to people given enough time.
Brief physical description of the character: Quite muscular, with small horns and a spaded tail. Coarse, dark fur with red markings running down his face and chest. Glowing yellow eyes. Some battle scars here and there, along with a Drakorian brand on his right shoulder. Usually carries a longsword with him. His clothing tends to be fairly rough and simple.
Suggested environments: I'll leave it up to the artist here. A generic fantasy setting would probably work best, though.
Anything else we need to know: He can be depicted with his armor on, even though he did lose it a while ago.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) It's okay, even though Reman and Arvex have never actually met each other, and probably never will.

Dabbler or Devotee? Devotee!
Character Name: Zirquoise
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Jumi
Gender: Female
See more
Zirquoise has a rather.... challenging, personality.
At first glance, she is rather demanding and judging,yet once you get to know her, she is a rather sensitive person who hides her pain behind kind smiles or harsh insults. Although death is something she rarely cries about, when she is told of a sad story or song, she can't help but tear up and start crying, she a softie for those. She absolutely adores animals, and wants world peace between felines and dogs so she can embrace them both at the same time.
She is a rather curious being due to the fact that she'd been trapped inside a palace for most of her youth. Zirquoise is polite and sarcastic at the same time, when in a bad mood, she is rather rude and would love to be alone in a forest.
She will help whoever is in need, sometimes with a price, but mostly for free, she thinks of it as a hobby to pass her time as she awaits for the correct moment to overthrow the queen, one wrong mistep from the queen, and a painful death will await her in her slumber.
She likes to adventure, to run around, to burn things to the ground.
She rarely had any friends,people that could be considered her friends are countable by only ten fingers. By the way she'd been raised, she'd been forced to have fake self-confidense, or in the queen's words "calm", in dangerous situations.
Due to being a handmaid, she is in no need for "partners", rendering her a bit more independent than other Jumi who rely on each other to survive.
She does not seem to be uncomfortable when with men, although she does feel uncomfortable when they are in what she calls her, "personal space", she is quite touchy though, and possessive, her "personal space" is up when she's not the one who touches someone.
She's rather vengeful, and can hold a grudge for quite a long time.
When she's in a good mood, she will start cackling like an idiot for un-known reasons, and will likely start to annoy people. When her eyesight is lost or covered, she will start becoming restless, as to the fact that her eyesight is her most trusted sense, due to her having an eidetic memory; her sense of smell is in second place.

Brief physical description of the character: long dark blue hair, black eyes, good build, rosy white skin.
Suggested environments: War
Anything else we need to know: The Jumi are an original race, and that she is a part of a rebellion

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
Dabbler or Devotee?: Devotee

Character name: Rai Nightmare

Link to character's RPR profile or other reference materials:

Species: Nei'rckati

Gender: Male

Personality: He's a crazy and unpredictable guy, and also he's quite insane from time to time

Brief physical description of the character: Tall, skinny, green hair, long elf like ears, pale skin, two rows of sharp teeth, can smile as wide as the cheshire cat (like in the tim burton movie)

Suggested environments: artistic freedom here!

Anything else we need to know?: The Nei'rckati is my original species and they're a closed one as well And that Rai doesn't like humans at all, but he got some exceptions!

Dabbler or Devotee? Devotee
Character Name: Caiah Lawson
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
* (arm tattoos)
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Personality: She's someone who tends to be really spontaneous, likes having things her way. Generally a nice person who'd stand up for both herself and others, pretty straightforward. When interacting with people she dislikes, she can be really sarcastic and brassy.
Brief physical description of the character: tall (5'7"), dark-skinned, curvy-shaped body (hourglass), tattoos on both arms, high cheekbones, black 0g ear gauges, right nostril piercing
Suggested environments: Up to the artist! ^^
Anything else we need to know: She may be drawn with a different make up style, or a different outfit. Any theme, it could be from medieval to urban, whatever the artist wants (just nothing too sexual). ^^
Bialis Conroy (played anonymously)

Dabbler or Devotee? Devotee
Character Name: Bialis Conroy
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Personality: A bit moody, quiet, always on the move. Wary, very passionate and emotional about some topics.
Brief physical description of the character: Skinny to lean-athletic build, pale, freckled skin, short height and curly, medium-length to long brown hair. A childlike face and dull, distance-focused brown eyes. Wears shabby, often patched medieval clothing befitting a peasant or vagrant, and a long, thick blue scarf.
Suggested environments: Alleyways, rooftops, forests, burgling houses, sitting in taverns...
Anything else we need to know: He always wears the scarf! Costume is open to interpretation to some degree, the scarf is not.
Dabbler or Devotee? Devotee

Character Name: Echo, Kitom, Gandrell

Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:

Species: Echo is a human/dragon/feline hybrid kinda thinggy, Kitom is a Serval viking god, Gandrell is a vampire

Gender: Echo and kitom are female, Gandrell is male

Echo: Friendly, quiet, reserved, frightful of loud or strange sounds, she's also blind

Kitom: Friendly, energetic, childish, much like that one chuck you know that drinks 4 Monsters then eats a bag of pixi Stix before running 20 miles and asking you why you asking are so slow.

Gandrell: Brat prince type, arrogant, well mannered when it suits him, flirty, suave, romantic, kind hearted deep down but only shows that side to those he trusts, overall think Lest at from interview with asking re Vampire with a bit more of a kind sexy gentalmenly feel to him.

Brief physical description of the character:

Echo: Thin just above malnourished, green long hair, sales on her forearms, hips, backside and legs. Fur covering her legs and tail, she has feline like feet paws and is quite self concious of her looks.

Kitom: Think serval with grey fur instead of tan, spots and stripes are covering her body, she has shoulder length blonde hair, exceptionally long tail and large ears giving her a youthful look, she's pretty short, has paws for feet and hand with pads like a mix of paws and hands.

Gandrell: Again, think Lestat but modern day, he wears suits when needed or can be seen in ripped jeans and an old t-shirt, well groomed with pale blond short or long hair (has been seen with both, usually a men's cut is about where you wanna be maybe a bit longer)Piercing blue eyes, muscular and handsome,he's just a good looking debonair kinda guy :P

Suggested environments: Echo and Kitom are both seen in the Golden Tether, Kitom happy in really any mideval/viking style environment, Echo is partial to warmer areas also more familiar with mideval style envronments but can be placed wherever really, lots of sun but also partial to the quiet so sunny library or in the garden area would be her favorites.
Both can be placed in the pens of the tether if that's easier or wanted and lots both andlsotnsre slaves.

Gandrell can be placed both Modern day or anywhere from around the 1700s forward, he has a mansion and and so and so blood u sinews so he's seen either in his home and lost his personal bar relaxing or out dealing blood. Really he fits anywhere he pleases as long as it's dust to late night.

Anything else we need to know: Echo being blind has beautiful eyes, she has a walking staff but can navigate without, eyes andlsotnsre NOT covered by andlsotnsrerenything she looks quite 'normal' aside a tendency to stare in weird directions. Kitom is and always will be always Viking so really run with that always you will, she's always happy nude as she is clothed! If Kitom or Echo are drawn both will have always sis collar if they are present in TGT Kitom is burned by hers Echo is not, Kitom would have burnt fur/flesh under her collar or any metals placed on her. Echo isn't a worry.
Any info not on Rpr pages is likely unneeded, all of them have quite I depth descriptions ^^

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) Kitom and Gandrell yes, Echo and Kitom yes, but not Gandrell and Echo

Heck yeeeah~ Loki, you're a gem for tackling this lil' shindig. c:

Dabbler or Devotee? Devotee!
Character Name: Aidar
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Unicorn! (flatface anthro variety, I guess?)
Gender: Male
Personality: Generally warm and friendly, sometimes also snarky and/or flirty. Gets bashful and retreats when attention or affection is turned back on him.
Brief physical description of the character: A bit short and stocky, for a unicorn. No visible skin, instead he's covered in a thin layer of dapple grey fur. His hair is short, curly and grayish-blue, his eyes are gold with rectangular/horizontal pupils, and his horn and hooves are a deep red. His tail is leonine and ends in the same kind of hair that's on his head. Refs are on his site~
Suggested environments: A cute little teashop or somewhere with greenery would be nice, but I'll leave it up to the artist!
Anything else we need to know: Please just remember that his pupils are horizontal! Like this.

Character Name: Blake
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human! (Shocking, I know.)
Gender: Male
Personality: He has a tendency to come across as grumpier than he really is, because he has a very short temper when it comes to certain things. In reality, though, he's very compassionate and friendly, and always willing to lend a helping hand.
Brief physical description of the character: Medium/olive skintone, turquoise eyes, black hair that occasionally shines dark brown in the light. ...See his refs, they're better than I am at explaining.
Suggested environments: The boy loves water, so anything related would be good. Again, not a requirement!
Anything else we need to know: He's a Pokemon trainer! If you want to draw him with any of his Pokemanz, feel free, but it's absolutely not a requirement!

Character Name: Jianyu
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Snow leopard (anthro)
Gender: Genderfluid, absolutely not picky.
Personality: Friendly, if not too curious, doesn't understand the concept of personal space, energetic, and a little vain.
Brief physical description of the character: He's a snow leopard! Therefore he is very fluffy. His hair is a pinkish-lavender and is usually about shoulder length, hairstyle doesn't really matter. His eyes are a bright minty-green, and always scoping for a new target.
Suggested environments: Surrounded by a pile of trinkets? I dunno, I'll leave this up to the artist!
Anything else we need to know: Have fun with his wardrobe. *_* The stuff I've included on his RPR is just a sampling of what he might wear, but feel free to come up with something else if you'd like!

Character Name: Masahiko
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Elf He's actually a Kirin, the Elf form is just a disguise.
Gender: Technically neutral, goes by male for convenience
Personality: Stoic and intense, he comes across as very aloof although he is capable of being more personable when it comes to professional and social matters. He's not exactly friendly, however, and tends to be very quiet.
Brief physical description of the character: He's pretty. Very pretty, and androgynous. (Which I haven't pulled off very well in his art yet, oops. Imagine these two combined into one face and you're pretty much there.) Looong, jet-black hair, cut perfectly straight at the ends. Tends to wear mostly yukata, prefers dark colors and simpler patterns but anything goes, really.
Suggested environments: Something with greenery or otherwise pretty/calming, maybe?
Anything else we need to know: I might redesign his Kirin form so I'd say just stick with the Elf guise just to be safe!

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) None of them really know each other, but if you wanna, then cool!

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