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Forums » Introductions » Hey All, New Here~!

Greetings RPR folks. I'm very new to this platform but not so new to RP. I've been playing for a while, but always trying to improve my writing and become a better player!

I love fantasy and cyberpunk and especially I adore anachronistic mixes of modern/futuristic and medieval/fantastical things.

I have too many interests, I love reading, anime, movies, video games, board games, tabletop RPGs, music (who doesn't), and just generally being a nerd about stuff. And, oftentimes, I enjoy building and talking about ideas more than executing them, but I'm trying to get better about that! So if you like world building or dreaming up characters, I love bouncing ideas around at any rate.

I'm far more used to sessions of Instant Message RP than I am to gradual forum-style, but that's something I'm working on too. When it comes to posting, I love variable post lengths, typically where we can front-load the details of the scene at the start and then get into something a bit more snappy as the characters interact.

I'm mainly interested in playing the one OC presently on my profile, whether for adventurous plots, slice-of-life romance or drama, or perhaps even something a little less wholesome here and there. But in spite of that I have many character ideas and if I build a rapport with someone I often like to have multiple different scenes and explore other sets of character dynamics to suit our fancies~!

And I should probably say that I'm GMT based too, but sometimes the sleep schedule is a little... Whack. I should probably add some of this info to the profile now that I think about it.

Nice to meet y'all in advance, can't wait to get into it~!
Hey hi! Welcome to RPR!
Check out my favorite resources!

*.• :star: BB-Code Text Tools :star: •.*

:star: Emoji! :star:

Welcome to RPR ! you will find many Rp's both 1-1 and groups advertised in the Forums, make sure to ask people if you find characters you are interested in as many players are often seeking RP with those characters or others.
Hello! Welcome to RP Repository! :)
Welcome to RPR 🙂
<3 Welcome to RPR! <3
I hope you'll enjoy it here and have a lot of fun!
If you ever need help or are unsure about something, feel free to ask someone(me included) or use the Help forum!
Welcome to RPR! We hope you enjoy your time here and find the rps and people you are looking for! If you're looking for RP's, I suggest looking for them in the "Looking For Roleplay" forum or making a post yourself!
Welcome to RPR!
Welcome to RPR I'm glad you found us!

You'll find a fair amount of people here with similar interests that you've listed, thankfully RPR seems to be the hub for such personalities!

"I'm far more used to sessions of Instant Message RP"

What do you mean by that? do you mean just the style where it is instant show and not a forum (because RPR does have that in a sense) Or do you mean more like rapid replies.

Haha. If you have any questions or get lost feel free to reach out to the welcoming committee. :)
Hello! Welcome to RPR! :)
Hey there... welcome to RPR... Tis a great place to write
Lizbeth Redwood (played by Fantax)


And nice to meet you too.
I can assure you, you can learn very quickly here to improve all your skills.

Hello! Welcome to RPR! I'm confident you'll improve your skills here quickly. Finding an RP partner on this forum is pretty fast. ^^

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hey All, New Here~!

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