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Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx nodded. She took the Alien Deer and set it on the ground. She put her foot on its chest and dug the big talon on her toe into it. She pulled down tearing the chest open. She reached in with her arm and moved it around. Eventually she pulled it out, dragging the Alien Deer's liver out with her arm. She set it near the fire to allow it to cook further. "Uh, sorry for any apetite loss. I just feel that the Liver is the best part of most creatures that I eat."Saraxx said.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock)

Xiara sighed, and held his hand up in acknowledgement. "It is fine. I could have seen far worse considering this large creature. Who knows what other anatomy it has." After he spoke, Xiara looked up toward the stars, anxious of where they actually were in the galaxy. They had been unfortunately marooned onto this planet, and if it was a wild world, would there by anyway back?
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"I think I can see where the main ships crashed."Seaxx said, indicating a huge plume of smoke in the distance. It was lighted up with an orange color, no doubt from fires. "Think we should check it out?"Saraxx added.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock)

"I think it would be best to wait until the fires begin to die down. It would be very dangerous to observe such an inferno so close." Xiara advised. While it was probably wise to check if the ship still had some working contraptions inside, considering how large those flames were, it would be hard for them both trying to get inside without catching fire.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Hopefully that won't be too long." Saraxx responded, looking up at the clouds which were hopefully gonna bring a down pour as they were grey and clearly thunder heads.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock)

"Hmm... I for one hope that the jungles do not flood, it will make getting to the wreckage much harder." Xiara stared for a few moments toward the dark skies. It was definitely going to rain, but the question was... just how bad?
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Eh, I don't think we have to worry about the Forest flooding really." Saraxx said, looking up to the clouds aswell.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock)

"Well, shall we wait for the clouds to pass as well, or should we start once the rain begins to fall?" Xiara asked.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"I'd suggest we wait until the clouds are gone. I'm already not nessecarily light, and add water to my down and I gte even heavier and slower"Saraxx said after taking a bite out of the leg.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock)

Xiara nodded at Saraxx' decision, taking another look at the deer's leg he had torn off. The complexion of the cooked animal seemed kind off... odd. There was a strange, gangrenous green spot on the severed thigh. The Actarian stared at it for a few moments, he was not sure whether it was real or he was hallucinating.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Oop: Want me to post in Catalysts of Pytrefication? Or do you wanna wait a bit more for the guy whose playing Akara to respond?

"What's wrong?" Saraxx asked Xiara, not sure what was wrong, and having eaten most of her leg, along with the liver she removed.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock)

(I'm going to wait one more day. After that, I'm going to have to skip turns, because it is not fair if others have to wait.)

"N-...Nothing..." Xiara looked away from the strange spot. He was adamant that he was simply hallucinating. There was no way that it was rotten... hopefully.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Oop: Aright

"You sure?"Saraxx asked, not seeing the splotch on the leg, nor having tasted anything rotten in her meal. "Is he okay?"Saraxx thought to herself, hoping nothing was wrong.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock)

Xiara paused for a moment. He took another look at the seemingly decaying leg. It had begun to blacken since he last took a glance. Something was wrong. Xiara held the leg toward Saraxx, on it's rotten side. "Does this leg appear to be rotting?" Xiara asked.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

Saraxx almost heaved when she saw the rotting leg. She hadn't seen anything rotting on her leg, but was thankful she was part Tyranno, as Tyrannos are well known for eating anything. "That's disgusting... Maybe it's some kind of fungus?"Saraxx asked, spitting her food out.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock)

Xiara gave a breath of relief. Relief that he was not hallucinating, but with that also came concern. He had been eating from a rotting leg. Xiara then began to observe the rot, it was definitely some form of fungus. He touched with the tip of his finger, and the small, but growing stalks within the spot swirled around the metallic material of Xiara's finger. "I can confirm that this deer has been contaminated with fungi, but how?" Xiara asked.
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"Maybe it was already infected. And the fungus only propogates on dead matter."Saraxx offered. She wasn't one for biology and was mostly guessing at how the fungus worked.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock)

"It had best be. I hope that this is the only surprise we find in this place." Xiara replied with an agitated tone. What disgusting thing could have this creature eaten? Well, it was something Xiara was not interested in finding out. He proceeded to throw what ever was left of the deer's limb out of the ship's opening, whilst taking a look at the crashed cruiser from afar. A black cloud of smog began to loom over them, mixing with the grey cloud of rain.

"The showers beginning to start" Xiara stated, as he felt the drops begin to wash his scarred face. "Shall we begin our journey once you have finished?"
Saraxx (played by 0V3RL0RD-P4RR0T)

"If you want"Saraxx said, taking another bite of her foo,d though keeping any eye out for that fungus.
Xiara (played by KingofHaddock)

Xiara gave a slight nod in return as he stood. "Very well. I shall wait here for the moment." He stood by the opening, watching the rain begin to fall.

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