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Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Well like most fads huh?" Fal laughs looking at the water damaged roof around the rim of the room.
"Yup."Traxton said. He glanced around the room, which was mostly empty. "Think these were used to close the doors?"Traxton asked, indicating a set of buttons on both sides of the room. The appeared to be labeled, but the labels had degraded thanks to age and water. "Wonder why there's two buttons."Traxton said, inspecting the buttons.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal took a minute to examine it. "Hmm." He thinks looking down the hall and noticing the lights. "Could be for the hall lights maybe? Or a way of over ride?" He ponders.
"Maybe one opens the door and an other closes it?"Traxton suggested. Out of curiosity he pressed one of the buttons. He jumped when he heard a door slam shut next to him. "The hell.... Fal, I thought you said the doors were go-"Traxton said turning to face Fal, to find Fal wasn't there. "Ah son of a..."Traxton groaned, before noticing a table with a number of monitors on it. Next to the table was a security guard sitting in a swivel seat, keeping his eyes on the screen. "Lemme guess, you don't know I'm here, do you?"Traxton asked, waving his hand in front of the guard's face. He got no response or form of acknowledgement. "Of course not."Traxton said. Traxton looked around the room.

The Security Guard reached over and pressed one of the buttons on the wall, and the hallway lit up, revealing Chica glaring into the room. Traxton let out a yelp and jumped back when he saw the chicken, which was staring straight at him. "Stupid Duck! Get out of here!"The Security guard groaned, as the light went out. Traxton backed out of the room into the hall. He looked down the hall when a feint footstep caught his attention. It soon drew closer to the hall as the door next to him slammed shut. "Hey! The hell?!"Traxton said, glaring at the guard in the security office. Traxton glanced back down the hall and froze. Standing opposite of him was the red Pirate known as Foxy.

Foxy was in much, much better condition than he was at the other pizzeria. Its hips, thighs, and knee joints were a brown color. His shins were red halfway down before turning a light salmon color, like the color of his muzzle and stomach. Foxy towered over Traxton by atleast a foot. It's a wonder how the animatronic managed to even get into the hall way with out removing its head. Suddenly, Foxy shot forward forward with his arms outstretched and his jaw wide open. Half way down the hall he lunged forward. Traxton let out a scream and jumped back, suddenly hitting the wall in the security office, which was now back to normal.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal heard mumbling from the room when he came back and suddenly a thud. "Traxton you ok?" He asks running to find him against the wall. "What happened?" He asked looking around and not seeing any change from before. He took account of his mumbling and began to look at it as some kind of psychotic episode. "Trax you ok?" He asks again.
"Y-Yeah, I think I am."Traxton said, taking a deep breath. "I do not like this place at all. Let's finish our investigation and get our asses outta here."Traxton said, as he shakily got to his feet.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Bathrooms and kitchen are whats left. Then we can get out of here. Are you sure your ok? Don't wanna go wait in the car?" Fal asks looking at his eyes for any glazing or signs of illness.
"I'll be fine. You take the Kitchen, I'll get the bathrooms."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Ok but call out if anything happens." Fal says walking out and heading to the kitchen.
"Will do."Traxton said, before leaving. He went down the hall that lead to the bathrooms, and looked around inside. The mirrors, soap dispensers, and paper towel dispensers were gone, though the sinks and bathroom stalls were left alone. After a few more once overs in the bathrooms, Traxton left. He was about to go to the kitchen before he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He looked over seeing what looked like an entry way, but it was closed off by a bunch of wooden boards. "HEY! FAL! GET OVER TO THE BATHROOMS!"Traxton called.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Inside the kitchen Fal noticed rusted and old sinks and benches but everything else was empty. Nothing in sight but the tiles like in other rooms. He sighed after getting a few pictures and heard Traxton. He quickly moved out to him. "Yea what happened? You find something?"
"What do you thinks behind that?"Traxton asked, indicating the boarded off room.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Odd? The designs I saw said nothing of an extra room. Could be a renovation plan that wasn't completed or implemented in the designs maybe?" Fal says tapping on the boards and looking through to see a metal plate in the way. "Looks sealed off. Metal as well so I don't think there's anything. Plus if its not on the designs I got shown it is out of jurisdiction." He says rubbing the back of his head.
"Well, we've got a search warrent for the building don't we? This is in the building."Traxton said. "Besides, this place has been sitting here for ages, not like anyone's gonna care if we take a look inside."Traxton said. He grabbed onto one of the boards and gave a sharp tug, pulling off the board with a quick tug. Thanks to tall the water damage, the wood came off fairly easy.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal sighed and began pulling them off as well. Behind was what looked like a metal wall painted to look like part of the existing wall. "Looks like something was here." Fal hits the and notices its rather thick. "But the thickness makes it seem more like a wall. Maybe they where trying to add onto the building?"
As Fal examiend the wall, Traxton backed up. "Get outta the way, gonna try and get it open."Traxton said.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

"Probably not the best idea. Its still at least iron. And two inches of iron will hurt and be strong no matter how old."
Traxton shrugged. "Well, you got any better ideas?"Traxton asked. "Unless you wanna drive the car into it. That'd be cool."Traxton said jokingly. Once Fal was out of the way he charged forward, slamming into the wall. He repeated the process a few more times. On the last time, the wall fell into the room. "AAAGH!"Traxton yelped, clutching his shoulder. "Next time I try and run into an iron wall, please stop me."He groaned, sitting up, still holding his shoulder.

Once the wall was knocked the overpowering stench of rotting wood and mildew filled the air. "God.... maybe we shouldn't have opened this door. Smells like a skunk smeared in crap and rotten eggs was thrown into an onion patch."Traxton said as he got to his feet. The room was mostly empty, save for four deactivated, and most likely ruined, arcade cabinets. Traxton turned and froze. On the other side of the room there was an old moldy yellow animatronic, slumped up against the wall, blankly staring off at the wall. Its jaw was hanging wide open. It didn't seem to have an endo-skeleton, judging by a few holes that had rotted into the suit. "Well, that isn't nightmare inducing at all. That's the rabbit... uh... Bobby... Ronnie.... uh... Bonnie! That's it."Traxton said walking over to the Animatronic.
Falderan (played by Dreath) Topic Starter

Fal looked at the darkly goldish brown animatronic with wide eyes. "An entire animatronic left out here? This is a big find. A really big find." Fal says taking a picture of it and kneeling down. Looking inside the suit it looks old. Maybe as old as this building could be older. The suit was made of hard fabric casing and the endoskelenton looked much different. "Odd how they left these things here? Maybe they forgot about them?" Fal asks before standing. "Well we should take this back to them. Ask them about it. It looks strangely familiar though?" Fal says thinking deeply to himself.
"Well, like I said, it's supposed to be Bonnie I think."Traxton said. "We're putting it in the trunk."Traxton said. "Alright, help me pick it up."Traxton said, gabbing the Animatronic. Suddenly, it wasn't there any more. "You've gotta be... Son of a! Last damn thing I'm touching in this place!"Traxton grumbled angrily. He looked around the room, which whilst still dark, was in much better condition. Traxton noticed the Arcade machines were on and walked over to them. The screens showed various old games. Suddenly the screens became static, wiht the puppet appearing on them. "What the Hell?!"Traxton yelped, staggering back. As before the feeling of dread, whispers, and shadowy figures returned when he looked at the puppet, but they seemed to fade as the puppet pointed at something behind Traxton. He turned. Instead of the gaping hole he'd created coming in, or the wall that was being built in, there was a door. Thankfully, physics atleast acknowledged his presence as he could open the door. He stepped out, before glancing back at the arcade machines, which had gone back to displaying their games.

The hallway was in decent condition, though still dark. The main party room was empty. The only thing in the room was the Prize corner, which had moved since he last saw it. It now was set next to the stage. As before, the Puppet was sticking out of the present, looking at Traxton. "Okay, do you talk or anything? Cause I'm getting real sick of this bull crap. What the hell is going on?!"Traxton demanded, letting his frustration over come his fear. The Puppet didn't respond, assuming it was able to at all. "Well?!"Traxton asked. The puppet raised a finger to its mouth as though it were trying to 'ssh' Traxton, before pointing to the Parts and Services room. Traxton could hear feint sobs and cries coming from the Parts and services room.

He was about to go to it, before a content chuckling caught his attention. A Security guard came down the hall way to the security office. He was dragging the yellow Bonnie suit behind him, which looked to be in much better condition than it was just a few moments ago. He wore the standard Security officer uniform of the time, but had a purple t-shirt on under it. "Should'a listened to their folks. Don't talk to strangers."He chuckled to himself. "Especially if they're wearing one of these creepy ass suits."He said, grimacing , glancing back at the suit. "Seriously don't get how anyone likes these damn things?"The Guard said, taking the suit to the safe room Traxton just left. As expected he didn't register Traxton's presence.

Traxton walked over to the Parts and Services room and tugged at the door, which was locked. "God dammit...."Traxton said. The Guard left the parts and Services room, and went to the kitchen, with Traxton deciding to follow him. The Guard grabbed a knife from the Kitchen before leaving, putting on a sadistic grin. "Oh sh-"Traxton said before darting to the door. Teh guard got to the door shortly after Traxton, taking a key out of his pocket and unlocking the door. He went in, closing the door behind him before Traxton could get in. Before Traxton could open the door it was locked. "OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW!"Traxton demanded slamming into the door, trying to force it open. He heard several screams before suddenly he was blinded by a light. "Agh!"He groaned as his eyes adjusted. "Where the hell am I?Traxton asked sitting up. "Hey, relax. You're in the hospital."A doctor said, trying to push Traxton back down onto the bed.

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