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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Arthurian themed - Quests (dormant)

Morgause (played by Raider-jack29)

Lady Morgause would eventually make her way to the dining hall. She sat upon the opposite end of where she knew her spiteful younger brother would.

Though for her, something felt off in the air tonight. The wind who's song whispered through the trees each night outside the palace, was still and silent. The servents that gossiped avidly in the halls, kept their faces down. And how could she forget that the bird upon her windowsill before she left...was a raven, a sure omen of a death on this night.

She sat quietly as people started to gather, oh how she loathed her brother. Yet despite herself, she bears him no ill will, nights like these when the gates are open and the guards are well and drunk would be perfect for an assassin to arrive. So she despite the festivities, she kept herself on guard. Though she wasn't stupid enough to make it obvious as her eyes flitted between her nephew, the lady Morgana , and her brother when he eventually entered the room.
"So thou has chosen me to be thy fairest maiden then, valiant knight of Camelot?" quizzed Morgana looking up interested yet half incredulous since the pair only ever bickered and disagreed more often than not.

"I..." Merthyr trailed off hesitant for a few moments, unwilling to make their courting a formal one but, upon gazing Pentre, the lord made a discreet gesture of his index finger sliding through the neck in a slicing motion to remind the prince that lives were at stake if he didn´t perform well enough

"Of course, fairest damself, I offer thee my honour and heart, my lady. It will be a priviledge to get acquainted. Here allow me to gift thee a token of my most humble commitment to thyself." offered Merthyr taking up the ring with the red ruby that Morgause had just given him and slipped it into Morgana's finger to make the engagement a formal relationship.

As these two spoke to one another, Conrad listened attentively at Mordred's words of warning.

"Sir Mordred... these accusations, whilst serious, they must be carefully considered and investigated" nodded the king in a darker frown

"Lord Pentre as the lord knight of the realm and my most trusted kinsman, take Sir Mordred and inspect the prince's quarters at once, if he be innocent then there's nothing to hide or fear, if he refuses to accept, he is guilty of treason and must be punished according to the law, he would then be left at your mercy, lord Pentre. You are the high lord of the realm, the lord knight too, my right hand man, I will admit that I lack the courage to pass sentence against my only son thus count on your resilience to see justice is done" explained Conrad in a low voice between the three of them

The king looked up as the guests clapped hands and congratulated Morgana and Merthyr causing king Conrad to smile broadly that his son had finally chosen a woman and one of very good standing and trust. "At last our crown prince finally settles" smiled Conrad making the comment to the room at large, clearly satisfied and approving of the occasion. "We shall toast to that..." nodded Conrad taking up the filled goblet that Nimueh had just poured brimming in front of prince Merthyr's plate yet the king himself drank it all down to show approval for the prince's engagement.

Pentre had just but reached the door with Mordred when he heard the coughing and gagging, he turned to see the king finish his wine and collapse from his standing position into unconsciousness.

"Someone fetch the royal healer at once" barked Tron Pentre alarmed. He came to pick up the king who was slumped on the cold stone floor, feeling for a pulse and finding it rather faint at that, the king looking paler and sweaty, shivering on occasion, a clear sign of poisoning.

"Guards arrest the prince!" barked Tron Pentre "Let us go search his rooms at once as the king ordered" insisted Pentre once the servants had taken the king into a stretcher to deliver him to his rooms

"You can't go accusing me of harming my own father, without the least the proof of it. I would never do such a thing!" complained Merthyr following the men "Come on then, you can check every corner of my rooms, I am NOT a sorcerer" insisted Merthyr opening the door and standing to one side to let Mordred and Pentre and a few guards search the room thoroughly

"If any proof is to be found, then do with me as you please, I will submit to your decrees, lord Pentre, but you will find nothing here, I swear it" insisted Merthyr clearly affected by it all
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

Amber's head shot up as she looked around. With the king ill and the servants going for the healer, she had no idea what to do. She was a demi-witch and wanted to help, but was too afraid of the consequences. She walked towards the prince's room and peaked around the frame of the door, pleading to herself that they don't find anything.
Morgana looked horrified as the king drank to celebrate her engagement and quickly collapsed to the ground, clearly poisoned. She stepped back startled and left the room in distress, bewildered that anyone could do such a thing.

"Come, come, we must make haste back to our rooms, for all I know they will come to search my quarters too" urged Morgana taking the girl's hand to bring her to the safety of her chambers, locking the door just in case
Morgause (played by Raider-jack29)

Lady Morgause had never before had to resist the urge to bang her head against a table. No one had absolutely any time to react, and what's worse is that she saw the maid who poured the cup.

Though she did find herself lucky enough that she was able to briefly walk past Merthyr as she herself exited. "This is why I told you not to take off that ring."
She mutters harshly as she exits, now having to come up with an plan to save her nephews hide.

As she made her way back to her chambers, she made small talk with one of the maids working in the palace. She was an outspoken girl by the name of
Guinevere, with strange copper skin( A rarity in Camelot) and warm yet defiant hazel eyes. The girl spoke openly of her distaste of the accusations against the prince, even going so far as to claim that even if he was a sorcerer he wouldn't use it against his own blood.

This girl had dedication to the royal family to an absurd degree.
Yet in her, Morgause saw potential. So she rushed past her own chambers, practically dragging the girl behind her as she moved quickly. At most there was ten minutes before the knights and prince arrived in Merthyr's chambers, so she simply told Guinevere that she left a bag of one of her favorite spices in Merthyr's chambers when

She knew that as she had this conversation, several knights and guardsmen were traveling to the princes chambers. Where , if she knew the priestesses nimueh well enough, there would no doubt be planted evidence enough for the crime.

Though she herself couldn't go, maids of the castle however were required to search the scene as well since they would no doubt have the entire castle staff on high alert.

This girl had dedication to the royal family to an absurd degree.
Yet in her, Morgause saw potential. So she rushed past her own chambers, practically dragging the girl behind her as she moved quickly. At most there was ten minutes before the knights and prince arrived in Merthyr's chambers, so she simply told Guinevere that she left a bag of one of her favorite spices in Merthyr's chambers when she spoke with him earlier.

She thought this was convincing enough as no one was present at the time she and Merthyr spoke.


Guinevere couldn't help but be skeptical of this woman, but seeing as she was of high station she didn't bother arguing with her. Though she did grow concerned when they approached a banner at the end of the hall, the lady Morgause lifted the banner and ushered her into the shadow behind it.
Now here was a place she had not seen before, a short dark hallway with aging stones and moss growing at its corners.

Though the passage was a peculiar discovery itself, what amazed her more was where it led. She found herself crawling out from under yet another banner to face the door to the princess chambers, which was on another side of the castle all together. Whatever manner of sorcery it was she had no time to question as she could hear the heavy clunky footsteps of the knights down the hall.

She rushed into the prince's chambers and searched avidly for this so called 'spice' the lady talked about so avidly. Though eventually she would come across it in a drawer that luckily was empty of the prince's knickers. A sight mind you she hopped not to see again. She grabbed the bag, and set to work at setting everything straight as it once was. She had five minutes before they arrived judging by the sound of their footsteps. So just as she finished cleaning. She quietly exited the room with the bag in hand, and slipped under the banner across the way.
It seemed as if she was never there, or at least she hoped it did as the knights would soon approach Merthyr's chambers.
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

She hugge herself, praying to the gods (or God) that the prince would be alright. "I just hope he's okay. I want to help him." It was clear that she had many things racing through her mind, because indeed she did. Not only was the safety of the Prince, but of her secrets and someone finding out. She looked up at Morgana and anyone with half a brain could see the desperation in her eyes, it was clear that she felt something for the young boy.
"My brother, the lord Pentre is such a revengeful twisted knight, all that is knightly about him is the title if that. He'll likely accuse anyone at the least disagreement. I worry for prince Merthyr. Tron has always been competing for the king's favour. One day, when Merthyr becomes king, his petty rivalry will come very costly to him" assured Morgana clearly troubled, pacing restless around the room and leaving to go to speak to Morgause

"Come, come, I need a remedy to calm my nerves, if they see me anxious, they'll suspect me of witchcraft too" urged Morgana taking up the hooded cloak. "Let us go at once, the sooner I am at peace, the better for us all, no way I could sleep otherwise without a sleeping draught" acknowledged Morgana going to find the lady Morgause whose use of magic was well known throughout the realm

As she left her rooms she crossed paths with Mordred and Pentre and Merthyr who had left the door wide open. They briefly looked up at her. Morgana made a quick courteous nod of acknowledgement with the head though keeping up the pace to make her way to Morgause chambers.

"Tell him Sir Mordred, you know I am a man of honor and a loyal knight of the realm. I would never bring harm upon the king, upon my own father." insisted Merthyr rubbing his forehead in distress

"Yet you openly defy his orders and commands and dare challenge his authority, not to say you critize his latest decision concerning usage of magic.... We will thoroughly search your chambers as commanded by his majesty, if you are innocent, nothing will be found, you will get my apologies and a restful sleep afterwards. However, if anything is found out of turn that should not be here, then, according to the king's command and .... your own given word... you will be held accountable on a guilty charge" challenged Tron Pentre

"Look... I admit and accept that you will probably find some amulets and charms here in my rooms, during your search, but I have a good explanation for these. I have been seizing the magic imbued items from the peasants and I document them in those record books before I take them down to the storage chamber by the dungeon. It doesn't mean they are mine or that I would dare use them" confessed and explained Merthyr not about to lie about that

Tron Pentre smiled broadly and widely at the honest if foolish confession, a clear damning verdict from the prince's own lips.

"Sounds treason by sorcery to me, your highness... we would not require our crown prince to do a common scribe's work after all and endanger yourself and others at the castle by manhandling such sorcery. What do you think about that, Sir Mordred? " asked Pentre letting Mordred search the rooms
Mordred (played by Guingamor)

Mordred's eyes widened as the King fell, having whipped his head around to see at the same time Lord Pentre had. He wasn't exactly surprised, but he needed to keep up appearances.

He nodded in agreement at Lord Pentre's insistence, and they moved quickly towards the prince's quarters. The two of them, along with a few guards, began to search the room thoroughly. The room looked exactly as it had when Mordred had gone in the first time.

It was then that Prince Merthyr made his plea. Mordred frowned at his words and said, "The servants who I had believed responsible for Sir Pettipace's death had been quite adamant that you had put them up to it. They may have been desperate but it must be looked into."

Mordred's eyebrows raised at the confession, and looking at Lord Pentre, he frowned again. "It seems strange that one would keep items that weren't theirs in their quarters, and he has motive to poison the King as well," Mordred seemed to scrutinize Merthyr for a moment before saying, "That must be taken as a confession, your highness."
Morgause (played by Raider-jack29)

Though Morgana would look for her lady Morgause was quite busy at the moment. She rushing to prince Merthyr's chambers hoping to catch them before they convicted him on false charges.

She made good time to it seems as she quickly flung the door to the room open. "Stop, my nephew is not guilty!"
She exclaimed with exuberance as she held up the pouch.

"I found this near the chambers of one of the maids, I believe her to be the priestess nimueh of the old world. This is a poison, a powerful one at that. the king will be dead before morn if we don't find a cure and find it fast."
"My lady, do what you can for the king... the guilty maid will be dealth with severely yet the prince has already confessed and all these knights and guards bear witness to it" informed Pentre

"Come now, my father is gravelly ill on the verge of death itself and you are going to squabble over a couple of pendants and a handful of coloured stones?" complained Merthyr not denying his guilt "Surely getting him a healer and treating his majesty should be priority at present" protested Merthyr looking in disbelief

"Your highness, prince or not, you have admitted your guilt and this knight of the realm, Sir Mordred, is witness to this. There is no need for a trial any more, clearly you are guilty and your own words admit to it, did you not?" questioned lord Pentre sternly

"Yes, yes I did confess to possessing charms and amulets... for a short period of time only" sighed Merthyr trying to focus on the statement.

"Well, then, that leaves the case settled. Given the king's forthcoming death is at hand and we cannot have the realm without a future king, for the greater good of the kingdom we will spare you the death penalty that should otherwise be given in cases like yours.

You are to be taken right away to the main square, where you will be disarmed and discharged in dishonor from the knighthood of Camelot. Then onwards will no longer enjoy any knightly priviledges or royal rights, at least until the king dies or sees it fit to issue a royal pardon" informed Pentre

"As befitting reprimand, you will be given forty lashes in public at the main square where you will surrender your armour, and your attire too. Once you return from there, your chambers and belongings will be given to Sir Mordred, whom you will dutifully serve. He will watch you attentively, if you serve him obedient and loyal and can prove you have made adecuate amends, you may be permitted certain comforts and allowances of his choosing and in due course, the opportunity of redemption, that you can earn your knightly position back through repentance, hard work, humility and obedience.

For now you I find you guilty and sentence you to surrender to slavery, your servitude by hard labour will be performed here at the castle where you can be watched at all times and where you will lead a commoner's life or lesser standards. Your sleeping arrangements will be the rigors of the dungeons which you're recently acquainted with unless your liege knight, Sir Mordred, permits you otherwise, at his discretion or myself on occassion." informed Pentre waving his hand for the scribe to take a good note and document it all before walking away to go to the balcony to read out the charge and impose sentence at the noon announcements, leaving it to Mordred to drag the disgraced prince and issue the prescribed reprimands.

Merthyr sighed knowing he had no way out of this one after he had opened his gob. "Thank you for showing mercy" muttered Merthyr well aware many commoners had died for much less
Morgause (played by Raider-jack29)

At first she was outraged, oh how that blasted priestess confounds her. Damn that woman to the lowest depths of the underworld.
She knew she could do not to fix Merthyr's status as of now, so she'll bide her time on that behalf.

Though she could make it easier on him "it will be hard to lower his status so easily due to his prior engagement to the lady Morgana, and as you know the law states that only the father of the groom has any right to say no under the penalty of death."
She attempted as she slipped back into her cool and calculated demeanor.

"Also, while the prince is lowered in status. He had many friends amongst the court, and the common people. Tell lord. Do you wish to start an uprising. Because I can guarantee you that the people trust the judgment of their former prince over a lord. Seeing as Merthyr Is the child of my brother as well I see fit to grant him protection from harm under the name of my house. If any harm is to come to him, you will have war."
She kept her cool demeanor as she spoke, her voice flat as she pointedly ignored the glares and confused glances of the men in the room. She then departed to find gather her brothers body and attempt to save him before he passed.
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

She followed Morgana, her own hooded cloak on her shoulders and hood on her head. She kept her eyes down as she heard the charges, tears escaping her closed eyes, but as she heard Morgause speak she smiled and looked up slightly. The tears were evident on her cheeks if one looked close enough as she looked between the lady, a new level of respect earned from Amber, and the prince. Though her smile was small, her eyes smiled broadly as she thanked Morgause in her mind, over and over again.
"My lady, the laws of Camelot apply to all, yourself included if you were to be caught practicing sorcery" assured lord Pentre

"Perhaps we ought to conduct a search of your own quarters, after all, someone must have provided the prince with the amulets, stones, and vials..." suggested Pentre in frown "For now, we shall allow you to tend to the king, undisturbed" indicated Pentre allowing her to leave.

"Merthyr is guilty and will undergo his appointed sentencing dutifully, justice must prevail. If war or uprises need to come, we will be ready as we always are. As for the lady Morgana she is free to release him if she wishes, no one will expect a high born lady like her to remain engaged to a slave" assured Tron Pentre

"In consideration to your household and our kingdom's future he has has been spared capital punishment already, nothing more will be granted and that is being far more generous than I am with most culprits" assured lord Pentre sternly

"Sir Mordred... see to the prisoner at once..." waved Pentre not about to get any more lenient than sparing actual death penalty
Morgause (played by Raider-jack29)

She good and well heard the lords words, and came so close to killing the man where he stood, though she couldn't help the sting in her heart at the name of mordered. If the men in the palace were so cruel then she resort to calling upon help from the women folk. Though that should've been her first thought considering they think with their brains rather than ego's.

She moved in a brisk walk back twords the dining hall to grab her brothers body. And dragging it back to her chambers just in time to witness Morgana approaching.
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

Amber followed closely behind Morgana, keeping her hood up and her head down as usual.
Morgana entered Morgause quarters and embraced Amber tightly seeking comfort and reassurance, then embraced Guinevere tightly too before wiping away her tears.

"So many things went so wrong in such a short time... this kingdom appears to be cursed" half complained Morgana rubbing Merthyr's gifted ring in distress.

"What am I to do? Engaged to a slave, it brings down my own social position and I will become the laughing stock of the realm, to reject his affections would be no short of a betrayal at his greatest hour of need..." moaned Morgana, damned if she released Merthyr's engagement and damned if she did not

"Oh lady Morgause... king Conrad seems poisoned... will he live? Can you heal him? I dread lord Pentre becoming the ruler for lack of a king in the mean time... My brother is far too devious and unforgiving..." urged Morgana willing to help but unsure how
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

She smiled up at Morgana. "If you truly love him, you will not care if her is a slave or a prince. If it is for money, status, or power, then leave him." She knew what her own heart desired, but that didn't mean she was going to rip away someone else's happiness. She brought her head up an the tears were visible to the naked eye.
Morgause (played by Raider-jack29)

"Ladies, for now we do nothing. For prying eyes lie in wait. The men folk blabber on and run this kingdom to the ground. But we will plan and triumph. Lady Morgana must keep her engagement to Merthyr on track as planned, after tonight Merthyr will no doubt move into the dungeons for sleeping arrangements, lady Morgana must convince her brother to move him to the servents quarters instead. Guinevere, once that is so, I will need you and taff to assist him through a servents life and guide him. Make sure he receives no harm, and amber, I need you to get mordered to trust you for I fear he has a greater part in this. For now this is all we can do, now fetch my bags so I may find the ingredients to get this poison out of his system."
Amber (played by Mathgeek124)

She nodded and ran back to Morgause's chambers to fetch her bags, thinking of how she was to get him to trust her.
"Speak with that good-for-nothing brother of mine? Whatever for? That would be wasted effort. He despises the prince, if anything he would worsen his condition in every possible way.

Besides, lord Pentre has sentenced Merthyr to become a slave at Sir Mordred's service under his watch and command, along with hard labour and castle chores. Anything pertaining to Merthyr's comforts must be discussed with the knight and can only be granted by Sir Mordred himself" sighed Morgana

"Seems Sir Mordred gets to have Taff and Merthyr too at his service, at all times, if that is of any consolation at least the two might be together" muttered Morgana thoughtfully.

"I will invite the knight to dine tomorrow and see what can be done about Merthyr" nodded Morgana

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