Tall, kinda gay, probably going to end up in the first five minutes of a Criminal Minds episode.
Russian. Lycan and HVV(human vampirism virus) positive. Takes her clothes off to music and teaches children ballet. Not at the same time though because that would be illegal.
Liliya Lilith Alexeev wrote:
Russian. Lycan and HVV(human vampirism virus) positive. Takes her clothes off to music and teaches children ballet. Not at the same time though because that would be illegal.
Intercoursing brilliant.
Grumpy lie-detector with anger and trust issues who's in denial and in dire need of some action to avoid prostate cancer.
Space Pirate Boss keeps getting mistaken for General Grievous.
I've already got you beat but you have no idea you little- OH HI
Local pirate captain ruins everything.

here comes king Conrad and his loathing of magic
I DON'T CARE IF I'M TEN, I HAVE THE POWER TO LAND YOU IN JAIL, BUSTER More screaming followed by him throwing a briefcase and having a tantrum
How the heck is she a paladin?
Rin: "I like fighter ships."
Vaxur: "Okay, what else?"
Rin: "I'm not good with people."
Vaxur: "Oka-"
Rin: "I'd rather interact with machines. I don't feel the urge to stab them when I'm frustrated."
Vaxur: "... Uh-"
Rin: "I'm gay."
Vaxur: "Okay, what else?"
Rin: "I'm not good with people."
Vaxur: "Oka-"
Rin: "I'd rather interact with machines. I don't feel the urge to stab them when I'm frustrated."
Vaxur: "... Uh-"
Rin: "I'm gay."
overly edgy gun person.
A socially difficult man with an allergy to all things happy or pleasant. Also, that hand puppet of his never shuts up!
A coffee-loving restauranteur who used to make a living torturing people to death. He'd much rather be at home watching Doctor Who with his dogs right now.
Overused anime trope #9001
A witch who will probably get you into trouble.
A cranky kid with daddy issues. Who acts like a spoiled brat.
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