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Jaden Tristonson (played anonymously)

"How uncivilized. Wine. Absinthe. Something with culture. Beer is for simpletons who want to get drunk. Wine is for people who wish to experience their lives with class. To explain it to you in a process you peasants may understand: no. I do not like beer"

"What's your oldest memory?"
"My oldest memory is being with my mother and father as a child. Before the wars tore us apart."

"Do you want children? If so/already have them, what do you want/are they/them to be like?"
nay. that sounds like a very bad idea.

have ye seen the highlands?
Spirit (played anonymously)

I've seen and been a lot of places. Though, it all looks the same nowadays...
Jaden Tristonson (played anonymously)

"Mind asking a question?"

"What do you most regret?"
Vera Crawfield (played by koobler)

"I mostly regret.... Well, don't tell anyone, but I regret not going to look for my folks when they left me. Kinda just stood there--like a rock. But the past is the past."

"If you could get one thing, anything, what would it be?"
Colin Morvach (played anonymously)

"Anything...? Peace. Silence. The Mollies to just die, and all my old buddies to be avenged. After that, I'll die with no regrets. I'd give my life for it. My pals all did..."

"How far is too far? Is there a limit to what you'd give to make your dreams come true?"
Elyssa Afton (played by JoJoApples)

"There is always a limit. You cannot sacrifice other's livelihoods for you're own personal gain. No good will come of it! None! Some people don't understand that sacrificing others happiness to further your own is evil thing to do!"

"If you could say one thing to a lost loved one, what would you say?"
Edda (played by Mori)

"I am doing the best to raise our children, and I hope that some day they will be proud of you and follow in our examples to be upstanding members of the tribe."

"Are there any stories that you hold fondly from your childhood? What did the storytellers always impress upon you when they told them?"
"I do remember this one fairytale that ended up in chopped feet and a somewhat guaranteed marriage? I believe it was the adult version of Cinderella. That story was told by my babysitter whenever I misbehaved and to be frank, that story always made me happy when I related the evil stepsisters to my rivals.."

"Well then.. Person below me, if you had to choose between marrying an insane person and eating your loved ones alive, which would you choose?"
Colin Morvach (played anonymously)

"No loved ones, and screw it, I've been called crazy before. Maybe insane means she's onto something. Hope they'll be sneaky and good in a fight, because I could use some backup."

"Now, would you rather be eaten alive, or buried alive?"
Adelaide Todd (played by Insxmnivc)

Colin Morvach wrote:
"No loved ones, and screw it, I've been called crazy before. Maybe insane means she's onto something. Hope they'll be sneaky and good in a fight, because I could use some backup."

"Now, would you rather be eaten alive, or buried alive?"

"Probably buried alive, that sounds fun."
Lady Liberty (played by Meerstrich)

"Hoi ! You didn't even ask a question ! Y'a lazy light maker !"

"Well, I guess it's for me to ask one ! Would y'a all rather explore a abandoned castle in the middle of nowhere ! Or swiming in the maze of a sunked ship ?"
Tamamo no Mae (played by Miwi_Sama)

When is Matea going to marry Tama?
mekami (played by bashthenerd)

when will Mekami get a reply >.>
What is you favorite plot for a story that you’ve been a part of/wanted to make?
Maxwell (played by Lucretire)

((Note: The following is the opinion of the muse only. The mun does not share the same beliefs or thoughts as the muse does.))

Maxwell gives a sigh in soft exasperation. "Know that I say the following purely to put matters at hand back on track. (That is my job after all.) I strongly suggest answering the questions others have already provided before carelessly doling out even more with no prior responses given beforehand. Simpletons, all of you...

Now, since no one has answered any questions so far, it seems that I must take it upon myself to "clear the queue," so to speak. Thus, I'll go in order:

Odd grey-haired woman who vaguely reminds me of my own superior: I would rather explore the abandoned castle trapped in the middle of nowhere... There's a much higher chance of survival without imminent risk of losing my life by drowning, you see.

Pink haired fox female... ... (She looks... Familiar. No, it's not possible. It can't be the same Spirit that I'm thinking of.): I have no idea who this "Matea" person is, so the best choice I can give is this: look into your own inquiry on your own time with the person you're asking about. Is that all right with you? Moving on...

Boy with the white hair: if your question is, "will I get a reply to the question that I'm asking right now," then you'll have to move on to another question that other people can actually answer. Otherwise, I cannot give you a response to that. I do hope that's understandable.

Now for the last inquiry. ...Hmm. I'll have to let our, uhm, "leader" answer that one in particular..."

((Oh, that's simple! I'm currently in a plotline for a KH roleplay. I've never been in one that's legitimate, so this is quite exciting to me!

Also, I must apologize about my fussy mage muse Maxwell... He's, uh... More than a bit standoffish when he's not slept for days.))

"Pardon me, but I don't take fancy to incompetent souls that don't know how to follow simple directions. However, to ask a question of my own:

...What do you seek in your life other than your main end goal... Whatever that may possibly be to you. Do you seek love? Power? Intellect? Or do you wish for something a bit more... nuanced?"
I seek someone who can be with me to the end, seeing as though I’m probably not going to die anytime soon.

If you had one wish you could use on anything (other than any form of getting more wishes) what would you use it for.
Jake thought for a moment. "That's a hard one. I'd probably ask for a lifetime of our favorite foods for me and my family."

He chuckled, then turned to the next person. "Have you ever encountered something paranormal?"
Fandom Characters (played by KansasVenomoth)

"Oh, absolutely. My work as a priest of Axelia has helped me discover a number of paranormal and supernatural creatures." Cain chuckles. "It's really quite interesting when we come across these people."

"How do you feel about war? Do you feel it is necessary for human evolution, or no?"

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