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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Riba's school for magically gifted (Open)

Riba Finalt wrote:
Ok, so like shooting?

Basically, yes
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

So far we have six players, Two teachers, four students, myself excluded, We are close the lift off.
Twisted (played by PeePeeCheerioz)

Can I join as a student, as my character Twisted?
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

Twisted wrote:
Can I join as a student, as my character Twisted?

Twisted (played by PeePeeCheerioz)

Raven Elise Hall (played by DarkandLight)

Anthony Repez (played by dtwishy)

Hey twisted ur char has a lot of similarities to matt, i think they'll be buds ;D

also is ur guy 74 lbs or 74 kg? 74 lbs seems very underweight
Twisted (played by PeePeeCheerioz)

I don't know, I just wrote down numbers. xD
Anthony Repez (played by dtwishy)

lets say kg because 74kg is about 150-160 lbs hahaha
Twisted (played by PeePeeCheerioz)

k xD
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

We start!

Up in the mountains it's snowing, even freezing a bit. The sky is deepblue and dotted with hundreds of thousands of stars and nebulas. The mountain top is fitted, so it can be used as a ramp, for landing and takeoff by the schools transport system. There the students stand on the way to a grand adventure of magic and wonders. Minor candles around them gives of some heat, as the carriage needs some navigation.

Then the carriage. The wagon was golden and decorated with marble nightingales and peacocks. Hundreds of robins were pulling it, somehow. "Everybody going to Riba's, step on! Put your baggage in the back!" The driver yelled, and the wagons golden door popped open revealing a winered velvet interior.
Ember Quinn (played by Ari_The_Ant)

Ember quickly followed the drivers directions, putting her small bag in the back of the wagon before taking a seat. She tangled and untangled her fingers with each other, trying to distract her mind as she looked around at the scenery.
Raven Elise Hall (played by DarkandLight)

Raven inhaled looking around at all the people. There were a lot and it made here a bit anxious , but trying to shake it off she listened to the voice saying we're to put there luggage. Quickly popping her dark purple duffle bag there , she hopped into the carriage , strangely being carried by robins.
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren got in. She took a seat wherever she could sit. She had mixed feelings. Excited yet nervous happy yet upset. She didn’t know what she should have felt.
Anthony Repez (played by dtwishy)

I woke up this time on a patch of grass not covered by snow. I was lucky. I didn't want to freeze. Where I was now I couldn't make out, however it looked like home a little bit. It seemed I was surrounded by woods and by my guess, I wouldn't want to stay out here long. That's when I heard a man yelling off in the distance. I ran up to him and I was just told to go inside the carriage.

I took a moment to look it over, admiring its elegance. Despite my years as a prince, I have never actually ridden in one of these. I stepped in and took a seat away from everyone else.


I walked up to the carriage. I looked at it for a second, nodded and took my bag and me inside. Upon stepping inside I see a few people. "Hello everyone!" I proceeded to say. Unbeknownst to me, Matt was also on this adventure.
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren saw one guy shout hello to everyone on there. She sighed not knowing any one here.
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

"I encourage you guys to socialize, we have a long trip ahead of us" the driver counted the passengers. " We are missing one, were is Twisted?"
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren looked around. Only one more? Hmm she thought there’d be more than this.

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