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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Riba's school for magically gifted (Open)

Raven Elise Hall (played by DarkandLight)

Raven gasped at the beautiful smell and arctiture of the entire school . " It's magnificent." She mumble Dundee her breath then stepped out of the golden carriage as the driver welcomed them . She spotted many adults who she assumed were teachers and felt her excitement grow, but forced herself to calm down.
Anthony Repez (played by dtwishy)


I stepped out and the air smelled positively delightful. I waved to all the staff, excited to see them. I waited for others to walk out. This place was beautiful.
Arianna waved at all the new additions to the school, excited to watch them grow as students. She waited patiently as she watched the group exit the wagon.
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren walked into the beautiful school. She looked around.
Ember Quinn (played by Ari_The_Ant)

Ember looked around the university, surprised by how beautiful it was. She grabbed her bag and hopped down. ‘Maybe this won’t be as bad as I thought it would be’ she thinks to herself. She glanced at the teachers.
Mathew Hoggens (played by Skykitty)

Hoggens smiled at the newbies. He walked over to introduce himself.”Hello my name is Mathew Hoggens. I’m the vice principal of this school. Call me Mr. Hoggens.” He said smiling.
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

A women stood forth from the teachers, the principal. "Hello childrem, and upcoming master of the magic arts. I am Riba Finalt, the principal of Forthmore university. I am excited to see you grow and develop in the arts of magic. As you see I'm accompanied by my fellow teachers. They will each take a turn, saying their name and the subject they teach. Then you tell us your name and the type of powers that you possess, ok? Great, Let's begin"
Anthony Repez (played by dtwishy)


I woke up out of almost nowhere. Bad dream probably. I shrugged it off and then walked outside. It was different out here. Brighter, more aromatic. I liked this place, I would love to hang out in a tree here all day. I looked around again at the students, none rang a bell except for Anthony. Sure as fire it was him.

"Hi, Anthony. Nice to see you again." I said to him.


I saw Matt walk up. The day got even better. I heard the headmaster wanted our names and powers. I spoke up for the both of us. "I'm Anthony. I have fire powers. This is Matt. I'm not sure wha--.." Matt had cut me off. "Healing" he had said.
Hector Bossuet (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

A gray skinned man stepped forth. "Hello students, I'm Hector Bossuet, the teacher of power control. I am excited to see the adventures we will be going on, for I have planned some" Said Hector with a french accent.
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren sighed and thought of speaking as well.”Hello my name is Ren Kamila and I have plant like powers.” She said smiling.
Ari smiles and takes a half step forward. “Hello students, I am Arianna Matthews,” she bows, “I will teach you Shooting and aiming.” She says, smiling.
Anthony Repez (played by dtwishy)


My face lit up when Hector said something about adventure. This place was going to be ok after all I guess.


Like Matt, I was excited when Arianna started talking about aiming and shooting.
Lucifer Errat (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

A long haired man with his nose in a book stepped forth "Hello, Ich bin Lucifer Errat, your teacher of herbology, und Ich will be ze nurse of ze school. Und if Corro is doesn't show up, Ich might be the teacher of potions too"
Althea (played by Skye1101)

((Could I join? Not as this character though, I’d like to create a new one to use.))
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

((Sure, but are you going to be a teacher or student?))
Raven Elise Hall (played by DarkandLight)

Raven smiled at all the unique teachers , but quickly straighten her face . Assuming she should proably say her name and power she inhaled and replied. " I'm Raven and I can um turn invisible ." She stepped back quickly , it wasn't like she was shy , but she hated talking to other people. Always made the wrong impression or no impression at all so she started to find it worthless.
Alabaster Brandysnap (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

"Why so shy, wee one" A little elf popped up by Raven. "Hello, I am Alabaster Brandysnap, just call me Al." The little elf man reached his hand out.
Althea (played by Skye1101)

((Student if that’s alright with you.))
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

((Sure, the more the merrier))
Raven Elise Hall (played by DarkandLight)

Raven smiled awkwardly and took the short elves hand , shaking it slowly .

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