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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Riba's school for magically gifted (Open)

Corrine Vierra (played by Skye1101)

Corrine shrugged and stepped onto the platform, looking between all the teachers.
Raven Elise Hall (played by DarkandLight)

Raven gasped at the platform that had formed out of thin air. She carefully put a foot on it and gaped fro a minute , then put the next one up and straightened herself. She stood in between Corrine and Lyric warily.
Ember Quinn (played by Ari_The_Ant)

Ember hesitantly stepped on the platform, she gripped the strap on her bag as if it was going to save her if she fell.
Ari hopped on the platform, she had always admired Riba’s magic capabilities.
Corrine Vierra (played by Skye1101)

Corrin gave Raven a small smile and then looked down at the platform, amazed at how easily Riba had produced it.
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren not hesitating stood on the platform.
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

Riba waved her hand around again, and the platform began to float upwards over the city around the school. "This is the town of Asomore, it grew around the school over the course of centuries. Here can you visit in your freetime, feel free to explore the city, but don't damage the place" The platform floats towards the school "Aso were the founder of Forthmore. When he started it were nothing more than a old man performing miracles in a broken shack, but it grew to the most prestigious school of the whole country. It was said, that the man could bring the dead back to life unscathed, create light from shadows, turn reality into a mirror of itself by a flick of his fingers, truly a mighty man. The school is over 4000 thousand years old. Any questions?" The platform landed by the entrance. The main doors were made of mighty steelwood.
Corrine Vierra (played by Skye1101)

Corrine stared in awe at the city below, and at the school. She couldn’t wait to begin exploring it, and she even became a little excited to begin school.
Raven Elise Hall (played by DarkandLight)

Raven listened closely , intrigued by the history. Turning reality into a mirror. Wow. She was dreading meeting new people , but this place seemed pretty amazing. So much magic , and the city was beautiful .
Corrine Vierra (played by Skye1101)

“When do we start classes, and where will we be staying while here?” Corrine spoke up, her gaze flicking back to Riba.
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

"We will start classes tomorrow, tonight you will get to unpack your baggage, which brings me to the second point. You all will be sleeping on the school grounds. You will be seperated into pairs of two, so find a person, that you want to buddy up with. Once you have found a roommate, you will be given a key with a number on it, the number is the number of your dorm."
Corrine Vierra (played by Skye1101)

Corrine nodded. She was excited about starting class, but not about finding a partner.
How do they expect us to choose from a group of people I’ve never met before.
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

"Anything else?"
Raven Elise Hall (played by DarkandLight)

Raven groaned inwardly. She didn't want to pick anyone , and from her personality no one would want to pick her. Or so she hoped. Maybe she'd end up alone. So she carefully stayed silent hoping that that was a option.
Corrine Vierra (played by Skye1101)

Corrine surveyed the group, there was no way anyone here would want to room with her. Her parents didn’t really let her out of their house when she was younger, she couldn’t control her powers then.
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

"If you aren't going to find a partner, then how about we do it for you?"
Corrine Vierra (played by Skye1101)

Corrine slightly raised one eyebrow but didn’t disagree, she thought it’d be easier on people.
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

" Let me see. Ember, you go with Corrine. Raven, you take Ren, Antony goes witt Matt. If Twisted shows up, then he is going to get a roommate, when a new student arrives. So I have decided.". Riba waved her hand and keys wtih numbers on them appeared.

((You just choose the number yourself))
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren has an idea of who she wanted but a guy and a girl sharing a room? They probably wouldn’t allow it. Would they? One way to find out.”Um excuse me. Would it be fine if a girl and guy were roommates?” She asked.
Raven Elise Hall (played by DarkandLight)

Raven nodded. Ren , Corrine , Matt, they were all the same. Besides she'd proably just turn invisible so she wouldn't have to deal with them. Suprised by the magic , as usual, she took the key and smiled.

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