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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Riba's school for magically gifted (Open)

Raven Elise Hall (played by DarkandLight)

Raven rolled her eyes when the teacher said they should socialize. Like that was going to happen. Well maybe the more social people would , but not her. She looked around for a sign of a late student , she had no idea what Twister looked like , but a running person would be a sure enough sign.
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren didn’t want to socialize. She didn’t have a problem with it but she was never a very talkative person.
Ember Quinn (played by Ari_The_Ant)

Ember remained silent. She could tell not many of the other students wanted to socialize. She waved a bit at Anthony not wanting to seem rude.
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren sighed seeing someone wanting to talk. She moved to the chicks seat and smiled at her.”Hello.” She said to her.
Twisted (played by PeePeeCheerioz)

Twisted would run up out of no where, out of breath,
"S-Sorry I'm late..."
Anthony Repez (played by dtwishy)


The silence was getting weird for me. I quickly decided to try and break the ice for everyone. "Are you all excited to be here? Everyone's futures' start right here!" I looked around at everyone and expected a response. Surely they couldn't ALL be shy.


That voice sounded familiar. Could it be Anthony? It sure looked like him. It probably was. I dismissed it for now because I was tired. I decided some sleep would be good during the ride if nobody wanted to talk. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, letting my awareness fall to the haze of slumber.
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

"You better be, we got a tight schedule" the driver sighed "put your baggage in the trunk"
Raven Elise Hall (played by DarkandLight)

Raven watched as a green haired male came running up. Then turned her attention to a Anthony, what he said only grew her nervous. He was right after all this would be her future. But that didn't mean she had to talk to anyone , or make any friends.
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren saw the guy that was supposed to be there get on. She did nothing but watched him. She thought she was drooling all over herself.
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

"Here we go to school" the driver sighed. He pulled out a golden whip, with a bell on the end. The whip crackles, as the man swings it. The robins screeched by the sound of crackling and jingle and began to fly forward. They pulled the carriage, gaining momentum. Then silver swanwings sprung from the side of it. The carriage lifted from the ground and into the sky, above the clouds.
Anthony Repez (played by dtwishy)


I didn't know what to think when the carriage took off. I suppose it was a school for MAGIC and it only made sense. I sat back and enjoyed the ride.
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren flew back decided to go back to her own seat. She sat down in the seat and looked out the window.
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

As the carriage sored through sky, a flock of red ducks flew passed them.
Raven Elise Hall (played by DarkandLight)

She couldn't help herself , Raven gasped when the carriage flew off and starred and the bright birds carrying it. It was truly marvelous . She watched ducks fly by which only grew her more excited , they where flying!
Ember Quinn (played by Ari_The_Ant)

Ember watched as they were lifted off the ground, she tensed a bit, seeing the whip, but quickly shook the feeling as she knew it was for the birds not her. She sighed and watched the ground below them grow farther and farther as they made their way to the school.
Anthony Repez (played by dtwishy)


Red ducks? This is truly a peculiar place after all. Everyone else seems to be in the same state of amazement as I am.
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren smiled as they past over trees and other nature things.
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

The carriage gain more and more momentum, untill a sudden stop. A giant bronze rooster were blocking their passage. "By who's law will you abide, for you to inter these lands?" Asked the giant rooster. "Not god, nor king, only the grand wizards guidance will lead me" Said the driver. The bronze rooster moved out of the way letting the carriage move onward.
Ren Kamila (played by Skykitty)

Ren seeing the giant bird waved at it saying hello. She wasn’t afraid of it.
Riba Finalt (played by Skipbab) Topic Starter

The giant bronze rooster seemed to follow the carriage, escorting it. The golden clouds of the sky splitted as the robins darted through them. Then the rooster stopped in the mids of the air, just hovering there, silently. The carriages dived down, into the sky. When they came out, the air smelled like lavender and cherryblossoms. The sky were babyblue. They had arrived at the town of Asomore, the center of everything magic. Up on a large hill, a castle sat, watching over the valley that Asomore laid in.

Then the golden carriage land on a marble platform, with golden trims. The door popped open. "You have arrived at Riba's university of magic! You can take your baggage from the trunk. And may I be the first to greet you on the adventures you're going on" The driver tipped his tophat. All the teachers and the principal and vice principal were standing on the ground, awaiting the students.

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