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Forums » Smalltalk » The Cat's Meow! - November - CrescentNomad

Hello everyone!

Kitty here, and I would like to welcome you to the first of the series ’The Cat’s Meow’! Let’s see how this goes!

Our first RPR member to gladly accept the interview, is CrescentNomad! A fun and entertaining guy, who has some very detailed characters. He is amazingly committed to his RPing, and is definitely willing to share who he is, as I learned when I went in with my questions!

So, what exactly did I learn?

Kitty: So, Crescent, you have been in the RPing business for a long time. How long have you been on the RPR site?

CrescentNomad: I joined RPR on December of last year, so I am closing in on my first year here!

Glad to have you here still and enjoying it! How did you first find RPR?

On the game which I roleplay on (Furcadia!) I saw the RPR site all of the time. But originally I was using private hosting to upload my sites and the like. When I first made Jihan, I decided to give RPR a try since it looked so interesting. Everything was so easy to use, and the layouts were very neat and clean. Not to mention the community is so outgoing, close knit, and very welcoming. Ever since then I used RPR for all of my character sites and I can't see myself going back!

This place is pretty amazing... Haha. You stated on your profile that you have been RPing for 15 years. Quite a while! Have you taken any long breaks from RPing?

Yes I am quite the antique, I should be put into a museum! XD But yes, I have taken a few breaks from RPing. This is either due to real life obligations, or because at the time my net connection wasn't the most reliable. However I am so addicted to RP as a whole and I doubt I could ever be taken away permanently.

I would have to agree, RPing is probably the best thing ever. Speaking of which, let's talk about that a bit. What is your favorite genre/style of RP?

I am a huge fantasy buff. I love medieval settings, or 17th century settings as well. Low technology is my preference and magic is certainly my favorite. Anything with mystical elements or knights in shining armor has my heart. <3

Do you consider yourself a pretty open minded RPer?

Well like all RPers I have my own specific preferences. There are some character choices that simply aren't for me, but I have nothing specifically against them. But as a whole I do believe I am very open minded to many types, as well as trying new things. Half of the fun of RPing is traveling into unknown territory after all.

I can agree with that! You have a few male characters on the site. Do you play females at all or do you prefer to keep to the male side?

I found this question rather amusing because I've been asked that before. I have tried my hand at RPing females, and I found I was fairly well terrible at it! I think I've only managed three, maybe four, attempts at RPing females and all of them never lasted more than a month. I was never really able to figure out why it was so difficult. Maybe I just lack that spiffy feminine touch! D8

I understand that. I'm not the best at males, but at least we are willing to try it out! Well, out of your characters, do you have a favorite one you like to RP with?

Oh my, that is quite the question! Well in truth it all depends on my mood that particular day. All of my characters have varying personalities that can cater to different moods and desires. Jihan is really fun for when I am feeling mischievous and poetic, where as Lanister is great for when I am feeling extra goofy and silly. But as a whole, I would say I play Jihan on a more average basis than the others. His storyline is quite intriguing and the way he has developed as a character is turning out quite different than I predicted. Thus I am hanging on every RP to see what happens to him next!

How about the RP itself? Are you a short term, long term, or go with the flow type of RPer?

I have to say I am a good mixture of all three. While I am not bothered by short term, I do prefer long term in the end. This ensures forming bonds, character development and potential plots in the future. Where I RP, usually going with the flow is the best option. Sometimes people enter scenes you weren't expecting, which I always find fun. It does tend to change the entire course after that!

Have you ever done a fan-based RP? (i.e. Final Fantasy, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings)

Nay I have never tried that truth be told. This is mostly because I feel like I can't do justice to well known characters or story lines. I also feel that I'd be bogged down to a single type rather than allowing myself to expand like I typically do with all of my creations. It is good for some people but I think I'd just muck it up! LOL

Do you enjoy cake or ice cream more?

I am an ice cream fan! I liked cake when I was a kid but for some reason as I got older cake appealed to me less. But I can grab a slice for a birthday or celebration every now and then. :3

I am probably more a cake person... I can haz cake?

And meow, for the most important question of them all.... What is your favorite type of cat?

I like all types of cats really. I find long haired cats give me a slight allergy, but nothing so extreme I can't pet or play with them. As far as felines in general, I like a lynx quite a bit. I think they're ears are beyond adorable!

There is no wrong answer there! (Unless you would have said you didn't like cats... Haha)

Thank you so much, CrescentNomad, for being a good sport and putting up with my first attempt at an interview! I hope that everyone got to know Crescent just a little better and enjoyed this little segment of 'The Cat's Meow'! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to let me know what those are. If you want to tell Crescent how awesome he is, feel free to reply and do just that!

Thanks again, everyone! And be sure to watch your inbox for an invitation to participate next time!

For now... I think it is time for a nap.";
Awesome! Can't wait to see more of these! :) I've played with Jihan before and he is a pretty cool character, thanks for participating CrescentNomad!
Sanne Moderator

That was very interesting and fun to read! :D Great idea and thing to do, kuroi. I'm looking forward to next month's interview. :3
Thanks for picking me for the interview :3 It was a lot of fun and it seems I found a new RP buddy in the mix as well! Can't wait to read more of these! <3
Awesome interview! Can't wait to see next months! :) Great initiative and idea Kuroi, it's going to be nice to get to learn a bit more about the user behind that avatar. :D
super cool Kitty!
This was awesome! Kudos to the Interviewer and Interviewee. :3
Wow, this is actually a very creative idea! I'm looking forward to seeing more interviews like this :D
Kim Site Admin

Awesome! So glad you have been enjoying the site so much, Crescent. :D Kuroi, I can't wait to see the next one!
I first was uncertain who he was, but then I noticed he's old Samuru and Owlexander from Northkeep, awesome.

Can't wait to see more interviews, this was awesome to read.

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