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Durian (played by Rogue-Scribe) Topic Starter

Being the track was narrow they rode slowly in single file. Durian kept a look back in case they were followed, but it appeared they had made good on their escape. The dim light seemed surreal as they went onward as the forest closed in around them. They reached a point where the bush was so thick nothing could get through, so Durian kept his eyes on Fay's back. Watching her sway upon her horse seemed to make him tingle inside, and seeing her look back on occasion he tried to make sure his eyes caught hers, but he was sure she caught him looking lower. He took a deep breath even as the air in the thick wood grew heavier with dampness.
Phaether (played by LadyOfGondor)

She noticed his eyes traveled lower a few times. She smirked to herself as asked in a rather playful tone "Why do you seem so tense, Durian? We did relieve a lot of stress earlier so I figured you'd be calm." She glanced at him over her shoulder and felt a little tingle inside as she teased him. Something about him made her wish they were still at the inn.
Durian (played by Rogue-Scribe) Topic Starter

Durian re-adjusted himself on his horse as he smiled at Fay.

"I must be calmly tense. We did kind of get interrupted even if much tension was relieved. I haven't properly thanked you for that."

His eyes traced the outline of her body when he decided to turn and look back from where they came. It wasn't so much as he thought they were being followed or taht he heard anything. he just wanted to try and stay alert and not focus too much on Fay's curves. they were already caught out once, and he wished it not to happen again...
Phaether (played by LadyOfGondor)

She laughed and nodded "Yes yes I suppose that's fair and no need for thanks." She smiled at him kindly and continued her journey through the thick bush. She swatted a few tree branches out of her way as she rode down the path.

She caught herself looking back at Durian more often than she wished to admit. Mainly to look at him. He was breath taking to her. She felt her heart throb when she spoke to him. It fluttered and begged her to go and kiss him and be with him. But she couldn't.
Durian (played by Rogue-Scribe) Topic Starter

"Have you been to Rivendell Fay? I know you said you have been to Bree."

He asked as he wondered if she had spent time there. He had at times in his life. But for the war bearing down on the lands, he hoped that would have some time of rest once they arrived. His mind turned to a place he had found in the hills above Rivendell. It was Elladan who first took him there when he was 17 years of age, and the wonderment of it drew him back a few times on his own. He looked at Fay as she pushed through the thickening branches and wondered evermore of this beautiful woman he had met per chance.
Phaether (played by LadyOfGondor)

She nodded and smiled at him ”I have been. Only a few times however but I must say it it probably my favorite place to visit.” she seemed to reminisce about her past visits there and her smile turned more distant as she remembered seeing Lord Elrond for the first time. Asking about her rune.
Durian (played by Rogue-Scribe) Topic Starter

Durian watched Fay as she fell into memories. Maybe it was this trail they were on, enchanted as it led through unseen ways toward Rivendell, that seemed to affect them. The depth of the darkness that closed around them from the thick trees seemed to carry Durian in to a dream state. His horse followed Fay's step for step, and he was in Rivendell walking with Fay, hand-in-hand. She was well travelled for the age she appeared, and Durian wondered how many seasons she has lived. Durian finally gained ahold of his thoughts and said as Fay slowed her horse and looked back,

"I guess those few times you were there, I was not, for my eyes would have caught sight of one so fair as you are."

Durian felt strange inside. He had to admit to himself that he was smitten by Fay, this beautiful woman of Gondor. He took a deep breath as he watched Fay push through a narrow crack in the rocky cliffs that had suddenly appeared before them in the thick forest of large, elder trees.

When the skies seemed to lighten just a bit, it wasn't because the belching fume of Mt Doom subsided, but they had come to a glade of grass. The air was a bit less heavy there, and Durian said,

"Maybe we rest here for a bit and let our horses feed on this rich green grass. And I think I hear a trickle of a spring. We can replenish our water and enjoy but for a moment this place of respite."

Durian drew his horse to a stop and it immediately sniffed the took a mouthful of the tall grass.
Phaether (played by LadyOfGondor)

She smiled and dismounted her horse and let her happily snack on the grass. "Resting here sounds lovely..." She turned to Durian and blushed and quickly looked away. She was just as smitten as he was but she didn't know that he felt the same. Fay acted as if nothing happened and she combed her fingers through her hair in the hopes of hiding the red on her cheeks.

"I'm going to go fill up my canister." She grabbed her little canister for her water and walked towards the sound of the spring and gathered enough water to pour it over her hair and clean it a little after all the leaves that got entangled in her hair from the stray branches
Durian (played by Rogue-Scribe) Topic Starter

Durian sat on his horse as he watched Fay dismount. He was happy she too thought a rest was in order, and he too dismounted. He gave Fay a warm look as she seemed distracted when she looked at him. He gave her a nod as she told him she was going to find the spring. Durian watched her as she walked away, taking in her every move. Durian gave his horse a pat on the nose as it went to join Fay’s horse, to graze calmly.

Durian turned and started walking through the grass toward Fay as she knelt down where the crisp cool clean water bubbled from the ground. He paused a few steps away from her as he watched her scoop water up to let it run over her hair an soak her back. As she combed her fingers through her hair, she turned and look back and saw him, and he came over and knelt down beside her.

”That must be refreshing…”

He said as he looked at her. He reached over and gently pushed a lock of her hair from her cheek, but his hand paused as it felt the softness of her skin. He let his finger brush it again as his eyes held hers. He smiled and said,

Maybe I should do that, for I feel warm all over…”[

Durian turned to the spring and he leaned forward sinking his head under the water. His hair flared out as he turned his head back and forth before pulling his head out flinging water back with his wet hair. The rivulets of water dripped down his face as he sighed, very much awake and cooled.

”You should try that… it is very effective!”

Durian swallowed as he looked at Fay. With the sound of the water as it ran from the pool, its gurgling sound gave way and started to splash not far away over rocks as it fell slightly to a larger pool. The sound seemed to play with Durian’s mind as he looked at Fay, water dripping from his face..
Phaether (played by LadyOfGondor)

Fay gasped from surprise when she saw him then smiled. It was very refreshing. When she knelt down beside him and he brushed her hair back she felt the heat rising in her cheeks. His comment only prompted her to blush more. She bit her lip and looked away hoping to hide it.

When he dunked his head in the water she couldn’t help but laugh. As he popped back up and shook his head she laughed even more and smiled at him. She gazed into his eyes and felt her heartbeat quicken as well as her cheeks redden more if that was even possible.

Fay daringly reached out and placed her hand on his cheek, her thumb gently wiping away a stray drop of water.
Durian (played by Rogue-Scribe) Topic Starter

Durian reached for Fay’s hand with his and held it there against his cheek. Entwining his fingers with hers, he drew closer as he watched her blush, and took her lips to his. Long and slow did he kiss her, even while his other hand scooped up some water and raised up to let it trickle out over their heads. Feeling the water run down their cheeks as they kissed only made Durian not wish to stop. But their lips parted and Durian ran his fingers through Fay’s wet hair.

”Fay…. I cannot deny the feeling you bring inside me…”

Words failed him as he fell into her bright eyes.
Phaether (played by LadyOfGondor)

As the water dripped down as they kissed she shivered and wrapped her arms around him. As they parted she instantly wanted to go back in for more. Much more. She blushed at his words and bit her lip. She knew she felt the same he didn't even have to say much for her to be certain of that.

"Kiss me" was all she said. She figured it would be all she really needed to say to confirm she truly felt the same he was feeling.
Durian (played by Rogue-Scribe) Topic Starter

The wind struggled to rustle the trees in the dim grey, and though they were wet from the spring, there was little chill. Durian felt himself warm all over as he rolled with Fay in his arms. He came to rest on his back as Fay giggled, He looked up and saw her hair hanging down around her face as she looked down at him, and he slipped his hands around her and drew her to him. He whispered to her as they lay siltening to the sound of the water.

"Fay... it strange to find love amid war? Is it wrong of me to want to forgrt all else except being with you? I thought it not possible, but though I have only known you two days, you have somehow reached inside me, and I find myself opening up to you to lay myself bare. I... I think I love you Fay...."

He breathed in the scent of her hair as he kissed her ear...
Phaether (played by LadyOfGondor)

His words, so gentle. So delicate. So true. She felt her heart leap with joy and her cheeks redden. She remained on top of him and she smile and laid her head on his chest. She listened to his steady heartbeat. One she wished and hoped would never stop. Fay gently kissed his chest and laid on top of him. She stayed like this in silence for a few peaceful minutes before she began her response:

”Durian... I wish for nothing more than to be with you. To wake up beside you and see you every morning. No it is not wrong for you to want what you do simply because I want the same. Finding such a strange thing as love during war times is... rather baffling to me. But somehow... somehow we managed. Durian I think I love you too.”

Her voice was soft and delicate as she spoke. She closed her eyes and smiled as she felt completely relaxed and at peace. Nothing could ruin this morning and she sincerely hoped nothing would.
Durian (played by Rogue-Scribe) Topic Starter

Hearing Fay’s sensuous voice say she loved him filled him with joy. He had said those words before what seemed like a lifetime ago, but here now with Fay, lying in this grass holding her, he could feel himself desiring her. He opened his eyes and though her hair covered his face, the feel of its silkyness upon him had him remembering the night before.

“Fay my love, may this never end... this feeling inside me.... what the touch of your skin does to me....”

He kissed her again and he could feel Fay’s intensity start to burn inside her. He wanted her more than ever! But he listened closely remembering what happened at the inn and they being surprised in the midst of their passions lovemaking.

No, that would not happen again. They were lucky to escape the sacking of that ville. The death and destruction around them was heart wrenching as they could do little. But here, they were on a hidden track that was leading them away from the darkness. Durian was on a journey to find his brethren, and this was part of it. What of Fay? She was tasked to go with him to the Black GAte, but there was no time to do that. Now, they trekked to Rivendell. But would not the wise know? He felt no guilt in lingering here, but what of Fay?

Durian's hands gripped Fay's ribs and turned her aside, rolling himself toward her and kissling her tastful lips once again.
Phaether (played by LadyOfGondor)

Fay blushed furiously as he rolled her on her side. She quickly pulled him on top of her and kissed him feverishly and passionately. She listened carefully just as he had as last time they had been interrupted.

She ran her fingers through his hair and drowned out the sounds of nature as she kissed Durian with love and passion. She smiled against his lips and slid her hands along his chest and back.

Her heart was pounding and she felt warm and tingly all over just from his touch. She thought nothing of their journey. She wished to stay with him forever. And for nothing to stop them. She felt selfish thinking that but she didn’t care in the moment.
Durian (played by Rogue-Scribe) Topic Starter

It was easy to lose himself in Fay, and their ever increasing intensity as they kissed and rolled about in the grass had them gasping for breaths. It was a surprise to them both when the horses had come wandering over to sniff at the two entwined bodies. Durin rolled back and Fay fell to her back. Durian said,

”It appears we’re being watched.”

He turned and kissed Fay once more quickly before standing. He took Fay’s hands and she arose from the flattened grass and he gave her a hug as he whispered,

”Come with me. I think it is safe to leave the horses to graze.”

He took Fay’s hand and turned and started to walk toward where the water of the spring flowed over some rocks. Pausing by a ledge, they looked down where the stream cascaded down a short ways in a rocky gorge. He slid his arm around Fay’s hip and as she leaned into him, he kissed her cheek.

”Fay…. Maybe we could…”

His words fell silent as he again looked at Fay.
Phaether (played by LadyOfGondor)

She turned to him and wrapped her arms around his neck “What?” She whispered as she urged him to finish his thought. She gazed into his eyes and bit her lip wanting- no- needing him. She leaned forward and felt his breath on her lips.

She ran her fingers through his hair slowly and practically dared him to make another move. Fay kissed him ever so gently. As if their lips weren’t even touching.
Durian (played by Rogue-Scribe) Topic Starter

Durian slid both his arms around Fay’s waist and held her close as she pressed into him. Her teasing his lips excited him and she had to know it. One of his hands slid up her back and with the other at the small of her back, he pressed her tighter to him and took her lips to his in a rougher passion than before. He had lost his thought, and now was lost in Fay...

... with a gaspjing of breath he slid his lips from Fay's and brushed her cheek with them, He whispered in her ear softly,

"I think I may need to go down and jump in that pool and cool off."

He vaguely pointed to where the water gathered at the bottom of the small falls that sang in their ears....
Phaether (played by LadyOfGondor)

The passion of his kiss made her completely melt in his arms. She was pressed right up against him and shivered as he whispered in her ear. She bit her lip which was red from the intense kiss and said softly

”I think I may just have to join you...” she kissed his neck and with a small smirk she gently bit his earlobe and then kissed his neck once more.

She couldn’t help herself. She wanted him more than anything. She needed his touch. His lips. His passion.

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