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Forums » Forum Games » Corrupt a Wish

Granted, but it can only take you to the death of all life on Planet Earth.

I wish I had a Maschinenpistole Vierzig...Or, MP40, for those of you who aren't German speakers.
Granted, but the gun's barrel is curved back toward the shooter. (Sorry KatayokuNoTenshiVII!)

I wish for this wish to be gone.
Granted, but you are only gone for 5 seconds.

I wish I could understand multiple languages.
Granted, but you can never speak them.

I wish to be able to travel the world.
Amicitia wrote:
Granted. Everything has been taken from you including your free will. You now belong to some Yeerk who controls you.

I wish for an edible potato from the Irish famine.
((Hahahahaha, I lol'd hard at the Animorphs reference))

*Ehem* Anyway, the last wish.

Granted, but you do it as a soldier in the midst of the next world war and witness terrible atrocities.

I wish for a reliable source of income.
Granted, but you earn it from being a corrupt mob boss that is untouchable from both the law and any hit place upon you. You will live a life of loneliness and will develop depression over the years and will die at an old age, sad and alone.

I wish for be good at drawing.
I wish for be good at drawing.

error, incorrect wish formulation, shutting down
oof I messed up

I wish I was better at proofreading.
Granted, but you always end up second guessing yourself with every change.

I wish I could actually be social with people.

Granted, but you end up becoming a lonely, extreme social butterfly, flitting from group to group who doesn't get close to anyone.

I wish winter wasn't so cold!!
Granted, you just melted the icecaps, no more winter.

I wish for a soccerball.
Granted, but it is eternally flat no matter how many times you try to pump it back up.

I wish I never needed to eat, sleep, or breathe to live.
Granted, you're now a mindless zombie under a necromancer's control. Have a nice undeath!

I wish for more wishes.
Granted, now you used your wish to get another wish, leaving you back with one wish.

I wish to be a god.
Granted--you're the god of tiny minutiae and can't help yourself when you start to notice and comment on every tiny thing wrong with what your friends say and do. You become a social pariah for eternity.

I wish for the perfect wish.
Granted, You need to collect all seven dragon balls.

I wish for Half-Life 3
Granted--but you have no console or computer to play it on, and you cannot afford to buy one.

I wish my area got snow more often.
Granted, but it is always blizzards which end up trapping you in your house until the very end.

I wish supernatural beings were real.
Granted, some are hostile and could kill you.

I wish Todd Howard was my senpai.
DiranJiru wrote:
Granted, some are hostile and could kill you.

I wish Todd Howard was my senpai.

(tbh thats actually what I wanted)

Granted, but you don't get to see him much since he is a god.

I wish for Phil Swift to notice me.

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